Saturday, March 30, 2013

This Week


  1. Skelton's sign reads "Enough.... Vote Gerald Skelton for Selectman." Enough of what? Trying to straighten out his messes? Does he really think that people will vote him in as the savior of Templeton? Can't wait to see him get trounced on elction day.

  2. Pete why don't you write your name on your anon. Comment

  3. Pete didn't write the original comment.

  4. so Chris S. and Paul Q. have dropped out of the election, that only leaves Doug Morrison, Kenn Robinson, Pauly and good o'le Gerry S. running. 4 people for 2 seats. I hope every goes to candidates night and really familiarizes themselves with these candidates. I do not know Mr. Morrison or Mr. Robinson and who they may associate with or not associate with - but the "taking sides" issue needs to be put aside and voters need to be careful and listen and watch all of the candidates. be informed with facts before you vote!!
