Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Gardner new gets it wrong again

Again TGN gets it wrong the tax rate is 14.12

and the Tax rate went down because the Senior Center was paid last year.
Rate set, tax bills being sent in Templeton
2 quarters' payment being sought as a result of delay in calculation
Kerry O'Brien
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON — Tax bills for January through June are being sent out this week, as the town’s rate has been set at $14.16 per $1,000 of assessed property value.

“When they get the bill in April, it will be for two (quarters),” said Town Treasurer Dan Keeney. “Normally the bill goes out four times a year, but because we didn’t set the tax rate in time we missed the February window and didn’t collect any money.”

The tax rate is recalculated annually and is typically set by December. This year, however, that process was delayed until earlier this week due to what the Department of Revenue determined to be a an improper use of state reimbursement for 2008 ice storm damages to help balance the fiscal 2013 town budget. Votes taken at the Special Town Meeting earlier this month corrected the issue.

In the meantime, the town utilized $1.5 million in short-term borrowing to keep up its operations.

“We had to go out to do short-term borrowing because we didn’t have money coming in,” said Selectman Julie Farrell. “(Residents) can’t pay their taxes until they know what the rate is.”

Since the town will be able to pay back the $1.5 million in May when all the tax bills come in, the borrowing is only costing approximately $1,400.

“The rate is cheap because they know we can pay it back,” Mr. Keeney said.

This year’s tax rate is decreased from last year’s rate of $14.60, reflecting the reduction of last year’s one-time borrowing of $500,000 for the senior center and decreased home values.

Tax bills will be delivered by April 1 and must be paid by May 1.

Mr. Keeney added that the town’s finance departments aim to be “transparent” in ongoing matters.

“The current accountant coordinator, myself and the Board of Assessors are operating under the idea that we want to make all of the town’s revenue and expenditures open and transparent so everyone can have access to seeing how it’s done,” he said. “If someone in the audience is aware that there may be a problem with the way we’re spending money, they can raise concerns. We want to be aware and correct things before they’re done.”


  1. With Mr. Help Yourself Skelton,his blond bomber and Mr. Sawyer away from the money we can all breathe easy. Let's not let Mr. Help Yourself back near the cookie jar, vote for anyone else for Selectmen.

  2. Your selectmen choices have dropped by two with Paul Q and Chris Stewart deciding not to run in May.

    1. lol. "IF YOU CAN'T WIN, DON'T RUN"

    2. They don't want to split their vote.

    3. Now if Gerry Skelton would please take his ego and go home, we can focus on electing new people onto the BOS. Where's he been? If he wants to be a selectman so badly, then attend the meetings! Obviously, he's running for other reasons than to help the town. What's the status of his wife's lawsuit against the town and two selectmen? Hmm? I'm sorry but we DON"T need Gerry back, as his campaign signs declare. Its going to take at least 3 more years to recover from his past governance. I am voting for two of the three candidates that have never served. Not sure which two yet. But I can tell you I wouldn't vote for Gerry for anything except for a biggest jerk contest.

    4. Wise decision for Father and Son in Law. Don't think either of them would have won anyway. Chris can now concentrate on the L&W where he gets paid for his service or lack there of.

  3. Well lets see we are down to four candidates, We all know that Pauly wants the investigation to happen-
    Mr. Morrison voted for it at the STM. Mr. Robinson spoke in favor of the investigation at the STM. So I guess we have three good choices. If Jerry gets it you can bet that he will try to squash any investigation.

  4. I can only hope my letter to the editor helped chris change his mind.He's not a good sleectmen,that showe dat the last meeting clearly! Almost time for another episode of the L+W show. I feel a trip to fern drive comming on soon!
    Our General manager over there is doing more than just his job for us.
    Dave Smart

  5. It is time for Mr. Stewart to consolidate his winnings and influence and prepare for the Presidential run in 2016, perhaps as the Recreation Department Candidate!!

  6. after the last BOS meeting, robinson spent quite a while with BC and DOB !!!!! hopefully after all the investigations they will both need lawyers !!!! BUT, i'm afraid the new guy is cuddling up to the echo hill group. GS needs some one running that the public wont associate with him !!!!!!

    1. Anyone that talks to DOB and BC for more than 5 minutes can see how "stupid" they are. Mr. Robinson seems like a smart guy. I'm sure if he hasn't learned a thing or two about the Echo Hill Gang by now, he'll learn soon. Hopefully, not the hard way. Echo Hill is notorious for being very friendly and welcoming at the beginning. Then once there's a friendship, they begin to ask little favors. If you don't comply, then you see their true colors. Does GS think Robinson could be the new Mullins? Hmmm....

