Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Why I do not trust the words written by Gerald Skelton

On a blog post back on November 29, 2012, Julie Farrell wrote about MSBA & the elementary school building committee of which Gerald Skelton was a member. Within this post, there is a link to the contract between the town and Strategic Building Services (SBS) that was signed by the chair of BOS Gerald Skelton. The amount of the contract is $989,813.00 yet taxpayers only voted for $550,000.00 at town meeting, how could that be? Now as a selectmen, I asked SBS representative Carl Weber about this and he stated that MSBA has a requirement to have funding in place thru design but SBS would never charge the town for this without a vote by the town. However when I pressed Mr. Weber about this and if the contract was a binding one between the town and SBS, he reluctantly and quietly stated yes it was. So Mr. Skelton signed a contract between the town and SBS for almost one million dollars without a vote by towns people. My question was asked at a BOS meeting held at the NRHS cafeteria. That explains why there is a little matter of trust between me and Mr. Skelton whenever he writes or speaks. just as I have copies of the numbers for 252 Baldwinville road, I have copies of the contract and invoices which were at town hall and available as public records to be inspected by anyone on request during regular business hours according to MGL. So now I have to wonder about the "petition" back in 2000, was it in fact started from townspeople or did it come from the light department as in from the top down by someone looking to pad his retirement? As a side note, Mr. Skelton retired in 2004, the year his wife was hired as town coordinator and a yes vote came from selectmen and water dept employee Randy Brown. Mr. Skelton retired in March 2004 and ran for selectmen in May 2004 and was elected. Talk about a puppet show. Yup, they do things right ove there at Templeton light, for a few select people, while I support the citizens petition to try and benefit the entire town of Templeton.

Jeffrey Bennett

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