Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Light and Water Petition By Pete Farrell

Light and Water Petition
A couple of people that I respect asked that I write a blog on the citizen’s petition to place the control of the light and water department under the control of the Board of Selectmen.
I signed the citizen’s petition because in my mind there is something wrong with the way business is run up on Bridge St. and getting people talking about an issue often brings ideas out into the light of day. It is believed that this petition seeking control of the Light and Water Department by the Board of Selectmen (BOS) has done just that.

I have publicly spoken out as a past Sewer Commissioner that it is my belief Chapter 93 Acts of 2000 was a scam to increase people’s pay and an act of political cronyism. The documentation of that alleged fraudulent affair has been well documented here on Pauly’s Templeton Watch.
When it was alleged that Obstruction of Justice had occurred in the lawsuit involving the WWTP (case 02-2424C) by the Sewer Commissioners by a member of The Light and Water Commission acting in his capacity as Selectmen, it appeared that friends at that department circled the wagons, to protect this member of the Light and Water Commission.
When the Light and Water Commission decided to stop doing the billing for the sewer department it was my belief as Chairman of the Sewer Commission that this was not in the town’s best interest but instead was a retaliatory move for actions involving the obstruction of justice in case 02-2424C and Ch 93 Acts of 2000 brought up by members of the Sewer Commission.
With a new Light and Water Manager another concern came to light involving removing fluoride from the municipal water supply. As the fluoride had been added by way of Town Meeting in 1951 it was surprising to hear our Light and Water Manager say he would not stop the fluoridation even if town meeting voted to do so. When asked to see the legislation allowing him to make such a decision, none was provided.
These are some of the concerns I have had with the Light and Water Department but these are not why I support moving the control of the Light and Water to the Board of Selectmen.
The reason I support moving control of the Light and Water to the Board of Selectmen is because it appears to me that the person still in control of the Light and Water Department resides at The Red Barn. Residents at the Red Barn have been mentioned in another citizen’s petition seeking Special Legislation concerning possible illegal activities in the Town of Templeton. It appears these illegal activities may have been for personal gain.
Until things are sorted out legally with these individuals it may be a “bright idea” to keep town business out in the open where everyone can keep an eye on things.
It is good people are beginning to take an interest in town affairs once again and putting their town before personal gain.
Having the Selectmen in charge of Light and Water, until the legal matter concerning the Red Barn is resolved, on film and in public, so that proceedings are recorded and can be watched by all, is reason enough for me to sign on to this citizen petition.
Pete Farrell


  1. Most of the residents, in our town live with the illusion that "Our Light Company", is working for the benefit of the people who own it. This is very ,very far from the truth. The more that this business is looked at, in comparison to other municipal light companies tells the story. I do have to admit it is hard to read between the lines, but it is just as much about what is not there, as what is there. Sounds confusing at first, but after comparing what we have been given for information, it becomes as clear as a bell. Pete is right, the red barn people are in damage control, big time! The fact that Bubba would enter the office area, during a public meeting, to be with the rest of the boys, tells a big story. We need to have our Municipal Light and Water business to be run by the people who own it, us! Bev.

  2. This is a good description of the petition. Thanks Pete.

    I think that when there is any doubt in municipal government of mishandling of money or power, the best move is to be as transparent as possible with every operation. Seeing that the L&W dept has not been forthcoming with customer questions, open meeting laws, FOIA, and financial information, it breeds suspicion. And as citizens of Templeton, we have every right to question operations in a MUNICIPAL dept. It is not a private company. It is a municipal plant. Therefore, transparency is essential. I'm still confused as to why a previous year's annual report was submitted for the follow year. Was this ever corrected?

    While I do no think the BOS should oversee this dept permanently, I can see that it would be the responsible thing to do at the moment in order to achieve transparency and to better understand financial obligations to the town. I plan on supporting this petition in order to get some answers to long lingering questions.

  3. Some good points Pete that I had not considered. Thanks for the refreshing history on Ch93 Acts of 2000 but would it be possible for Pauly to repost that information? I really enjoy your blog Templeton Times and recommend it to all.

  4. Thank you Pete, very well said. As i collected over 100 signatures the one thing i learned was the people of Templeton are getting overcharged! The rate for electric is the 2nd highest municipal and water can't be far behind. Driscoll says the rates are comparable to other city and towns bills and lower than some but without competesion it should be, unless the plant is not frugal with "our" money. Questions prior to taped meetings were at best unwelcome and sometimes met with negative responce and rudly spoken answers. Sidestepping the questions and deliberatly obtuse answers are all but gone when the video is rolling!Some facts will come out tonight and may or maynot be a surprise to hear as we look to get answers to the questions. A big plus to the petition is in the form of money and believe me it all about money,it makes the world go round. We as C4T members can be proud of the things we stir up at light and water because we are making change happen for Templeton NOW. Even before the petition is filed and on warrant we are all winners and will continue to get more and more results. We are the shareholders and now they know it for sure, not just a few trouble makers and more than enough to change the way they do business. Still no production from the wind turbine and we will find out tonight what it cost us to have something that seems to do nothing and why? Why the pilot is not a negotiable amount and when the town is in need they say thats the towns problem"tough" Dana has a lot to explain for his 16 years and the rates are just the start and has the Managers and the board had Templetons best interests looked out for? "I think not". Themselves i think so. We will be the people that finally got the municipal back in the Templeton light and water and made it work for the people in Templeton. One way or another it our option how we do just that!
    Out with the old ways and start something new, "Control"
    Thanks Pete!
    Join us tonight and help the cause.

    Dave Smart
