Monday, March 18, 2013

Public Hearing Notices

Public Hearing Notices

Agenda for the Planning Board 3/19/13 Public Hearing


  1. I hope to see members of the BOS at this meeting as well as candidates for the BOS election. If these candidates are serious about running for the right reasons, then they should educate themselves on the current issues. Citizens have come to the BOS asking for their help because they are concerned about this facility being too big for a residential area. They asked the BOS for their opinion and their help in the matter. Lets see if any of them will respond and at the least attend the hearings.

  2. Due to the pending snow storm ,the Planning boards continuation of the public hearing scheduled for Tuesday March 19th has been rescheduled for April 9th at 6;30 p.m. in the Kiva .
