Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Last Nights Meeting

For those of you who missed last night's Selectmen's meeting, they reviewed a draft copy of the May Town meeting articles. 


  1. Has the deadline passed for submitting articles or will more articles be added to this still?

  2. We're waiting on word from Town counsel on how to proceed. The personnel Board had an article that needed to be voted on and missed the deadline as well. So stay tuned.

  3. Because of State laws passed years ago it is believed that even if Town Meeting votes to abolish fluoridation the Board of Health can ignore this vote and place this enzymatic poison right back in the municipal water supply against town meeting vote. It is hoped that everyone has had a chance to watch Fluoridegate An American Tragedy that emphasizes how the head toxicologist at the EPA William Marcus presented evidence to his bosses that fluoride is both carcinogenic and mutagenic. It is hoped article #57 keeps the decision to add fluoride with town meeting vote. Please take the time to become informed on this subject as it is affecting the health of all.

  4. I'm happy to see a bunch of housekeeping items for the town by-laws on as warrants. Its about time we correct some of the flawed or outdated bylaws. Especially the one that says BOS cannot hold any other office in town. It will reduce the conflict of interest issue and hopefully the BOS will act only as BOS and actually fulfill their responsibilities without having to recuse themselves from certain issues. This will be a good annual meeting, for sure.

  5. mr. robinson, new to town lawyer running for bos was at the meeting. got up to leave a few minutes before the end of the meeting, and bubba RAN after him !!! i'm sure he has a special invite to the Saturday am meeting at echo hill !!!!! worth watching !!!

    1. I am sure this man has more brains, that to get involved by the likes of them! It would not take anyone, with this man's intelligence, to figure the Echo Hill bunch out. On second thought, maybe they need a lawyer!! If that is the case, RUN MR.ROBINSON, RUN!! My opinion, Bev.
