Paul working for you.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Advisory Boards presentation

Here is the Advisory Board's presentation that they made last night at the Selectmen's meeting. Good work. They recommended that we need to change the "town Coordinator" position to a "town administrator" position - as recommended by THE DOR REPORT-THAT WAS FINALLY EXCEPTED BY THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN. Buuttt here we go again the only one who made a motion to look into this was Julie of course. Soooo why did they vote to except the DOR report if they are not going to take the recommendations. and why won't they listen to the advisory board.(thanks Bev for the update)
 OH yeah and read their full report - they took a lot of time on this - free time - woo boy was I right or what about the conservation agent.
Thanks Advisory Board - woo boy some good work there!
so what now - Pauly


  1. Oh, this is GREAT! Very professional. I'm sure the BOS had no idea how to react to such a professional presentation. I wish I could have been there to see it presented. Wonder what other people got free money during this time period.

  2. Hey did they set a date for the Special Town Meeting. I see that our town clerk was checking in at Echo Hill with Gerry the other day.

  3. I wonder what the DOR would say about the overpayment of the ConCom agent. Isn't the town up for another audit this year?

    1. Later today, the report Mr. Spring presented will be on the blog. It takes someone with more computer skills than I have, I'm afraid. You will find this report is everything Pauly said and more. Pauly knew that what they were doing was wrong. By trying to put Pauly in a bad light, it only gave people a reason to take a second look at what they had been up to. Surprise, surprise, this is only one instance of the abuse these people delivered, under the cover of being trusting servants, to the town. Pauly was right, and they did everything he could to discredit and embarrass him. Thank goodness he would not back down! He knew he was right, and a lot of us believed in him also. !! Bev.

    2. Gee, I had to look twice, the report is included in Paulys report! Dam, its a pain to get old!! Any way, if you did not make the meeting, Virginia looked like she did not know where to put herself. Will never made a issue that it was her dear friend Carol and Her friend JS, that caused this mess! Chris was not very happy with Will's presentation, and I think he would have stopped it it he could. Tough break for Virginia and Chris!! It will come out in the wash just who is working for the tax payers in this town. Chris was pissed when Bart made his statement about the Light Co. I was surprised, I did not know Bart was going to say anything. I know he is very upset about their{light commissioners} behavior. We need to do some house cleaning on the select board. What was Scrappy looking out the window for, when there was a discussion going on?? Waiting for a ride out of town!! With any luck at all, that will happen in May. Chris has made it obvious he is tied to the good old boys at the Light Co. and the Chief on Echo Hill. Don't look to him for any changes in the way things are done, then you won't be disappointed. Virginia likes being a selectmen, but she will need to figure out, she can't play two ends against the middle. She will have to play her hand, sooner or later. If she does not side with the good guys, she can kiss her selectmen's job good bye. It is hard, but people need to put their feelings aside, and do what is right for the town. All of these things will come out of the wash, but it is to bad the town and the people who work for it, will continue to be hurt. My opinion, Bev.

    3. I hope the meeting was taped. I would like to see the presentation as well as the reactions to it. I can see Ginny wants to do a good job as a selectman and I applaud that. I hate to hear that she still gets marching orders from Echo Hill. I don't think I can trust her until she shows she cannot ignore the writing on the wall anymore. I will never forget what she did to Mr. Ritter, however. Hopefully, she will see how wrong that was and that Mr. Ritter is the best thing to happen to Templeton government. Was there any talk about the Special Town Meeting?

  4. Did Scrappy really just ask if there was a 21E done on 252 Baldwinville Road? Does he honestly not remember all the discussion a year ago on this property?

  5. the "passable at 15mph" royalston road was mentioned at bs meeting. it was a "county road" turned over to the town went county gov ended. it is a marked rt, rt68. doesnt that put it under the state?????

  6. Royalston Rd is mostly gravel. Why is it in such bad shape? It is built on the stuff that gets hauled in as the base for highways. It's not an ancient road, built in the '40s? Why in such disrepair?

  7. I'll be writing a blog about the BOS meeting later today. Royalston Rd was a county road with a state number (Rt 68). When county government was abolished, the maintainance of the road reverted to the town...we had no say in it. It just happened.

    To fix and maintain Royalston Rd is expensive. My estimate is about 10 years of Chapter 90 money would be needed to get that road repaired. Point is, I don't think it is Templeton's responsibility to fix that road. It should be the state's responsibility. I'll write more on this later. My school delay is coming to a close.

  8. It would have been nice if the Chair of the BOS THANKED the Advisory Board at the end of their presentation. They have gone above and beyond to try to fix this sinking ship and they need to be thanked. Its the professional thing to do. I'm sorry that his auntie was caught red handed giving extra money to her dear friends. But you cannot ignore facts. And the only thing in the presentation was facts. If he wanted to be BOS Chair so badly, he should have realized that he has to put his personal feelings aside and still conduct business in a professional manner. THe Advisory Board found a leak in the ship and they are giving solutions to plug it up. Simple as that.

  9. Royalston Rd. was beat to death when they hauled gravel during the hey-day of the Big Dig. Those trucks paid taxes to the state. The state took the money, and didn't use it to repair Royalston Rd.

  10. People who sold the gravel made alot of $$ off the big dig to! I to think the state should fix that beat up road.

  11. you mean the previous conservation agent was over paid? how did that happen? how was someone allowed to be paid outside thier pay grade for 2 years with such a competent town coordinator in place at the time? Where was bob columbus and let the people speak inc. when this was happening/ oh yeah trying to cover thier asses while my friend Paul Cosentino sr was trying to get this in the open and corrected, hence the creation of this blog. The best i could get done was to help get the former con com agent paygrade change removed from the warrant at a town meeting, then the so called emergency pay increase for him because the illustrious former town coordinator stated at the May 2010 bos meeting that is a pay rate is not set the town could get sued. He already had a payrate set and he was being overpaid to boot. Coutesy of shaun grimley gerald skelton and carol skelton & company. it is all there in the records and minutes of the con com, personnel board and bos. As for the town coordinator versus town administrator, when I submitted my written proposal for guidelines for the board of selectmen, my wording contained town administrator rather than town coordinator and a few selectmen had problems with that wording. I believe the report was accepted to slow the pressure and public comment about the report. now ignore it as in put it back on the shelf because we accepted it what more do you want from us? justice delayed is justice denied. Public pressure needs to be brought again to demand to look at the report and the suggestions and to act on them one way or another one at a time. First up in my book is town administrator and some requirements in the job description. next is selectmen serve on no other committees boards etc. and go down the list one by one. People should remember they have the power of the purse and they need to keep an eye on budget proposals and the budget vote at town meeting. Will Spring is doing an amazing job on advisory and he does this on his own time and effort because he cares. I hope attendance does not slide at the selectmen meetings, there is more work to do and the more people present keeps the pressure on. Roaylston road is one of those things that we should look to our state rep for help with, perhaps invite her to a selectmen meeting, the election may be over but the work goes on Denise. again, Thank You to Will Spring and the advisory board.
