Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Templeton selectmen split on Light & Water petition

From TGN

TEMPLETON — A citizens petition set to appear on Wednesday’s Special Town Meeting warrant has sparked controversy in town, with residents and elected officials split on its call for the elimination of the Municipal Light and Water Commission.

“I do support the petition and will be speaking toward voting ‘yes’ at town meeting,” said Selectman Julie Farrell.

“There is too much delay in getting necessary information about things that impact our town (such as) water main breaks, a wind turbine audit ... You shouldn’t have to make public record requests for some of this information (and) I don’t believe the organizational structure will change.”

Selectman Virginia Wilder called the petition “absurd.”

“I’m definitely against the petition ... There are not the kind of problems that (the proposal’s supporters) say there are,” she said. “I think it will be a really, really big mistake if this passes.”

The petition asks voters to eliminate the current light and water commission, removing incumbent commissioners from office and authorizing the selectmen to take over their duties.

Supporters argue that the commission is not transparent when it comes to finances and public information.

Resident David Smart, who collected more than 100 signatures and filed the petition, said many customers signed because they are concerned with the town’s high rates compared to other communities in the state.

Commissioners have since responded by saying water rates are on par with other communities in the central part of the state and electric rates in Templeton are currently lower than those of National Grid.

“Our rates will not go down if someone else takes it over,” said Ms. Wilder. “I think they’re doing an awesome job right now and I have no concerns about them at all.”

With regard to transparency, commissioners have said that they give out as much information as possible to customers who ask questions.

“My feeling is that the light and water commissions are doing a good job and doing the job they’ve been voted to do,” said selectmen Chairman Chris Stewart, who is also a commissioner. “I’m against the petition ... I don’t think that we should be interfering in the light and water business.”

Ms. Wilder said she is concerned that the selectmen have not been properly trained to take over the duties of the light and water commission.

“I don’t know anything about running the light and water company,” she said. “Why would I assume that I could take care of it?”

Ms. Farrell said she believes the board is capable of taking over the new responsibilities because there would be enough transitional time to obtain the required knowledge and background.

“If this is passed, it doesn’t automatically take effect the next day,” she said. “It will take around six to eight months for legislation to push it through. In that period of time, the selectmen can make plans and we can meet more than twice a month ... I think it’s work that we can do.”

Ms. Farrell also pointed out that both herself and Mr. Stewart have experience as commissioners.

“I don’t think there’s a great mystery on how to do it,” she said.

If the petition is approved, the town would seek special legislation from the state Legislature.

Selectman Patrick Mullins could not be reached for comment on the matter.

Wednesday’s town meeting begins at 7 p.m. at Narragansett Middle School.


  1. Ha ha ha! The best line is the second to last: "Selectman Patrick Mullins could not be reached for comment on the matter." Interesting the story didn't point out that Stewart may have a conflict of interest in the article passing. He probably shouldn't comment on it either.

    Oh, Ginny! I guess old habits are hard to break. She knows full well there is information not coming from the commissioners as it should, yet she has to stick to party lines.

    1. HeHeHe...how bout it Ginny.....remember the school budget meeting a couple nights ago when you said soemthing about the Selectmen being polled....but not at a public meeting right......where is this polling taking place and is it more than about the school budget...isn't polling outsida public meetin illegal....he he he...are ya polling at the red barn...he he he

  2. The requirement to be a light & water commissioner is the same as a selectmen, be over 18, so you can be a registered voter (to attend and speak at town meeting) and be a resident of Templeton, after all, just what experience did Dana Blais, Julie Farrell or chris Stewart have to be elected. Besides, I thought that was part of the general managers job, to input technical knowledge at the L&W meetings. Ms. Wilder feels she can be a selectmen and help run the entire town but not enough to to help guide the light & water dept. Interesting!

    1. Good old Virginia has her head so far up Mr. Skelton's a--, she does not know right from wrong. This is sad. She more than anyone knows what these people have done to our town! Did you notice that JD is haveig a hard time giving the AVB a detailed budget for the water department. No other AVB had ever asked for a detailed report. Good job will. This will make JD have to work to justify how their money is spent. Bev.

