Monday, March 4, 2013

Confused about water staying under commission

Confused about water staying under commission

Now I have never said Gerald Skelton was stupid or unorganized but after reading his letter to the editor, I am a little confused. First, thanks for the history lesson on Templeton water, but I don't believe that is the point of the Citizens petition for the upcoming STM in Templeton. I believe the point is to abolish the present ight & water commissioners and place the responsibility with the BOS. Now believe me when I say I am infoavor of this article but I only want and see this as a temporary stop gap measure. I would like an appointed light board as soon as feasible. back to my confusion, no one has said that the water dept. workers are unqualified and no one has said the linemen are not good and no one has even said the office personnel are bad. The citizens petition is about the commission and the general manager. To my knowledge, no one on the commission is a licensed water operator so why make a statement at the end of his letter that the water dept personnel have the eperience, expertise and licenses to run the dept so they should stay under the commission. The petition does not fire any of the water dept people, nor the electric light dept people. That statement almost sounds like a distraction meant to take your eye off the ball. Once again, the citizens petition brought forward by regular folks and not puppets is about abolishing (firing) the light & water commissioners, period. As for puppets, I recall the the gatherings at echo hill with bob columbus, virginia wilder, breakfast at the turtle with gerald and patrick mullins and the circus that was the BOS meetings for a few months, now that was a puppet show and I should know, I had a front row seat at the big table.
So as i remember the former chairman of the now defunct muni building committee that went about telling folks that 252 baldwinville road as a town hall was going to be cheaper than what we were paying for all the individual buildings we still have, I remember seeing numbers from the town treaurer's office that contradicted those claims. Actual amounts paid over a five year average was $145,000.00 per year and 252 was going to be as I recall about $198,000.00 per year and that is fine, as long as you are honest with folks and tell them the price for "one stop shopping" will cost you about $50,000.00 more per year for the convienience. Be honest and upfront and let people decide with good information. So perhaps that is what is up with that last line, make it appear the water deptpeople are going to be canned if the petition passes. That would be a big fat lie. The citizens petition is only about the commission and hopefully one other thing that will happen if it passes is the selectmen will create a formal PILOT agreement as was recommended byt the DOR a few years back. While Mr. Skelton's letter was factual and a good history lesson on Templeton water, it really has nothing to do with the petition issue. The question is do the residents of Templeton want and trust the present light & water commissioners or do they wish a change. I personally feel Mr. Skelton had his say about how things ran in Templeton for a good while and I do not feel Templeton made out in any way in that time period so I do not feel Templeton residents should put much stock or faith in Mr. Skelton's plea now. He had his say in the past and now it is time for the voters to have their say. It is after all their town and their light dept. It is the Templeton Light & water and voters should have the information they ask for and if they are refused then they have a right to fire their employees who seem to refuse to work for them. Remember this petition was signed by over 100 town residents and now they get to vote on it. It was not brought forward by selectmen, although it is supported by two of them (selectmen). Please believe me when I say, this petition is about the people of Templeton gaining an opportunity for some financial equity, to have the law followed and to have the information about their business available to them in an open and timely fashion. This is not about over there or over here, this is about Templeton (or it should be) Kind of bothered me when Mr. Blais wrote "we do things right over here" as if everyone else in Templeton does things wrong. I wonder if Mr. Blais felt that way about the muni building committee, were they doing things wrong or right? Please take the time to read the informaation, ask questions and please take time to attend the STM and have your one way or the other. I will respect your vote but I want you to take the time to do it. If you take time to read this, thank you and thank you to all for the support shown while I am here in Afghanistan, it is very much appreciated, which is pretty good pay for doing something I really enjoy, being your selectmen for as long as you will have me. Thank You

Jeffrey Bennett


  1. I see voting for this petition because it is a good initial step in forming a DPW. DPW can be whatever you want them to be, but the idea is sharing costs between departments. Two of the current selectmen have Light and Water Commission experience but Mr. Edwards is very knowledgeable on the electrical side of this equation. Mr Blais is difficult to get along with at times and seems to have to have Gerry do his thinking. Should be an interesting night. Thanks for staying involved Jeff.

  2. I recall Mr Skelton (as Chairman of the BOS) ridiculing the DOR and their report when the DOR came to the selectmen's meeting. and just a note Jeff, looks like they was a meeting at echo hill today. and of course Virginia was there. Anyone know if Mullins was there. they must be plotting for Wednesday's Special Town Meeting. Isn't it nice to know that Virginia and Mullins are not doing the job we elected them to do - work for the people ! What a joke they are more loyal to Jerry Skelton than to the people of this town.

