Thursday, March 14, 2013

Only the Truth!

 Quote: “I wouldn’t want it in my back yard.” Was what we heard the Templeton Municipal Light and Water plant General Manager tell a resident that lives nearest to the 1.7 megawatt wind turbine in Templeton at a meeting Tuesday. As with others like this windmill, it has a gearbox problem and could cost more than it will ever produce over the life of the unit. Investigation done on other same models have concluded that possible housing issues not strong enough to handle the stress of the oversized props and output increases cause gearbox failures. Only models of lower output and smaller blade size are still problem free. The gamble with the wind energy is at best a poor one. Loans and cost to repair can easily eat away any efficiency that we thought to see. No Audit result and cost certification are nothing but a problem also. Hiding and cover-ups to keep secrets about it are no longer possible.
Questions and answers are the only way to get to the decisions needed to be made. Through admission the management and commission alike both say they leave it up to someone else “Experts” to tell them whats wrong with it!  I only hope they leave the decision to repair or not up to the Experts too. The neighbors have complained and wonder if the homes they now have will ever be what they want it to be, safe. With many noise and flicker problems brushed off and all but ignored by TMLWP one wonders where is the compassion and why did the story change about the effects on the neighbors close by. Was Safety from ice throw and other unknown hazards a part of the research done prior to installing the turbine? Management quick to discredit the health effects and with more and more other wind projects being removed and decommissioned Templeton is going to have to make a choice for the problems that previous management and this commission allowed in Templeton. Who could think this could be a safe thing to live and play under? Why if it was checked out and thought out carefully would the problems arise we now have?  The answer to that and many other things at TMLWP are what we all need to find out! TMLWP has gambled and is sure to lose.  With a very poor track record and the failure of others so expensive  we need to have this decision made by ” we the people” and not just them the TMLWP. The Templeton people will own this equipment and are the ones who need to be involved as we have moved into a power production town and have let the department stumble along until now. As we ask more questions about our turbine and get more bad news that we have more problems. It should be no surprise when we are told your rates will rise. Princeton’s two turbines are the same and there the rates are the highest after the gearbox in one of theirs failed. When General Manager Brian Allen said Princeton light wants to sell the turbines at a loss and as the cost to repair will outweigh the money saved it can only raise rates for customers. After expected life the removal is sometimes not planned for the high costs in the end to remove the unit. Cost unknown and lack of expertise as always ends poorly. With only limited wind and expenses unknown what would be the will of the people. Is it up to TMLWP to make the choice to gamble more or is it up to the people to find solutions on how the towns Equipment will get handled?” Correction” we don’t own it! We will own it when we finish the payments, 10 years? More Question and more answers will be needed for the Templeton light to shine as bright as it should.
Dave Smart


  1. dave dont worry..i'll fix the windturbine!

  2. Let me go up with the experts tomorrow and I will print the truth that they tell us! The Gardner News is waiting.
    There's no more hide the facts in Templeton.
    Call me I'll meet you there!
    I have friday off and will gladly go up to see!
    Jake is my grandsons name he's had a rough life also!
    JD if thats you call me!
    You know what jake means!
    Dave Smart

  3. barako, duval, algore and friends are becomming BILLIONAIRES with this clean air myth!!!! you and me however are getting the SCREWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i'm sure, on the small scale, gerry and the current electric folk will out, just fine !!!!! bend over and c. howard feels!!!!

  4. At what cost point, do we cut our losses?

    Will the information be shared from the gearbox inspection? Will the ratepayers and the neighbors have access to the information before a decision is made about how to proceed. Will the veil of secrecy be invoked under the guise of "Executive Session"?

    If the gearbox is in failure, (as seems likely given that 3 out 5 of the INDENTICAL AAER gearboxes have failed) how do we proceed? Is there a "we" or is it the TMLWP Commissioners? Can't obtain another gearbox from AAER - they went bankrupt. GE won't sell us one because of the location of the turbine (too close to homes and throw issues) What is the after-market for orphan turbines?

    Stay tuned, this could get interesting. Can't wait for the cost certification! Wonder if it will include the turbine decommissioning costs?

    This issue will impact every resident and ratepayer in town.

  5. Julie - I think Templeton needs to break the cycle of mistrust where we've been stuck. It's worth at least a try.

    Google "cycle of mistrust", and you'll see the diagrams that describe what's been going on in town.

    I'm not saying you don't have reason for your suspicions. If you look at it from the other side, "they" might have reasons for their suspicions. Neither side is without reason for suspicion in one of these cycles. But we should attempt to break out of it.

  6. I agree.

    But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you

    The lack of transparency is troubling.
    More later

  7. Mistrust and conspiracy begins when people ask questions and receive no answers, people ask for information and get nothing.....eventually they find the information they asked for and it is not exactly a rosey picture, the mistrust begins. Be transparent as much as possible, answer questions honestly, even if it is "I do not know" provied information when asked for and you pretty much accomplish what you ask for Mark. Now on the flip side, look at what happened with the recall of last year and what happened after that. If some of the people are running for selectmen that I have been told are running, are you really going to trust them if and when they say they wish to work for the whole town? After they have shown they are just after personal agendas and official public records show they did some things not in the best interest of the taxpayers and these things were not done in the open. Hard to try to trust when it has been proven you just can not trust some.

