Wednesday, March 6, 2013




  1. We will do our best tonight. It is really important that we educate the people, who are still in the dark. The truth will hold its own, it always does. Bev.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. yea thanks kirk ,i guess that didnt go so wee

  3. The democratic process at its best! The people of Templeton have spoken!!! Quite loudly in fact!

  4. No that is ANOTHER LIE, it was a hand count so there was no noise.
    I will tell you it is not just the commissioners who are arrogant and rude over there, I was sitting in front of most of the employees and what a bunch of rude self centered people they are, Of course, they were afraid to lose their clothing allowance if it passed.

    1. I was speaking metaphorically. I guess you missed that. A metaphor is a figure of speech. My statement of the town speaking "loudly" was not meant to be taken literally. I guess I am a liar and I thought I was just being eloquent.,

  5. Sean Hamilton, the one who does not pay his bills, The Liar, YEAH he's a credible guy.

  6. you guys better watch out Ecohill gaining steam .prepare to get run over in may !!!!!

  7. It seem the copy of my opening statement evaporated, talking from the top of my head was the tragic end of the article. The statement will be posted and let the comments fly. I hold my head up like yesterday and look forward to the next L+W meeting to be able to thank them for all the good that has come out of our involvement there! wWe gained very useful information from the gardner news. I'll start by saying your welcome Tempeton!
    You don't know it yet but after your laught is over and the reality sets in you will recieve a reduction on your bill and get money from our effort. A new website to view. Also a chance to say great job to the moderator, Thank you Dave I appreciated your services!
    Sorry Team this one is on me! Thanks Bev!
    I guess Judy was right.
    Dave Smart

    1. Dave - you did just fine, speaking last night. The arguments in favor of the petition were made as well as they could be. I don't think anyone's mind was swayed by the arguments against. People came with their minds already set.

      Already, a reduction in the customer fee. Next bill is promised to be at a rate lower than National Grid, which would be an improvement. The petition did not pass, but that doesn't mean it did no good. I think it did plenty of good.

    2. I agree Dave, you did a good job and they are listening to the taxpayers now. My question is where did all those people come from and where are they at other Town Meetings

    3. I just got my light bill....~$63 and ~$58 with discount! I have no complaints....I wish all my utilities gave discount date1

  8. Maybe the steamroller will roll over the town in May. But be prepared for a battle. Game on!

    Could be a little matter of an investigation into 252 Baldwinville Rd...$700,000 boondoggle, signing a contract for close a million dollars when $550,000 was voted. Chapter 93 Acts of 2000 debt, debt, debt... Water main breaks an "insurmountable problem"...why return money to Casella? Without a town meeting vote? That department is flat broke, but still they give out raises??

    Wind turbine? What wind turbine?

    Thank you to both Daves
    Dave Smart for standing by his beliefs and Dave B for running a good meeting.

  9. Bahahahahahahaha. 10 to 300! The people have spoken! Now crawl into your cave and shut the f@@k up!

    1. I would not rely on those numbers, That cockroach little Stevie Brehio was the counter and we all know what a dumb f@@k he is

  10. Don't count on it. Still time to submit articles for the ATM. What a good idea!

  11. Anono- 1017 you sound like a sheep headed to a red barn!
    laught all you want just remember one thing. We all make the bed we will lay in , The ones that have a spine will sign!
    Guess thats not you, We won't miss you after the slaughter at the red barn!