  3. After having read Mr. Skelton's article in TGN and often finding that some of his facts, are not, I quickly went to my 1999 Annual town report. On the cover of the report in question are Stanley Dymek and Mike Kwasny. Mr. Kwasny according to the report died in February of 1999 and Mr. Dymek passed away in October of the same year. If memory serves me correctly Mr. Hamilton ran for Mr. Kwasny's seat in that May election and Mr. Edwards filled in for Mr. Dymek later on. My point is that I don't remember Mr. Dymek making those statements at that Annual Town meeting and believe instead it was Mr. Blais. Is this way off base? I often find myself questioning everything Mr. Skelton says and probably need to become more trusting.

    1. Mr. Skelton is trying to keep his people where he wants them. I think he is afraid of what we will find when we get a hold of the books. In private industry, if a department is loosing money, management usually looks at the department to see where changes can be made to be more efficient. Not here, just pass the increase on to the rate payer. How much can people afford to keep paying out, with the cost of gas, and oil at a all time high. It does not seem to me, that any of our commissioners give a dam about the people in the town. That is just so wrong!! We can not let this attitude stand. Things will only get worse, not better. Mr. Skelton can only brag about what happened years ago. It has been all down hill, since he took over. Most of his projects have been a failure, and put the town in debt deeper, and deeper. Support the petition, we will find good people to work for you, and the rest of the people in town. This is my opinion, Bev.

    2. Bev, I beg to disagree with your statement that all of GS's projects have been failures.
      He was extremely successful at padding his own salary and pension. He is smarter than you give him credit for. LMAO :((

    3. once again, in my opinion, "mr. skelton" as he is refered to here, is a pox on the town !!!!!! the worst thing that ever happened to templeton !!!!!! "we", people who actually care for the good of the town need to be vigelent and in the up comming election seek to vote for people who wish to do "FOR" us , not "TOO" us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I hope answers supported with facts and figures are forthcoming at the STM regarding the useful life of the water projects funded with a 40 year USDA include payback period and depreciation.

    Are the rate increases and service fees required to be approved at a rate hearing? Has TMLWP ever had a rate hearing for all of the water department rate increases? The water service charge of $28/quarter to cover the bond payment and meet the water budget projections was this financial maneuver substantiated with a rate study.

    Where are the rate studies for the water department?

  5. Why do workers at TMLW need to drive a town vehicle to and from work? This perk is costing the ratepayers a whole lot of money. At a time when people cannot afford it, this type of perk is outrageous!

  6. I for one will always support Mr. Skelton because he kept losers like the ones who support this blog in their place. When Mr. Skelton is back in office there will be no need for these silly investigations by the state. Mr. Skelton knows how to reward his friends and discourage those who have nothing to offer. You have my support Mr. Skelton!!

  7. You said it "HE KNOWS HOW TO REWARD HIS FRIENDS" all others are dirt. It is that arrogance that has made him, the most hated man in Templeton. His ego is so big I am surprised his head hasn't exploded.

  8. i couldn't agree more with all of Mr. Bennett's comments. after i read the letter that Mr. Skelton wrote, it thought that it was good history BUT it did not speak to the current issues that templeton faces. i also believe that the employees of those departments (light and sewer) are great employees and they are being told that they will lose their jobs if this passes, which is NOT TRUE! the BOS only wants to do what is best for the town. if the current manager and commissioners were only upfront and forthcoming with ACCURATE figures and formulas, they would not be in this position. if the town is in need of additional funding, i don't think that it is fair that the "town of templeton light department" doesn't help the TOWN out. i don't think that the BOS will drain their funds, they are looking for accountability. i hope everyone reads the facts and makes an informed decision before they vote. Also, if the rumor is true that Mr. Skelton took out papers to run for selectman, i pray for the Town if he actually wins. I think he must be nervous that if the light/water/sewer department vote goes to the BOS he needs to get back into the BOS to cover up some things and/or to ensure that he still can have control over those departments, he does still need his $80K+ retirement afterall...just my opinions...

    1. Ur opinion suxks.....come out of the closet

  9. The more we read in the Gardner that the old lifesucking politicians put out the better! I would think that if they are to put out so much in so little time we have a good fight going here. No drone strick needed here sarg. They will fry themselves, they have and don't even know! When Dana started this after the article 8 passed i knew his were in a bunch.
    Game on Dana you have so many that hate your guts look behind you they do to!
    Every where i go who ever i talk to says the same thing!
    It must suck to be you!
    You are all hideing and soon will have to be running for your past will haunt you in Templeton!
    Shareholder's opinion
    Dave Smart

  10. Wow dave nice post....seems like something a bully would say