  8. I have a question and comment (and i hope i'm not called all kinds of names again - ha ha). It really does not pertain to the this topic, but because it was the last "post", i thought maybe someone could answer or respond. here goes:

    If or when the new school site is approved on Crow Hill (route 202), what is the plan for the sewer for the new school? Will the town install from either Baldwinville direction or Rt2A direction? Or will it be a "stand alone" septic. If the town is going to install town sewer, wouldn't it be worth while to continue up Rt 202 to where the Mall was going to be built? It is my understanding that the septic issue is the reason why the mall is not going to be built (correct me if i am wrong about this reason). The town really needs something like the mini-mall, it will generate tax dollars that we all know are needed, it will help the light company with more electric billing, it will give jobs to many local people, just to name a few positives for the mini-mall.

    the other question i have and it may have been in previous posts that i missed, but, is it true that the templeton light dept. purchases power from National Grid?

  9. Whomever bought into the BS that a wind turbine is worth it needs to get their head is very rare when a turbine actually makes money...the cost of maintenance over the lifetime of a turbine is usually prohibitive...did anyone check this out BEFORE this lemon was built ??? Did anyone check out the company who built it to see if they were worth the money???

    this boondoggle needs to be torn down asap BEFORE we get in too deep....sell it for scrap and move on.....

    It amazes me that no one bothered to do a proper study on the whole wind turbine scam before this was built.

    at this time the whole "green" energy thing is nothing but BS and a scam to make money...very very few of these projects actually make money or work out.

    I am sorry...but Mr. Leclerc was a fool and now it shows....great legacy he left....a million dollar lame duck and we have to foot the bill.....nice job.....we should go buy a bridge in the desert next.

    I feel I am living in a town of idiots.....does anyone do their homework anymore ??


    Scrap this piece of crap.

    1. Mr LeClerc was not a fool....he believed in green energy and spent his career supporting it. He was a pioneer in a small town do not degrade his spirit. Instead look to those who would feather their nest taking credit for his pioneer spirit. The failure is not is theirs

    2. Do not forget at a previous candiates night at the kahamalot Jerry skelton said I started this windmill project and if re elected I will see it through.... thank you Jerry....job well done. Let us re elect a man who will get the job done even if it costs millions

  10. It's more like well over 4 million and counting the power to replace its output is a loss per month of 50K. their numbers not mine!
    We can't scrap what we don't own. Tha fact is till we pay for it were I'm told not the owners cheer up when it comes time to decommission it I venture to guess we will own it!
    This topic is upside down every where they get put up. Today they may know what the fix could be and may get a email from the GM Driscoll. I'm sure he wants the truth as i do, put in the Gardner News. Story to be told and light's shine bright on this one. What say you Commissioners?
    When the Audit finally matches the money they want it to costs to actual. Then we will uncover the hidden extras that we think we will. If they would only let the truth be know on the issues we ask about we would all be better off!
    When we run out of matches to lite the fires under their asses Templeton will be better off for it!
    Dave Smart

  11. J 832AM very good question. I donot have answers for what you ask for but I do have an opinion.Your question is probibly to soon to ask. I do believe this will be looked into when the time is right. Maybe that should wait till we see if we can get the land first, then bring it up to the school comm. It was a very good question. You have me thinking now. Good question! Thank you.

    1. We would have been ok if the wind turbine had smaller blades. I think they went bigger, because of the lousy wind flow where they put the turbine, and they thought the bigger blades would help. The gearbox was not made for these blades, so now we are in a mess! Fix the gearbox and it will break again, or replace the blades, fix the gearbox to make it work, and we have sunk more money into this thing, and it still is in a bad place. A man who lives on the street near the school, said ice hit his roof one night, when the thing was working. Someone did not look at this project with open eyes. It is going to cost us all. Bev.

    2. Who is the licensed engineer that signed off on the design specs?

  12. Jeff - I agree, that is the tough part about breaking out of a cycle of mistrust. And no, I wouldn't vote for any of the candidates I think you refer to.

    My comments were directed toward the suspicions about the behavior of TML after the results of the infamous gearbox are out. While I agree that there is good reason for suspicion, maybe we can reserve judgement. It seemed like that citizen petition may have changed some behaviors "over there".

  13. May have !
    Where did the posts from yesterday go?

    1. Just a simple question! Does anyone know who from Templeton has shares in the "COOP"? I think that is the name of the windturbine company. Can we access the names of the shareholders to see if anyone from Templeton is a shareholder? Is that why we went with that company? Just a thought!

  14. Good Question for the GM of both members of the coop.
    MMWEC Masachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company!
    Is it traded on the NYSE?
    Help the efforts i bring forward and see !
    Shareholder of 1 vote
    Dave Smart

  15. It's not a "company", it is a government entity. No shares are traded on any stock exchange. They are a "political subdivision" of the Commonwealth, and can issue tax-free bonds.

