Sunday, January 6, 2013

Upcoming meetings

Agenda for the Common Improvement 1/9/13 Meeting
Agenda for the Templeton Housing Authority 1/9/13 Meeting
Agenda for the Cemetery Commissioners 1/10/13 Meeting
Agenda for the Templeton Elementary School Building Committee 1/15/13 Meeting


  1. Why the hell couldn't the BOS meet this week to address the DOR mess? Unbelievable!

  2. Because we have no leadership with Mr Stewart. and obviously Scrappy has no clue. and VW probably wants to avoid this whole issue seeing as it was her "dear Friend" and K&P that screwed this all up

    1. Do we know for a fact why the MEMA article appeared as written? Was it the interim temporary town coordinator and K+P? You'd think that K+P would have known that this was not an appropriate appropriation.

  3. So if the DOR is watching this whole situation unfold, they're probably not surprised at how we ended up in this position. The BOS won't even call an emergency meeting!

  4. The BOS, accountant, and treasurer need to finalize numbers before a plan can be made to address the MEMA issue. Can't have a meeting until there is a solution that is acceptable to DOR, which may or may not be ready for the January 14th meeting. There is no solution at the moment, so an emergency meeting would not be productive for this issue.

    Hopefully, there will be enough information to find a solution by the January 14th meeting.

    Tax bills will not be due until May 1st in any case. People may chose to pre-pay their tax bills so they don't hit with a large tax bill due on May 1st.
