Sunday, March 24, 2013

wanted to share this again

hey folks as I was organizing the older blogs (I now have 10 big binders of blogs) I came across this poem that was on the blog back in July. - hmm the thought of blueberries does it make you think of summer or how much J Skelton screwed this town.

Here it is

VW Spotting 1pm Echo Hill Farm
The blueberries are ripe, there was no time to waste.
VW hopped in her car, and sped to Echo Hill with haste.

There was Carol, and Jerry, and all of their treasures,
Selling junk to townspeople, their greatest pleasure!
With a Board meeting Monday, how should she vote? What should she say?
“You know the drill Virginia, we’ll write you a script, it’s easier that way.”
“Please have some berries, they’re fresh and they’re sweet.
They’ll make wonderful kool-aid, our Echo Hill treat!”
So she popped a few berries, and then she ate a few more.
They WERE quite good, even better than those at the country store.
And then Carol smiled, “you still have to pay Virginia, for I do not lend.
These berries are not free, not even for you, my dear friend.”



    1. Sorry A7:21 The truth does not hurt any ones charactor!! What is the truth is the truth, no matter how you slice it. My opinion, Bev.

  2. So Bev, are you saying that is what was actually said? How do you know?

  3. one must have charactor,Prior to defame
