Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Shedding some Light on Water

After reviewing this letter  dated September 1, 2011from Peter L Chatellier CPA and Partner for Braver Accountants & Advisors, it would appear that there aren’t any records or ageneral ledger for the Templeton wind turbine project. It would seem to be an incredible lapse in accepted business practice to construct a multi-million dollar wind turbine and not have any records of the transactions and/or payments made for said wind turbine.

Back in November, there was a meeting in Princeton to discuss the audit of the MMLDWECC coop. Templeton’s wind turbine is part of the coop with Princeton. Why is the audit for one part of wind coop completed, but no there is no audit for Templeton’s wind turbine?

Might be time for a citizen petition to request an forensic audit of the entire wind turbine project by a forensic accounting firm.

On a different topic, more delays for submitting the water budget to the Advisory Board.

Time to vote YES on Article 6.

Special Town Meeting March 6, 2013

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. If we had a decent group of Commissioners, they would have fired JD a long time ago. Wills request has got him in a bind. I think this budget is the one that needs to be looked at closely. I smell something rotten, and it is coming from JD desk. Bev.

  2. Probably don't want anyone to figure out the RAISES handed out

    1. I guess the water dept. is not loosing enough money. They give raises with out any regard to the town's rate payers. This is the stuff that will kick them in the ass. I know people try to support the town as best they can, but don't think they want to be taken advantage of twice. "FOOL ME ONCE SHAME ON YOU! FOOL ME TWICE SHAME ON ME!" No one will be hurt by the change in the way the Light and Water Dept's are run, only the commissioners. Then it is up to the selectmen to find new people to run this department, and a audit done to see if it is run the way it should be. Bev.

  3. poor ms. puppet...sorry i mean ms. bev.. maybe you should have your ring leader proof read your garbage before you post something.... duval patrick!!!!! hahahah

  4. Kenn, Kenn, Kenn

    get a life
