Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thursdays Gardner news

3/14/2013 7:00:00 AM
Petition was not to sell the light company
To the Editor:
Dave Smart

To the Editor:

I would like to thank the voters of Templeton for their involvement in the recent Special Town Meeting. I would also like to thank the moderator, Dave Bergeron. As always, his no-nonsense approach is best for all.

On the positive side of the issues faced by Templeton voters, we can all now benefit from a new lower customer charge rate. Also, a now lower electric rate than National Grid. As their accountability and transparency evolves into a more open and answer-oriented town department, we will all benefit and be able to request of our elected officials more than ever.

The voters have been at best sold a bill of misinformation. It started when the Board of Selectmen Chairman Chris Stewart said at a meeting that I had taken out a petition to sell the light company. I take offense to someone misinforming the Templeton voters on a very important issue on T.V. He should have known the facts before making that statement and possibly swaying voters’ opinions.

The chairman also is a commissioner at the light department and should have not been involved at all with it being a conflict of interest. That being said, there were a few things I would like to clarify in this letter. Please let it be known, the petition was not to sell, but change the commission only. No job loss, or service would have been changed and temporarily put oversight in the hands of the select board until an appointed authority could be established.

The facts about the wind turbine are now coming to light and will be a disaster uncovered from the start as with all the same models alike. If decommissioning is needed and without proper guidance from others that have dealt with it. Templeton can be in more trouble than ever.

When I started this petition, it was to provide the ratepayers and voters with a clearer picture as to the light department’s involvement in choices they had no say in, no vote on, and no business in. Until only now when people ask questions and seek answers, accountability will be the result. The light is now shining on them, and that’s the way it should be.

Accountability is what amounts to trust and must be the way all Templeton departments are run for the good of the town. The questions will still be asked until all the answers are found. It is our right, as it is to have these citizen’s petitions.

The STM was called to correct improper votes at prior town meetings. The STM was not called for a citizens petition. All the rules were followed to place the citizens petition on the warrant.

Thank you, Templeton voters.

Dave Smart

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