Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April 8, 2013 BOS Meeting…the movie

Part 1 of the April 8, 2013 BOS Meeting

Part 2 of the April 8, 2013 BOS Meeting

Part 3 of the April 8, 2013 BOS Meeting


Julie Farrell


  1. So glad I got a chance to watch this. I would like to say to mr Ferris' question of who pays for the insurance for the volunteers. How did they do itwhen the "volunteers" built the animal shelter? They signed a waiver. Volunteers do not need insurance. Just sign a waiver. that'd how Habitat for humanity does it , thats how templeton did it for building the animal shelter, that's how Templeton did it for the people that voluteered year after year at the shelter. Mr Spring has been thinking out side the box with this project, ways to SAVE taxpayers money. Of course Mr Ferris being a friend of Jerry's would think about someone sueing the town.

    1. Some of the volunteers were professionals who carried their own liability insurance. It was addressed. So, there's no issue there. Mr. Spring is a very intelligent man who knows how to conduct business properly. You know that if he is involved with an issue, it will be handled professionally and correctly.

      I would like to know why Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Stupid are trying to give Mr. Spring a hard time about the project. I mean, I know why...they're pissed because their 252 Bald. Rd. project failed. And, instead of acting like adults, they have chosen to act like immature children on a playground. If I were Mr. O'Brien, I'd stay clear of the entire subject of the town hall seeing that he was the BOS Chair at the time of purchase of 252 Bald. Rd. and unethically signed for it even though he lives across the street and should have refrained from signing or voting on that property altogether. But yet he still comes to BOS meetings and asks pointed questions with a grin on his face. Instead of these two bumbling fools trying to make trouble for the ET town hall project, how about they get in touch with their conscience and feel some shame and guilt for their actions with 252 Bald. Rd. and HELP find a solution. They should be first in line to volunteer and make up for their past actions. If they would bust their ass and continue to help make a town hall happen, I would have far more respect for them as people. Clearly their actions are not in the best interest of the town. And that's what bothers me so much about them...their lack of guilt, remorse, and/or shame for their past actions.

    2. After watching the video i do not think ferris had an issue with the town volunteers, i think he was only asking where is the insurance or why hasnt the waiver been signed before the volunteers did any work. I think he is only looking out for the best interest of the town.

    3. LMAO was he looking out for the best interest of the town when he accepted all that stolen copper and brass from Templeton Police Department. that's right Temperton police officers turned in a batch of copper that was evidence. the case was thrown out because evidence was lost.of course it was tossed under the rug no charges were brought by the chief on his own men. What say Mr Ferris you say you have all receipts show that one and who got the cash and let a criminal off because lack of evidence.

  2. yeah right anon 10:05am