      GS may think he still has power. Even if he's elected himself, he will not be able to rule the roost like he once did. There are way too many people that know his deal now and will watch every move he makes. He may be a giant bully, but there is strength in numbers. He cannot bully everyone. As long as we protect our town and their employees from anything he tries to pull, we'll be ok. Just keep remembering what occurred over the past 5 years. Never forget. Remind your neighbors. Remember every time you pass by 252 Bald. Rd. It would be "stupid" to elect GS to anything pertaining to town government. (For anyone who thinks I'm being mean, the "stupid" comment is in reference to Dennis O'Brien calling the entire town "stupid" at the Elementary School Building Committee last year on camera. Watch it for yourself on YouTube) So, let's make sure O'Brien is not correct in that statement.

  7. I do believe Mr Robinson NEEDS to stay clear of any of those crooks to have a chance to win the election. That group seems to be able to brainwash their believers quite easily.

  8. I will speak to any Templeton resident that wants to speak with me, regardless of whether doing so is popular or politically convenient. I am on the side of the people of Templeton and not any one political faction. I can assure you that the only individuals I am "cuddling up to" are my spouse and dogs.

    Thank you,
    Kenn Robinson

  9. I pray that You win Ken! You can how wacky most of the people are that post on here. People assuming your in with Gerry, Dave thinking that the Light Co is not run properly, Julie and Jeff making rediculous comments about others (that in my opinion is extremely unproffessional), and Bev going off her rocker for no reason and not really making sense. We need educated people like you who can put aside personal BS and move the town forward instead of constant road blocks. We cant afford another Dave Smart as aSelectman. He just does not get it!

    1. FACTS are FACTS, and there is a long Paper trail to prove it.
      Not once has ANY proof or even an explanation of all these alleged wrongdoings been addressed by the parties involved, times like this with an election coming up is the only time we see BC DOB and the rest shooting their mouths off and spreading lies about the only 2 selectman that CARE about the town and not themselves.

    2. To Anonymous 6:11... You obviously have not been a VICTIM of this prior Rogue regime that many speak of. If you had been you would view all these comments entirely differently. There are a few brave people such as Julie, Jeff, Pauly, Bev, Dave etc. who have taken them on at great expense to their well-being & limited time for the rest of us. If those, who have run us into the ground, get back on the BOS you will eventually see that they did not get into office for YOU! Far from being wacky, All the people you feel are unprofessional is totally contrary to that statement. They are trying to get vital information out to the public. Not everyone can attend the meetings. Therefore what more perfect place for them to converse than here. It's a great venue to discuss & post issues. You have just as much right to voice your opinion as anybody but can only suggest that you open your eyes a bit more & think about some of the issues that have been brought forth on this most important forum. These are my opinions. I am not going to be PC & wish everyone a Happy Easter weekend. Be Blessed everyone.

  10. I'm only running for L+W commission and not selectmen, I will be in a better position to monitor and report problems I/WE see. The money trail is getting easier to follow and won't be long to ask the Questions they won't want to hear!
    Who was the other Dave Smart you refer to?
    Are you looking in the mirror when you type?Information only hurts the people that should be hurt from it. You wouldn't mind it if you were not the focus of it. Happy INVESTIGATION TEMPLETON!
    Thanks Pauly
    Dave Smart

  11. Now this may come as a surprise to some but I am not a professional, I am a volunteer. I stated at candidates nite back in 2011 the amount of elected salaries and how I thought those salaries should be abolished and i am glad to say it happened last year. Now the following may be considered rediculous by anonymous 6:1 AM but these things did happen: Dennis O'Brien called the Templeton taxpayers stupid on video, Bob Columbus stated all contracts are void with a change of the BOS, I read that somewhere. and lastly, Gerald Skelton signed off on pay increases for his wife while he was a member of the BOS, those are just 3 of the many things that are documented so anon 6:11, what you call wacky and unprofessional and rediculous, I call facts and as usual, I have the material to back up what I write and I put my name to it. As an FYI, I never gave up my right as a citizen to voice my opinion just because I got elected.

    1. Jeff, YOU ROCK!
      Come home safe and soon!

  12. 6:11 am....maybe you should sleep-in !!!!! you may feel better !!!!! you manage to attack the people that want to drain the cesspool, while praising those who swim in it !!!!!!!!!! happy easter !!!!!!
