Sunday, March 24, 2013

Meat raffle Friday, March 22

I made it a point to go to the meat raffle for Gilman Waite at the Legion, it's a shame that more people didn't show up. What happened? We won a lot of stuff, I had planned to spend $100 and we did. I guess Gilman Waite is another thing that will go by the wayside, if we don't keep a close watch on that place. Once the wrong people take charge of Gilman Waite it will be all over. Look what happened (and still is) to our town. Tom Miller, Joy Taintor, and Chris Stewart, and a lot of other people, who I'm sorry I don't know their names, were involved and did a good job for the raffle. Does anyone know how many people showed up? Not counting the workers-the general audience. In my opinion, they should have been twice as many ticket buyers, but that's the way it goes. Right?

People here in Templeton are broke and the tax rate has not been set how come VW? When I gas up at Huhtala’s it  usually costs me about $70. I see people only buying $10 worth of gas, that's less than 3 gallons, that won't go far, in cold weather. If things go wrong at the elections the taxpayers can plan on the $270 per year tax increase. Can you afford it? The people that push the overrides and pay increases usually have a full wallet and can afford to dish out $.75 per day. 95% of the taxpayers can't. Have you people checked with the tax collector on who does not pay their fair share of taxes? Has anyone checked with treasurer to find out who is most delinquent taxpayer other than American tissue Mills. That’s the reasons the town is broke and it is never going to get any better. And as far as services go, look around and judge for yourself what is needed and what we can live without. Look at some of the illegal deeds that were pulled in town with our tax money. It will make you look at the tax rate more closely. I don't expect this will end, but it can be slowed down to an honest  system. Be careful who you vote for on April 30th, "Remember, history that is forgotten is doomed to repeat itself!" Don't forget, ask questions now not when you get your tax bills, if you have a question for any board or committee put it on paper and send it or give it to me and I'll ask questions for anyone. It's okay to remain anonymous but if it's not the truth I don't want to be involved.

Thanks for reading my opinions, Pauly

PS Hey Tom Royer when is candidates night? So I can have a pre-commitment appointment, hee hee hee, I want to be there when the bombshell questions are asked each candidate. It will sure make a couple of candidates quiver and possibly vacate the premises. Honesty will prevail!

Current selectman Julie Farrell (with Pete) Selectman Candidates Doug Morrison (taking the pic)(with wife Dianna) and myself,  L&W commissioner candidate Dave Smart along with Wil & Carolyn Spring and others supporting Gilman Waite

Hope you all also supported the food pantry, this helps our neighbors in need - if you didn't get a chance to stop by the Memorial church on Saturday you can drop by the Food Pantry on Tuesday's or Thursday's when they are open.


  1. People don't go to things like the meat raffle if they do not have the money to spare. This has been a rough winter for a lot of people in this town. It does not help that winter will not go away, and stay gone!! Bev.

  2. What about the people that do have money and want the override? These are not bad people nor out of touch! I hope it goes through for a better Templeton! People deserve it!

  3. What override ? How much is it for ? I for one am broke . The long winter , the price of gas , insurance , food ,kids needs , etc. Im sorry i have no more to give . This economy SUCKS and the State and Federal people dont have a F--kin clue whats going on in the real world . VOTE NO FOR EVERYTHING!!!!

  4. I think when you ask for an overide your asking for a weeks pay for the average person. After taxes and all the increases in costs of the households, where will it come from. Where will it go to, how long will it last and did it get the job done? The question will need answers prior to it passing. When the raises at the L+W are close to 15% i guess they can afford to pay more while the rest of the town workers get short hours and layoffs, I would say that is not fairness to the town of Templeton employees at all!
    With almost 10k spent to lawyers on my petition and nothing to show for it, our own money is being spent against us time and time again! It's time to talk to the out of control commission and get some answers for this money they spent.What government do "they" think they run?
    Dave Smart

  5. 8.17 totally agree..i made 10g less last year from the bad economy bills are the same and no raise in the past 5 years ..but still have to pay sports fees for my two girls ..when is enough is enough ...mike c

    1. I think I read on this blog that if all of the over rides pass, it will cost the average tax payer 250.00 more a year. A over ride stays for ever. If it was a debt exclusion, it would only be for a year, then go away. Bev.

  6. So Bev, that would be $2.50 a week for You and Bart each ?
