Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Letter to TGN From Bubba Columbus

Abolishing commission would place burden on selectmen
To the Editor: 3/5/2013
Bob Columbus
Otter River

To the Editor:

On Wednesday, March 6, the voters of Templeton will consider a citizen’s petition (warrant Article 6) which if passed, will abolish the three light and water commissioners and place these two departments under the Board of Selectmen.

If one reads the duties and responsibilities in the town’s bylaws, it is the selectmen who has the general direction and management of the property and affairs of the town in all matters. The board issues permits and licenses, appoints necessary town officers and trustees, posts town meetings and warrants and negotiates union contacts. Along with these duties are meetings, hearings and paperwork which needs to be done.

In the past, two full-time secretaries and one part-time secretary performed this work. Currently, due to budget constraints, there is one secretary who splits between two departments.

The Light Department has served the town well under the excellent leadership of commissioners for over one hundred years. During severe weather and states of emergencies over the years, light customers experienced minor disruptions in outages compared to private power companies. This commission has operated an efficient and successful department and to disrupt this department for no plausible reason would not be in the best interests of the taxpayers.

Two people behind this petition are Selectman Farrell and Highway Department employee David Smart. Anyone familiar with the politics in Templeton over the last decade is aware of Farrell’s disagreements with individuals in the Light and Water Departments. Voters should ask if abolishing this commission makes good business sense or is this another personal vendetta on Farrell’s behalf. Smart is one of the newer employees on the highway department.

Why would an employee in one department collect over 100 signatures to do away with an elected commission of a successful department who has served its citizens well for over 100 years? I believe abolishing this elected commission would be a huge detriment to Templeton’s citizens and place a huge burden on the selectmen whose plate is extremely full now.

Exercise your voting rights on March 6 and keep a commission we voted into office in place for the benefit of Templeton.

Bob Columbus
Otter River


  1. Looks like just about every scumbag in town is in favor of keeping the Light and Water just the way it is.

  2. First, the present commission has not served the Town of Templeton for over 100 years so why not speak of what the present commissioners have done or not done for the taxpayers of Templeton. If memory serves me correctly, Mr. Columbus along with present selectmen Virginia Wilder went out on a very personal agenda / vendetta and at least one town citizen has stated on this blog that Ms Wilder outright lied to him about last years recall. So before Mr. Columbus goes off on his percieved notion of someone elses "personal vendettas" he should first look in the mirror and remember what he did to the taxpayers of Templeton, as in voting to fire a law firm in mid stream thus costing the taxpayers an extra 5 grand in legal fees just so he could get K&P back in town (for what personal reasons?) Mr. Columbus also voted to fire Jeff Ritter violating a town by-law with a settlement agreement in excess of 1000 dollars. And lets not forget Mr. Columbus' problems with female town employees as in plural and oh yeah bringing back carol skelton who in temporary fashion took every dime out of the coordinator salary account while Mr. Columbus went to advisory board looking for more cash to pay carol and he did so while purporting that this was a wish of the select board which was not the case. I can state these things as I was present at all the BOS meetings including the executive session ones so I know the details and Mr. Columbus is another who is a proven liar and a person who definitely does not have the best interest of Templeton in mind, he proved that while serving as a selectmen. (one item proving he is a liar was a letter to the dept of agriculture concerning a certain loan and when I asked about it he stated he intended to put it on the agenda for discussion mean while it was sitting in the selectmen office already signed by the chair of the BOS, bob columbus, he did not have a response when I produced said signed copy at the same meeting. Once again, if the Templeton light & water commission had been more honest and forth coming with taxpayers they most likely would not find themselves in this situation. nice to see the folks at echo hill still stepping forward for the organization.

  3. I hope all of these letters to the editor will be part of the investigation that the citizens of Templeton voted for back in Nov 2012. I find it VERY fascinating that all the people involved with the wrong doings in town over the past decade are crawling out of the woodwork against this petition. Is it because they're getting nervous that we're close to uncovering the real story of how they ruined the town? Or are they so in debt to GS that they are just carrying out their duty to him? I guess they overlooked the fact that if they really wanted this article to fail, they shouldn't have attached the names of every lying, cheating, and harassing local politician of the past decade. So, I'm guessing that O'Brien's letter will be in tomorrow's paper? Or is Jay Paul Skelton going to put in another full page ad airing his family secrets again as a means of distraction? I really hope that people in Templeton recognize that these men are the ones that just cost the town over $700k on a failed town hall project. These are the men who were thrown off two municipal building committees within the past year. Who of sound mind would listen to a single word these men say about anything to do with town government? Its laughable. I don't think even the best screen writers could come up with this type of story. Funny how old habits die hard. These men cannot respond to the citizens' complaints without resorting to their old habits of spreading lies, intimidation, and fear to get what they want. I guess that's what one does when there is no viable defense to give. They didn't govern properly and its about to be exposed.