    2. God Bless the Advisory Board!!! At least there's one board that is fully working for the best interest of the town. Driscoll may be able to play game with some of the selectmen. But, he can't pull crap with the Advisory Board. Its their duty to review financial info. And if a dept give them false info or drags their feet providing info, it will not look very good to the DOR or to any other state agency investigating wrong doings in town. He better play nice with the the Advisory Board. They mean business!!!

  3. what is really sad for our town is that all these people in support of the L&W and against the petition are all the same. Skelton, Columbus, Wilder,Mullins have all bullied town employees. and will continue to do so. Blais is just a piece of sh--- that cheats on his wife.

    1. What does cheating have to do with running a commission board? Even if it true it has no relation to our town. Please separate spite from town meetings.

  4. In my opinion the advisory board is the most important board in town. If this board feels that in order to straighten out the finances of the town this petition should pass that is good enough for me. Thank you members of the advisory board.

  5. In regards to Mr. Blais, nobody bats a thousand (nobody is perfect). The problem is we need someone to lead us out of the fiscal mess and if the Advisory Board can not get answers and Mr. Driscol is evasive on many issues a follower which Mr. Blais appears to be, just won't do.

  6. I would like to point out something..if you look back over the past 5 years at what the issues were that everyone has fought over, you will see there was one thing in common: request for information. I can think of five issues right off the top of my head that the people of Templeton were simply asking for information: con com agent salary, municipal building committee paperwork (white binder), water main breaks report, L&W financials regarding PILOT-annual reports-debt-turbine-rates, and veterans services historical data. All of these issues were based on requesting information and coming up against a brick wall. This is not a civil war with 2 different sides fueled by personalities and agendas. It has simply been citizens wanting more information that they're entitled to and being blocked from receiving it. What is appalling is that the people blocking requested information are not being held accountable for their inappropriate behavior. How many times has Jeff Bennett talked about requesting information from the powers that were ony to be given a hassle. How many times has Julie Farrell been denied requested information with L&W, muni building committee, personnel complaints, legal fees, etc. How many times was Bob MItchell given the run around with the dump issue? How many times did town citizens request information and hit a wall? Ask Pauly! He'll tell you an earful. I believe one of the reasons the former town coordinator lost her job was because of her lack of cooperation with providing information.

    People wonder what the driving force is of the Citizens for Templeton. Well, basically they want to see the suggestions made by the DOR (Department of Revenue) in their 2009 report on Templeton operations be enforced. One of those suggestions was to enter into a formal PILOT program with L&W. SImply wanting to see these suggestions implemented does not make a person evil or bad or executing a personal agenda. They only want transparency, accountability and efficiency in their local government. And the state acknowledging the same problems with our local government as they have witnessed, it only proves their mission.

    If the powers that were (and kinda are) were more accommodating with information requests, many of these issues and feuds would never have happened. Their only defense to these numerous instances is to make it personal and attack with fear and intimidation instead of simply providing requested information. The several letters by Skelton, Blais, Edwards, Columbus and the interviews of Wilder and Stewart are proof of this defense.

    And remember tonight when you're sitting there listening to the debate over Article 6, a lot of the spotlight on the L&W dept started with them refusing to post their public meetings on the town website. That is not a wild and crazy request from townspeople. Again, a request for information. Their response? They didn't feel they had to follow the same rules as every other department in town. Now ask yourself, why would a public utility want to prevent the general public from knowing something as simple as when their meetings were being held? Its actions such as this that fueled this article. No one wants the selectmen to oversee these utilities. But, if making this move is the only way to get accountability and cooperation from these departments, then that is what needs to happen. View this move as a responsible, professional move made by our CEOs. Nothing more, nothing less.

    1. But none of our CEOs are neither responsible or professional! No on 6 people! Dont let them run the Light Co into the ground like everything else!

    2. Well written, an excellent rebuttal to all the letters printed in the Gardner Selective News.

    3. You're half right. Chris Stewart, Virginia Wilder and Pat Mullins are not responsible or professional. Hopefully after elections, it will just be Ms. Wilder that you speak of. Julie Farrell and Jeff Bennett are nothing but professional and responsible! They have proven themselves time and time again. As for your claim of "running into the ground" the L&W depts, well I doubt that will happen because the workers at each dept are good and intelligent...its the commissioners (some who have served way too long) that are the issue. And seeing that one selectman has experience as a commissioner, I'm not going to be threatened by your fear tactic.

