Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A blog from Bart B

From a distance things look different than from close up. Such as the operating of the Light Department. Why are the Gods of the light company so determined that they, and only they, can run that department? Why do they condemn concerned citizens, whose only interest is the survival of the town as we know it. Detroit, the great motor city, is now being taken over by the state. This is because they do not have the money to run the city. The same thing could happen here in Templeton. From a distance, the Gods say the current Board of Selectmen are the problem. This is totally false! The mess we are in started with previous boards, and the State Government, which has reduced cash payments to the town by nearly 50%. How is it possible to make that amount of money up?? From a distance the town highway department looks good. Close up?? How is it possible that the salary of the superintendent is less than some workers in the light department? But that is ok, in 2012 the highway dept. had no money to tar cracks in the road. Will 2013 be more of the same? From a distance the Light Dept. looks great. All nice equipment, and the highway has old equipment. Thank the Lord, the highway has good mechanics. The Gods don't tell you they put the turbine in a bad location. Not even General Electric would allow one of theirs to be put there. This wind turbine was bought from a bankrupt company, with a two year garentee, that started before the thing was even put up! Good planning on that one. From a distance the Light Company Gods, think they have done a good job. Have they? Hrom a distance the town looks ok. You be the judge! What will the town look like in twenty years? Is it possible we will not have a police department? Is it possible we will have dirt roads again? With the reduction in state funds, and the refusal of the town to provide additional funds, the above is a real possibility. From close up, this town needs more concerned citizens. The Gods of the Light Company should be concerned citizens! They should be doing back flips in trying to help this town survive. Why are they not?? Pappa Bear.. .   


  1. Good Point! Why are they not doing more for this town? Why does Driscoll say he doesn't work for the town of Templeton, that he works for the L&W dept? What kind of attitude is that and how does he not realize that he is not employed by a private company? Its a publicly owned utility and is required to divulge operating costs to whomever asks.

    1. Driscoll is not alone, the commissioners feel the same way, that is why they need to be replaced with people who run a department that is responsible to the people, and not to them selves alone. When we can not get simple answers out of these guys, you know there is something very wrong. Their refusal to even do something as simple as posting their meetings on the town web site, gives you a clear picture, that they do not want to include tax payer, share holders in any of their business. The thing is, it is our business. This they will learn the hard way. Bev.

    2. This municipality is NOT owned by the town, it's a separate business. There are publicly owned utilities in other parts of this country but not here. This is where the citizens of town are mislead and uneducated.

    3. The selectmen have the right to any paperwork, they ask for. The Light and Water Departments are owned by the taxpayers, like it or not. Bev.
