Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Templeton Home invasion

Templeton Home invasion

Rudy Sundstrom  of Otter River Road  in Templeton,  across the street from Virginia Wilder, came to visit me Sunday, March 17. And told me about how a man came into his house last week beat him up and stole his wallet and left him bleeding on the floor. He managed to call the police and get some help. Where was the Gardner news? Why didn't the police notify the Gardner news? When it happened to one of the residents to tell people to keep the doors locked. Was this another big secret in Templeton? Why did I have to hear it from him in person? Pretty good huh! Who else in town heard about this home invasion? Who will be next? Rudy is 84 years old. Pretty scary.

Thanks for reading my blog Pauly


  1. I have a real problem with the police not letting the rest of his neighbors know. Come to think of it, they should have let everyone know. The more eyes watching for this stuff, the better. Time for our selectmen to have a talk with the chief, and to agree on a policy. Bev.

  2. Could be senility too

  3. 6:13.............. you are a asssss!!!!! just because someone is over 53, doesn't mean "senility" !!!! this man has done more for the town than a whole bunch of our " former"selectman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. it's on the front page of the gardner news today