      Let me ask you, do you agree that citizens have the right to request information from their local government? I would hope your answer is yes. If it is, then you actually agree with the main point of this article. I would stick to the issues instead of trying to cloud them with false fear and misinformation.

    4. Anonymous 8:04 & 8:37 This is very well written, and very true. None of us, the Citizens 4 Templeton went looking for a fight. We went looking for information. We have been fighting to get our town on solid ground. What we encountered was push back, from the Light Commissioners, over simple things like posting meetings, so people would know where they were and when. I told them "If I had to make a by-law, to make it law for them to post their meetings on the town web site I would". This is crazy stuff, we should not have to deal with. The personnel attacks on Julie are only because she is smart, and would not quit asking questions. She did and would not go along with the good old boys, they see her as a threat, as they see all of us who look for answers. The town is a tree trunk. If the branches are not healthy, so goes the town. Through the help of Mr Ritter, we have struggled to get the town on it's financial legs. This is no easy task. Tonight we deal with another "super problem" left over from the Skelton era., the 160,000. dollars we will be short for this year alone. Virginia, Chris and Scrappy all have a conflict of interest, as they are friends and followers of the Skeltons. What they say is coming out of Mr.Skelton's mouth. Stand with us tonight. After all of the things you have read on this blog, you have a clear picture of what is really going on. These are my opinion. Bev.

  7. As a resident of Templeton I am truly embarrassed by this blog and some if the mean spirited and malicious things oeople post!

    1. Well , I guess you have not read the Gardner News? What do you call the things that they have said about Julie. That was not the truth. I will stand by what I have said about the Echo Hill Gang, because what I said is true. There is something very wrong, when you have a town department, that does not work for the town. Bev.

    2. I cannot control and will not control what gets posted on the blog, true or false. Don’t blame me, I’m just giving everyone a place where they can have their free speech. Don't like it - don't read it.

  8. Please excuse my typos above. I meant to say "...some of the mean spirited and malicious things people post! Truly I wish you all would act like mature adults!

    1. If you're embarrassed by this blog, why come here and read it? I'm sorry that people speaking their mind and saying things without being told to by someone else is such a foreign concept to you. If you have an opposing view, by all means share it. Lets see if you can stick to facts and think for yourself without resorting to your script. I find it really funny that you're saying you are not pleased with mean spirited comments by MAKING a mean spirited comment. Oh, my! How entertaining you are!

  9. So the same board of selectmen that failed the town Of Templeton can all of the sudden manage 2 utilities better than their current commisioners and managers? If this passes it will hurt us!

    1. Not as bad as it will, if it does not pass. Every time the light or water dept's need money, they hit the rate payers. How much can these people take? Bev.

  10. "As for your claim of "running into the ground" the L&W depts, well I doubt that will happen because the workers at each dept are good and intelligent." Actually, I have spoken to a few said "workers" and their plan is to leave if this question passes since they know that the truth is...the departments will be run like the town...into a financial mess. Our taxes do not pay the utilities, our utilities bill does...it's separate money and should stay as such. Don't change the only good running thing in town. I'm sorry you're embarrassed by how the money is being run and I'm sorry there were fights on the "play gound"...but fix those fights another way, make new rules so that you can see how the money is being spent. The L&W is a well oiled machine. Just ask anyone that has Grid or NSTAR. Our utility companies are not mismanaging the money, obviously, we have power when we need it, and it's back on faster than any other town I've ever lived in. The silly little fights you people are having should have nothing to do with who takes over the money management...it should be what can we do about how to make these things public knowledge. You sound like a bunch of little kids fighting, honestly.

    1. If the L&W was the only good thing running in town, there would be no customer dissatisfaction with its management. If it is the only good thing running in town, how come they had to be prodded into posting their meetings on the website? They should be proud to have customers attend the meetings and ask questions. If it is the only good thing running in town, how come the same annual report info was submitted two years in a row? This article is not to mix customer payments with town operations. This would ONLY be a temporary measure in order to acquire information that is not currently forthcoming. It would also be to formalize a PILOT agreement, something the DOR suggested in 2009 and is also stated in MGL. Then, a new commission would be appointed, not elected.

