Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A blog from the past; October 30, 2012

Another reason to question the honesty of the Light & water commission, Mr. Blais!

On a blog titled Citizen Petition chapter 93 acts of 2000, it has the minutes from September 7, 1999 light dept. meeting reference a negative letter from then town coordinator Chris Ryan. At this meeting, I believe is where then light manager Gerald Skelton (municipal employee) & Sean Hamilton and Dana Blais (paid elected officials) of Templeton voted to have an attorney to draft a legal petition to insert into the warrant for a town meeting (STM) using municipal funds from the light dept., there are legal invoices to show this (the ole paper trail). There should be a copy of the petition and the affidavit of who took out this petition at the town clerks office. I am quite sure the petition for chapter 93 acts of 2000 was voted at a special town meeting on March 8, 2000. Now, either the selectmen or 200 registered voters can call a special town meeting (STM) Records indicate 84 people were present at the March 8, 2000 STM (less than the number who signed the recent citizens petion) who voted on the merger of light & water thru the chapter 93 acts of 2000. After the STM vote, a ballot measure is required and records show the light dept paid for the ballot election, check the records of transfer thru the town treasurers office.
So the paper trail continues and the questions continue. My question is a simple one (in my mind) "do the people in Templeton want a proper on paper PILOT agreement and have some financial equality from the Templeton Light dept?" If the answer is yes then vote in favor of the citizens petition at the STM on March 6, 2013.
Again after looking this information over and comparing it to the information within the letter to the editor by Gerald Skelton, I think the fox is watching the hen house and trying to tell us everything is okay. I am not going to say the sky is falling, but the information recently coming from the light & water commission and from Gerald Skelton does not seem to agree with the facts on paper that are part of the public record. Remember that selectmen Stewart and Light commissioners Blais and Edwards have a financial interest in the citizens petition (they will lose a paying elected position if the petition passes) They need to be very careful on speaking on this item which in my opinion is why Mr. Stewart should never have signed the warrant for the STM, there were three selectmen to sign the warrant and Mr. Stewart could have avoided a conflict of interest charge but perhaps the dollar signs got in the way of good judgement!

Jeffrey Bennett

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Mullins is never available to sign anything. He sits on zero committees as a selectman. Its a wonder he shows up at BOS meetings. So, its kinda hard to rely on him for anything.

    If people do not see by now with multiple examples of how crooked Skelton and his crew's action have been, they will never see it and will blindly follow whomever flashes something shiny at them. Its a shame that the truth alone doesn't attract people anymore. But I have to say, A LOT more people know the truth these days thanks to Pauly's Blog and Citizens for Templeton. In that respect, the town is slowly healing. So many more people are paying attention and getting involved. Gerry's days of having any pull here are numbered. Hopefully they're numbered on the front of an orange jumpsuit. These people will eventually be pushed out of the way in order for more professional and honest people to take over. Its up to us to choose our elected officials wisely. I do believe there should be term limits on Commissions. I was shocked to find out how many years Mr. Blais has been on Light. This is what happens when boards and commissions and committees don't change their people over from time to time. You can end up with some real shady people (or people that become shady) and scandals occur. Time to take this town back into the light and vote for Article 6.
