Sunday, March 31, 2013

April 1st

Hope everyone who celebrated Easter today had a nice one. Tomorrow is April 1st -The countdown to the elections is on. Woo hoo here we go. Jerry hold on to your hat. and just in case anyone needs a reminder of what Jerry S did to to this town here's a reminder.  

Bill S.623 188th (Current)
An Act relative to request an investigation by the attorney general into the following incidents in the town of Templeton
By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 623) of Stephen M. Brewer and Denise Andrews (by vote of the town) for legislation to request an investigation by the attornery general into the following incidents in the town of Templeton. The Judiciary. [Local Approval Received.]
Notwithstanding any general or special law or rule or regulation to the contrary, the citizens of the Town of Templeton hereby request an investigation by the Attorney General into the following incidents:

An investigation into the activities of the Municipal Building Committee to include all transactions regarding the purchase of the 252 Baldwinville Road property and the USDA loan application process.

An investigation into the procedures and activities to allow the settlement and return of a gift of $369,681.40 to Casella Waste Systems on November 13, 2008.

An investigation into the activities of the Templeton Board of Selectmen and the Templeton Municipal Light Department to enact Chapter 93 Acts of 2000.

An investigation into the activities and actions of legal counsel, Kopelman & Paige, regarding case 02-2424C heard before Judge Cornetta of Worcester Superior Court as well as the settlement of the Templeton Waste Water Treatment plant lawsuit and the Writs of Attachment.

Thanks for reading Pauly
PS Always remember "Obstruction of Justice" and Transparency in Government" 

More information is here


  1. good reminders.... with elections coming up and only 4 people for 2 seats - gotta keep reminding everyone what has happened. i'm rooting for you Pauly

  2. Thanks Pauly. I see no reason why we would elect a carpetbagger or a crook. You have my vote, as does Doug.

  3. Hi Pauly,

    A good reminder for everyone. For documentation to back up the investigation, review the "Important Documents" page on the Citizens 4 Templeton website:

    There are links to pages and pages of documents under the subtitle:
    "Information for Article 8 STM November 15, 2012".

    Do you RECALL the amount of money wasted on 252 Baldwinville Rd? Where an e-mail was signed for the purchase of the building on the advice of town counsel? You might want to read the documentation on:

    "Documents regarding the purchase of 252 Baldwinville Rd"

    Do you RECALL the settlement agreement with Casella? The one signed off on by the BOS? The BOS returned $369,681.40 to Casella without town meeting approval. You might want to re-reread the documentation :

    "Casella and Kopelman & Paige"

    Do you RECALL the events that led up to the hostile takeover of the Water Department by the MUNICIPAL Light Department? Take some time to review the documents on:

    "Timeline for Chapter 93 Acts of 2000"

    Do you RECALL the legal situation and protracted lawsuit at the Wastewater Treatment Plant? You're in for a treat and a lot of reading! Start with these documents:

    "Waste Water Treatment Plant Information"

    Do you RECALL the past and present legal actions against the Town of Templeton by the Skeltons? Check out the link to:

    "Skelton Lawsuits"

    Do you RECALL the "settlement agreement" for Jeffrey Ritter? The one that didn't go to town meeting for approval? The settlement agreement that consumed the energy and attention of the prior BOS, so they neglected the budget? You might want to re-read the documents:

    "Town Coordinator Contract, settlement agreement, Mullins' separation agreement".

    It took three years for the BOS to accept the DOR review.(DOR Financial Management Review October 2009). (See the video at: BOS and the Town of Templeton are finally making some progress in the direction of good government.

    We are fortunate to have three good candidates for BOS who have not run for the position before. I personally support Doug Morrison and Pauly. A vote for Doug Morrison, Pauly Cosentino or Kenn Robinson, is a vote for good government; a vote for Facts, Law and Transparency.


    Please join me and vote for honest and open government on April 30th.

    Julie Farrell

  4. Thanks Julie, I added the link to C4T on this blog.

  5. I'v had my brain and heart removed from my body and feel Gerald P. Skelton is the only Candidate that can offer me "Enough".

    1. I think they missed some of the brain. THE DEAD PART !

  6. Looks like ENOUGH will get the zombie vote