  4. So, who's the ghost writer for Bubba? I know he doesn't know the word "plausible" or how to spell it.

  5. Probably the General- John Driscoll. Driscoll has been so busy ghost writing editorials for politicians he hasn't had time to submit the budget for the water department.

  6. Not to sure who the writer is, But he who signs it steps in his own s--t. The point of the writer of putting the light on the highway dept and my relation with it smells like a dana quote. Tie me all you want to with the department i serve Templeton in. It will bite you,in the end you'll help our cause and can only thank you all for the foolish writings you all sign To the editor.Follow the ousted and be allowed to stumble through without your own thoughts. I'm sorry if anyone has been harmed in any way but thats what happens when we don't stay involved and watch over our town's interests. Some who post here have valid points and think clear without help. Others are only blind sheep that follow to the Red barn that is the slaughterhouse. How close will you follow before you know it?Before i started this petition i first asked if the people in my department had any problem with what i was doing,if so i would stop and i care if it has any effect on them or the department.
    The result of the answers are what we see now.I only can say to any personal attacks,that you need to look in the mirror to see if you can stand what you see. What drive your thought and why follow the path to nowhere,with nobodies? We welcome all who wake up and help the town,you too!
    Quit the team your on and you'll look better in the mirror!
    If bob columbus want to know why my phone is in the book,call and ask. He won't because he knows the answer!
    The burden is to great! I respectfully request the chairman of the BOS resign so as to not distract from his obligations as a selectmen. Right Bob!
    I work for the Highway department because i like the job and the team i work for and with.We get the job done for Templeton. Not for the department. You should not mix my political involvments or citizens action with this part of Templeton,I hold the higest reguards for the highway department and the mission we have for our purpose. First and formost is the safety of the people on our roadways.
    Hard to find complaints there about our service. Every time i attended a light and water meeting not on video there were coments made about the highway department. So what business do i have doing this petition bob, Ask dana about his big yapper, edwards about his. When falss comment made by the BOS chairman were made on tv at BOS meeeting The fear mongering started about selling the L+W Department.
    How does the Chairman do things like that bob, I ask you cause with your past history as a chairman you have too!
    Whatch what you sign, you'll step in it!
    My opinion
    Dave Smart

  7. You said it, Dave. The only response they can come up with is to make personal attacks and spew false information. And when that doesn't work they try to divide and conquer by creating friction between departments. The problem is they were never taught to be on a team and work together with anyone. They were only taught to have a common enemy and fight it. I am pleased with all Templeton departments. Every Templeton EMPLOYEE does an amazing job for little credit or pay. What I have a problem with are some of our elected officials. The leadership has been inconsistent and plagued with personal agenda. Its interesting that past elected officials who it has been proven did tremendous damage financially and morally to our town think they can write a letter to the newspaper and their opinion actually matters anymore. Columbus' attack letter on you and Julie failed in so many ways. He was trying to paint both of you in a bad light--make you the bad guys. But, much like a lot of things in his life he failed. In my opinion, Dave, you have already made a huge contribution to our town regardless of the outcome of tonight's meeting. You raised awareness on multiple issues concerning our utilities and how they're run. You've posed questions that will have to be answered one way or another. It may take waiting until the state asks them or it may take elected officials to get with the program and do things the easy way. The bottom line is you and many others are looking for information and answers to questions in order to save Templeton from financial ruin. This is not a bad thing. And this quest will continue whether we can dissolve the current L&W commission or do it the long way by voting them out one by one. Thank you for your hard work. It is appreciated.

  8. the town has spoken! Go away Julie Farrell and the rest of your nut jobs with you

  9. Here to stay! Anon: 8:30

    See you at the ATM and more citizen petitions.

  10. julie farrell go away!!! we need people with half a brain to run templeton...not those who pick bar flies and make them into her little puppets....you are a sorry excuse for an educator..it's the bombs in the building on 911.it was a setup...hahahahahahhahahahahahah complete stupidity....please bring charges up on the federal government..hahahahahha lmao...... hahaha LOSERS!!!!!

    1. Dear Anon 6:41
      Please get some help.

    2. TRUTH HURTS I KNOW!! IT is not too late to repent for your disasters

    3. oooooo touched a nerve..pity...hahhahahahah

    4. can anybody please tell me when barrack obama is coming to templeton to discuss the bombs on 911....please julie and peter shed some light on the situation....kookoo kookoo kookoo house

  11. Rather have someone that picks bar flies than picks their nose on camera like Bubba Columbus.

  12. that's a problem you have to address 953... salvation comes from within...
