Thursday, March 28, 2013

March 25, 2013 BOS Meeting…the movie

The agenda for this meeting was very short. There was fairly large, well-behaved audience. It was good to see most of the candidates for BOS at the meeting.

The two members of the Sewer Commission were present to discuss the rate study, which is not complete. Other discussion came up about the metering system and bar rack which are still on-going projects. Other discussion took place regarding some prior issues with the sewer department mentioned in the audit reports. A meeting will take place to address these issues to look for a resolution.

Eileen Clarkson, director of the COA spoke about the increase in calls for heating oil this year. Fundraising will take place and any money will be placed in the Friends of the Templeton Elders (non-profit) to help address these needs in the community.

Discussion took place about the numerous trust funds that are in the care and custody of the Town. A few years ago, there was mention of reviewing the trusts that were created a long time ago, to consolidate them into one trust, so the money could be used for helping people out who need heating oil. A review of the trusts will take some time. Hopefully, this project can become a priority for the BOS.

Under New Business –
I brought up the invoice for legal research on a Citizen petition submitted by TMLWP in the amount of $9,878.50. I feel this invoice is inconsistent with the e-mail I received from Chairman Chris Stewart regarding expending town resources on a Citizen petition. (See “What is good government” blog).

I believe this expenditure – close to $10,000 – is a waste of ratepayers’ money, taxpayers’ money and an example of bad town governance.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. It would be nice to have some new blood down at the L&W. Thanks Dave Smart for giving us another option.

    1. I'm voting for Dave Smart for L&W. I think he will be good at keeping the commission honest. At least he knows the OMLs and Ethics rules. He can prevent the commission from being in violation in the future. A lot of the actions of the commission running meetings incorrectly and not being an open, honest, transparent dept were the issues that the failed citizens petition was trying to bring to the attention of the town. Maybe now people will understand there was validity to the intensions of said petition when they hear of the violations.

      New blood is definitely needed over there and on the BOS. Lets make sure the 251st year of Templeton is known for when the town took the first steps towards positive change.

  2. Did I hear correctly that the $10k spent on legal by the Light Dept was marked as "maintenance"? (29:32) Can someone explain that further? Thank you.

  3. All bills paid out ot that account except capital improvments. Then they are posted in general ledger under legal.

    1. Wait a minute, ..All bills are paid through a maintenance account? and then posted under legal? Is this the way it is supposed to be done (DOR approved), or is this the Sawyer-Skelton system that screwed up all the town finances in the first place?