      If any L&W employee has the impression that anything would change in their day to day work, then they are sadly misinformed and it is their choice where to work. There's no reason to compare Templeton Municipal L&W Dept to NStar of NGrid as there is no dispute to that. I think the dept operates just fine and will never support selling them. I like my local L&W dept. I do NOT like the commissioners' performance. I think they have served way too long and new people need to be appointed to the commission. If the commission had a better attitude towards their customers and were more forthcoming with requested info, there would be no article 6 in front of us. The attitude of the commissioners that they do not have to cooperate with the rest of the town is what has outraged the citizens. And by saying that the L&W dept is the best run operation in town is a perfect example of that attitude. This isn't a competition. People are trying to fix the financial situation of Templeton and to do that, there needs to be information sharing between the town and the L&W dept. Why was there no report on the water main breaks ever given? Can you answer that? The thing is, if Templeton doesn't get their finances in order, the state will take over the town. And if that happens, the state will look at selling off any assets the town holds. That would include the L&W dept. Then you'll hear talk about selling to NStar and NGrid. So, if people want to protect their L&W dept, they should urge the management to cooperate with Templeton officials--especially the Advisory Board and other financial officials. Be more accommodating of concerned customers' questions and requests for information. At least appear to understand that their dept is part of the town, not above it. If Templeton is taken over by the state, L&W go down with the town as well.

    2. If the L&W was the best run dept in town, you'd think they would be more than happy to show their financial information as proof of a good job. The fact that they refuse to do so makes them look as if they're hiding something. The attitude of the commissioners needs to change. Since you can't teach old dogs new tricks, I don't see that happening. Time to get to the heart of the issue. Time for the information of operations to be shared with the public. Now I understand why the powers that were were so determined not to accept the DOR report. They didn't want people knowing about exactly how much they mishandled town finances and they didn't want the L&W changed in any way. I wonder why? Does the accounting match up? Hmmm...

  11. There's more beauty in truth, even if it is a dreadful beauty.

    Accountability = Truth

    Even if it is a dreadful truth

  12. One would only have to sit in on one Light and Water meeting to see why we so badly need this change. If you were treated the way i have been you would get it!
    No playing by me, i will gladly with your vote for selectmen take over the oversight that the commission doesn't do now! In 9 months we can have that done.
    Attend the meeting tonight, here the facts and vote your open mind after the debate. It's your responsibility. I look forward to your open mind and honest unbribed opinion after that! Your bills are to high, thats why they just lowered them.
    Dave Smart Candidate for Templeton Selectmen

  13. A good candidate would know that it is hear and not here....and too and not to...seriously? Spell check doesn't show those mistakes, does it? Come on!

    1. Once again, trying to deflect from the real issues. This is a blog, not a newspaper article or report. Blogs are where people can talk (write) in the heat of a thought. At least people share their original thoughts (misspellings and all) here with passion. I'd prefer that over reading the same script (probably written by K&P) over and over again from a robotic follower.

    2. Actually, I have never been on this blog before and have never commented besides these two times. I expect a candidate to be well spoken and well written. It reflects on his education, which is indeed a real issue. Well, to me. I have no problem using correct grammar in my comments. You have gone off on the tangent, not I.

    3. Different strokes for different folks. Maybe you should read more posts on the blog and see how pretty much everyone makes grammatical errors, even the college educated ones. It is no indication of their intelligence. You can choose your candidates however you want as I plan to do. I tend to choose mine based on a person's integrity, sincerity, honesty, and how they stand on certain issues. There are a lot of people out there that may know how to spell very well but are horrible people with personal agendas to push through. I'm looking for candidates that hear the people and their concerns and are also concerned with the financial standing of Templeton over anything else. I'm looking for people that will unite feuding factions, not fuel the fight. I'm looking for new faces on the BOS in order to help the town evolve. If you take the time to read more posts on this blog, you will see the majority of people feel the same. I don't agree with everything written here. I do not like personal comments about individuals. I'm more concerned with facts and figures and people's behavior when acting in an official manner. But, seeing that this blog is open for anyone to post, there will always be some people who say things that may not be right. I may not agree with you, but I do appreciate you engaging in the conversation.