    1. Can you tell us how they issue tax-free bonds and to whom?

    2. Tax free bonds are just what they say. It's how John Kerry and the Kennedy's invest their money and pay no taxes.

      They are public debt.

  16. Thanks Mark. So someone from Templeton could invest their money in this Electric entity and make some money? Like on the turbine?

    1. No. You can buy bonds issued by MMWEC, and you will get a dividend which is exempt from state and local income tax. Like any bond, there is some risk. More risk today in muni bonds because so many government entities have spent beyond their means. MMWEC has information with links to Fitch, Moody's etc at this location.

  17. As always Mr. Barrieau I enjoy your comments. Please keep the ball rolling. Your information and opinioms make a lot of sense. MARK BARRIEAU FOR SELECTMAN.

  18. As a practicing psychologist and attendee at the Special Town Meeting to consider placing the L&W under the BOS it is common knowledge in the field that the most important thing to people,is to be liked. The second priority for the human psychy is to be right. The third most important thing for us humans is our freedom. It was clear to me in my professional capacity as an observer of humans that most people at the STM were there because a friend was in need of their support. The issue that was discussed required that townsfolk actually be informed about the issue before them and that just didn't happen. Perhaps next time people will be better informed on the issues.

  19. Thank you for your profesional opinion on the people of Templeton. I think if you didn't sit in the meeting and only stood in the hall you would get the impression the minds were made up before entering the auditorium!
    This was a feeling i had prior to speeking about my petition.
    The fact that lies and missinformation was put in play by the chairman of BOS may have been a factor and a conflict of interest? It takes more then a meeting to form Templeton's voters opinion!
    Thank you!
    Dave Smart

  20. Psychology is not science. It's bad art. There are no proofs, no conclusions, just endless observations and new crackpot theories. Theories that can never be proven or disproven.

    1. Science doesn't exist without art. Creative thought is the seed for every solution.

    2. A "Psychologist" is the same as a 16 year old boy, making up a story for his parents. Society should apply a cipher to that type of "creative thought".

      Just My Opinion

  21. If such a good deal the investments for the L+W may be in this also. They have a good chunk of Templeton money over there!
    Were just scratching this subjet now,I wonder where this will lead?

  22. It will lead to the wind Coop. And a different blog.

  23. I hope you will all pardon me for psychoanalyzing this particular situation but it is what I have been trained to do. To better put this incident (STM) into perspective as Freud or Jung would want to do, think about this; it is more important for a large percentage of the population to be liked by our peers than to uphold the Constitution that our forefathers gave everything to establish. To me, that is very powerful stuff! Please consider becoming informed on town politics and the issues that are so important to all of us before allowing yourself to be misled by "friendship".

  24. Why are we paying for the wind turbine? It junk why would you continue to pay is this town really that stupid!

  25. A queston for you. Wouldn't what you said about Mr. Stewart also apply to Mrs. Farrell And Mr. Bennett ??? To Mr. Smart on your 2:30P.M. comment ?

    1. I will not speak for Mr. Smart, but I believe the "lies and misinformation" Mr. Smart was referring to was a statement made by the BOS Chairman at the Feb 25th BOS meeting

      You can view that meeting in its entirety on Youtube.

      Selectman Bennett is currently serving our country in Afghanistan is unable to attend the meetings. He was not present at the Feb 25th BOS meeting.

      Please view the video of the meeting and point out specific instances where I lied or misinformed the people.

      Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. As always,
      it is a pleasure to serve the people of Templeton!

      Julie Farrell

    2. Not to worry Julie, They got nothing to say that can be backed up with FACTS. A10pm just a blowhard, blowin smoke up the town's _ss by trying to start ugly untrue rumors.

  26. What statements did they make on tv about any petition ?
    While a BOS chairman and also a commissioner should have facts streight about what he says, And shouldn't call people in the audience crazy either!
    The pilot payment among other things prompted me to go ahead with my action, Chris prevented me from changing my mind. After he was done name calling and after the town treasurer said the same amount he went after me and my right to petition and told people on TV something false.I have a hard time thinking he did not know!
    I sent a copy of the petition to driscol,maybe he didn't share it with them commissioners?If the fact is he had knowlege of it and spoke the way he did about it his hands are dirty for it. Shame on him,he's not fit for the job! Point out the things your talking about.Turbine still has no output and was not a 100 fix like they said it could be.
    Dave Smart

  27. Anon 10:00 pm, I am curious to hear what lies or misinformation you think I put out and if you are going to make a statement like that, please have the conviction to sign your name to it.

  28. Echo HIll gang is assembled at the ranch. Hey VW, nice attempt at hiding your car behind Boob Columbus! Heanie, Mattson, they're all there getting their orders!

  29. I would think they are trying to come up with "more" accusations to use on me.
    Dave Smart

    1. Also at the ranch meeting is Linda, boob's wife, to cover his backside and "Mr." brehio.

  30. Boy o Boy ! What a bunch we have for Commissioners at the TMLWP. I'm not very happy with you boys. The light has shown on a upsetting thing you have been involved with. Dana you should have known better. The facts are out and you are in deep,You have stepped in it good this time. I/we knew you would. Thanks!I'll see you soon.
    Dave Smart
