Sunday, March 24, 2013

an another

found a comment that I thought was worth reposting from a July 18th 2012 blog

Yes, it would appear that this dangerous costly "game of chess" that these nasty (not good) ole boys are playing runs very long & deep! I do not know the town manager of Winchendon but from what I have seen & heard from residents that live there he is no better that our previous "gang" leaders here. So, in my opinion, there must be something more that does not meet the eye for him to let the thieves off so easily. After looking at his HUGE salary & pension (in my opinion, another form, albeit it deemed legal, of theft from the taxpayers)& all the expensive projects & fees he has thrust on that town,
I would say he went to the same "school" for the "game of chess" that GS & regime went to. Why would he want to cast scrutiny on the pension system there or anything else, for that matter, when possibly he might be linked to others that bloggers have mentioned previously. These unscrupulous "leaders" have gone unchecked for so long that they are deeply rooted with other questionable politicians, lawyers, judges, etc. I am not saying they have done anything wrong under "their" laws but, seems to me that they are trying to hide something on a much bigger scale. Much like we have seen here. These are all my thoughts & opinions only. None of my blogs are accusing anyone of anything. They are merely adding a further reference for possible outside investigation. But, then again, knowing how Pauly's repeated requests to get Templeton wrongdoings investigated & having been ignored in the process, it makes me wonder if there are any reliable, ethical, trustworthy authorities left to go to? Seems the only ones we can completely trust these days are puppies, like the adorable ones in the photos that we were blessed to see today. Have a great day everyone!

PS "Obstruction of Justice"


  1. "The love of money is the root of all evil." When you see this "Love of money" in an individual or politician you know where the motivation comes from and it is not people based.

  2. Maybe you all should try to take over running Winchendon. I think we should look at Hubbardston, Westminster, and Gardner too. You can run all of northern Worcester County. The world would be a better place!

  3. Inch by inch it's a cinch, yard by yard it's hard. Looks like Templeton has a long way to go before a perfect world is in view.

  4. To a 721... I am a person of upper middle class means. My wife an i have great careers that can afford us some of the nicer things. I do not think i am evil because i work all the overtime i can get so my children can go to college or so we can take vacations as a family. I dont think that because people want an override means they dont think of the struggles of many during these uncertain times. We need more money and that is the bottom line! I am not evil! I am a hard working family person that only wants the best for me and my family! If thats a crime YOU my friend are out of touch!

    1. Well said! People are losing touch with the fact that some people can afford more. You are far from evil for wanting the best for your family. You have just put yourself in a better situation than many due to hard work. Templeton isn't a little hamlet any more. Time for the people to grow with the times instead of going backwards to horse drawn carriages.

    2. I believe the quote above from anon 7:21 is from the Bible. I agree with that quote "The love of money is the root of all evil". I read the book Billions for the Bankers and Debt for the People by J.L. Flinchpaugh Publishing Company and think the kind of "love of money" that is being discussed is on a much grander scale, than the common guys like us.

  5. Upper middle class people don't get paid for OT.

    1. It was always my understanding that the middle class was the class that created jobs and was not based on income. If you run your own business and employ yourself and or others you are middle class. If you work for a corporation or the government even if you make lots of money I do not believe you are middle class. Communism is at war with the middle class. Anybody else see it this way?

  6. Templeton is a very nice place to live and raise children. When i was a child and attending narragansett, the overcrowding was addressed with portable rooms. The money for a new school was not to be had!
    The times we are in now are the same and till pay and revenues climb,were stuck with what we have. The elderly have paid longer then the rest of us and for them to be asked to give to a cause they have put in the most to is unfair. Move here and want,want,want all you want but just remember who got us this far. It probably wasn't you. People sell the houses in the metro regions and move here to want,want,want. Truth is it's what we make it,not what you want it to be.Most who want don't go to meetings and if they did would know why we have the money problems we do!
    Dave Smart


  8. What is the latest petition going to cost? Is it ever going to end in
    Templeton. People with these petitions should be paying their own
    Legal. The tax payer seems to get the bill for all the crap that is going
    On.also the personal bull _ _ _ t needs to end now.

    1. If the TMLWP commissioners were doing their job and overseeing the mananger, the ratepayers wouldn't be picking up the tab for $10,000 in legal costs on a Citizen Petition.

      There is no accountability at TMLWP management. Ratepayers get stuck with the bills

  9. Now that you have vented!
    I just took a little trip to the clerk and our TMLWP to drop off a special package for the commission chairman.
    Some may think the petition was a waste of money and thats only their opinion. We all are entitled to opine.The most important thing in Templeton is safety. It's behind all of the resaons for the petition and people will see this sooner and not later,Those who sign has their opinions shine. Step up anonymous and show your spines! Help Templeton out of this mess,Don't hide behind it. Come to the meetings and see first hand what we need to do.
    Dave Smart

  10. Question for you Dave come we have people living in town for 4 or more
    Years and there vehicles are register in Montana they are using the roadways
    But do not pay excise to the town of Templeton. This is nothing negative toward you
    Dave and please just take it as I want to know where my vote will go.thanks again
    Just to let you know when you state venting that is in a negative direction becareful
    That you may get an agenda! Also it is my blog right to be anonymous if that wasn't the rule Paulys blot would be pretty boring.

  11. As i wrote venting it was directed towards the bull---t.
    no agenda or anything personal. As far as the registrations the police can enforce that with a licence renewal check issue. If they work/visit here and there also its legal.The real scam is to live here and register in NH.Turn in the ones you know of,landloards know who they are. It's always about the money in the end!
    They must be a licenced mass driver to reg in mass?
    "cuff em" Dave
