Thursday, April 11, 2013

Candidates Night at the School

I attended the candidate night at Narragansett Regional High School tonight. It was an excellent student sponsored event. The seniors put together the following questions which each candidate responded to.
What is your occupation?
What inspired you to get into local politics?
Do you have any prior political experience?
As a town leader what would you focus your energies on most?
What 1 characteristic do you think is most valuable for a school district?
What 1 feature do you believe to be the most detrimental to an education system?
If elected, what will you do to address the concerns of the school community?
Do you favor the school override, why or why not?

Are you aware of the potential consequences and impact on the student body in the event that the override does not pass?
In 5 years, what direction do you see the school district moving in?
I thought the questions were well thought out and right on target for our current state of affairs. I applaud the teachers for engaging the students and encouraging them to hold this event. I hope this is the beginning of a new long term tradition in our town’s political process.
I have to admit that I was embarrassed that I could not better address the two questions regarding the override. I have not done as good a job of educating myself on the override as I should have, and this is no ones fault but my own. I spoke with Ruth Miller after the event regarding the override; she gave me a brief overview and offered to speak with any group that would like more information. One of the school board members let me know they do have an information website
Weather we think the override is needed or not, as voters we owe it to ourselves, the school, and the citizens to understand why an override is being asked for and what the positive and negative impact is.
Even though Ruth is not a candidate and the override is not a political office I would encourage anyone having a gathering between now and Town Meeting to offer her the opportunity to speak.
Thank you to the students, facility, and administration of Narragansett Regional School District for hosting this event and providing a venue for the candidates to hear and address the concerns of the students . . . our future leaders.
Doug Morrison – Candidate for Selectman


  1. The biggest threat to our wallets and to educating our children is the Education-Industrial Complex.

  2. didn't Ruth Miller give us the same threats last special town meeting. Then went on and rehired several teachers and an assistant

  3. anon 8:44 AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Ms. Miller lost her credibility with me after she pulled that last stunt. Do not yell for help unless you need it! If it is a hoax, the next time, help will not come. I will look at that website. Thanks again, Julie for keeping us informed. Bev.

  4. I am voting against the's why.

    1. The last time this happened the said the sky was falling, override did not pass....hired more teachers....are you kidding me ?? I thought the sky was falling !!

    2. The unstopping propaganda they spewed at the kids in classes telling them that sports would end if it did not pass.....go ahead and cancel all sports and see how many kids you lose to school choice and multiply that by $12,000 and that's how much money you will lose also.

    3. Every friggin year they ask for an override....every damn year !!! my pay does not increase yet they always want more and more.....learn to budget better.

    Damn them for using the kids as leverage.....I am so sick of hearing "it's for the children" !! if you have a cause and use that bs line....I will vote no.....I hate that stupid phrase.

    Vote no to the override......make them budget better.

    1. The reason they ask every year is because everytime they get the override, the town votes to take the money and give it to the general town budget. The school only gets that money the first year.

    2. Well the Financial Whiz himself claimed last night that the only override for the school was last year, and it got shot down. So if that is true and if I believe the words of that candidate, then your last statement is false.

      But if he was incorrect last night then, you may be correct. I wonder what ALL the overrides were that came across town floor during all of his time on the BOS. Since 2003 has the school ever came to town meeting looking for an override?

  5. Look at the towns report and go to the school salaries page , Then when you regain your vision . then Go And Vote NO !