    4. If you had to be a college graduate to run for office, the town would be in real trouble. It does not take a college degree to know the difference between right and wrong. A good candidate runs for the job, because he cares for the town. You can not teach ethics. You either have them or you don't. I know men and women that run successful businesses, that have problems spelling, so what! Look who we have in office now! There can be improvements, no matter where you go. Just give me someone that is honest. I will take them any day. Bev.

  14. What ever the out come of the vote tonight this town will still be split until some of the people grow up.

    1. THESE people want to make the town a better place.

      THOSE people want to continue digging this town into a hole and also have a LOT of "activity" they do not want the townspeople to find out about.

    2. Where's the audit for the non-functioning wind turbine

    3. Do you need tissues?

  15. The people of Templeton have spoken.. quite loudly! Isn't it great to live in the United States of America where we have a democratic process.

    1. The democratic process will result in less secrecy, greater transparency and more consideration of the taxpayers of Templeton.

  16. great meeting! People know the true character of those in templeton

    1. And what would that be. Bend over and keep taking it up the ass. There are many uninformed people thinking the town is in great shape. Sad

  17. absoulutely!!!! Templeton has made a statement.. go away julie farrell templeton would be better without you...

    1. ???????????????Look where the town got WITHOUT Julie, you are really out of touch with reality. Without Julie watching the money in town Skelton would have taken more. Him and his colony of maggots are not wanted no more.

    2. Those maggots crawled all over the rotten meat last night! You people are tge ones out of touch. You supported a BS petition that lost BIG TIME! Now stop crying like a little baby (Dave Smart) and except the fact that the town does not support negative BS! Just STOP! Its over!

  18. Ohhhhhh yea!!! templeton watch was out last night! the people have spoken. Now go away. Go away Julie Farrell templeton needs to take out the trash!

  19. Templeton has spoken! I love America! finally some justice for farrell and her puppets.... Go away Farrell templeton will be a better place

  20. not wanted no more??????? that's exactly what templeton needs! hahahahahha idiot's

  21. I am neither a Skelton Puppet nor a Farrell Puppet. I voted no at the town meeting only because I do not think we have a good Board of selectmen. I like Mr Stewart but I have my doubts about Mr. Mullins. I won't comment on the rest. I do not agree with Mrs. Farrell at times this was one of them. But I do not like Mr. Skelton I believe he is a bully, many of us will never forget what he and Mr. Columbus did to our beloved Doreen Noble.

  22. Dear Anonymous 8:43 PM, you and your brother are idiots. "Idiot's" refers to your IQ, which would appear to be about 75. As in "That idiot's IQ is 75".

  23. Dear Anonymous 9:38 Templeton has spoken Go away we don't want you no more!! to use your words.... take out the trash! time..i think the town meeting says it all.hahahhahah Loser!!!!!!!!!!

  24. what about the flouride???? da bombs in the building on 9/11. it was a setup! sure it was..hey farrell's persecute the federal government. let me know how that goes for you. kookoo for cocoa puffs!!!

  25. How come I can not find Mr or Ms in the Templeton phone book?

  26. you would have to be able to read

  27. Wow 4 posted comments in a row! I'm impressed. Gloat all you want but the flushing started when the chair put the first commissioner/chairman lies on the tv at the BOS meeting!
    Can't hide that statement and would think another "I'm sorry" Dave will not nave to be asked for. Infulence from the chairman is i think a no.no.? Especially when its a lie!
    People can make up their own minds and vote their votes. But when they get lied to as the recall did too. People tend to wake up quick when tricked.A chairman should never use his position to influence a vote!
    He had no business calling names or saying things false about the petition,It amounted to you will all lose your jobs!
    The meeting being run and shut down without any rebutles.
    usually the opening gets to talk a 2nd time and the chance to refute things said by the oposition? Now we know it's 6 minutes or less and only one time means get up last! I sat up there before edwards did but he got to speak and motion 1st!
    I'm a quick learner!
    Dave Smart

  28. seems like dave needs a tissue. it will be ok dave don't cry sponge bob will be on soon.. take a nap and you will feel better.

  29. O.K. 533 up now and working on letter to editor, next one to ethics. Turn in papers for L+W commissioner. Hope to have your votes!
