Friday, April 12, 2013

David Smart Candidate for L&W Commission

Hi; My Name is David Smart
  Welcome to candidates night, I wish to hopefully earn your vote and express my purpose for running for the commissioner position. You may have heard I would like to replace all the commissioners and the commission itself. I tried, but I couldn’t do it by myself. Most people felt The Select board we now have were not up to the task and not trusted enough to handle the extra devotion needed. People told me if you want to change the commissioners “that’s another thing”. This is my plan “b”. I’ve lived in East Templeton for all my adult life and have attended Narragansett/Monty tech/ and The Enterprise Center For business. In 37 years Judy and I have raised 4 children and also have 8 grandchildren. We wouldn’t have it any other way. Together we have dealt with many hardships.
We have had it as good as anyone could want and as bad as it can possibly get. We know what it means to truly struggle.
I’ve certified in ASE Auto electrical and electronics, can use and read ,automotive scanners,multimeters,dual lab scopes, computers and do web related information gathering. I’m a very fast learner and given a task can produce very reliable results.I have no problem talking to anyone and have talked at length with Edward Kaczinski at MMWEC. He is the Director of Engeneering and Generation Assets. He was surprised to hear we were having trouble with our wind turbine, I was surprised to hear he didn’t know,  I can understand when a situation needs to have a close evaluation done on it and when  a cost to benefit ratio is no longer a viable situation. Templeton may be in that kind of situation now, with our wind turbine. The plan should have been scrubbed when GE did  not sell us one for whatever the reason was. The company we did buy it  from went bankrupt shortly after we bought it. The whole situation needs a fresh set of eyes and a clear thought process to untangle the mess were in. I don’t think the commissioners we have now can do that for us. They would rather fix it and have the REC money flow again and see what happens. The REC money is energy production related “no production no REC money”.
That tells me we won’t get out of the hole with this turbine ever. Until we face the facts  and find a solution we may  have a lemon to deal with. I have worked with water dept, light dept, and  sewer alike on projects . We can all be proud of the job our light and water employees do. It’s a vital part of Templeton .   I’ve been  Commended by the General manager for the work on multi main breaks and in one day worked  a  4 main private repair crew.  I devote my full time employment to Templeton highway Crew and I’m proud to serve. I still repair cars part time and help whoever I can.
Our finances at the water department are going into the red and projected shortfalls of 60 thousand dollars are the reasons we need better management oversight ,as budgets reflect the overall operation and condition of the department. 40 year loans only hide the problems,they don’t go away. With the Baldwinville road project now in progress it’s a shame to cover a water main that’s so old. I’m told by experts in the field that relining pipes is a fraction of the cost,works and should have been considered. Many other city projects are done this way and should be at least check on! I’ve been told it’s a waste of time! At Multiple meetings I asked to have contact made with warren environmental for this purpose.

I’ve volunteered time at the new senior center and also the East Templeton School.
If elected I will work to bring net metering, lower rates, low income rates. A fair and balanced commission to work with the town of Templeton in oversight of the General Manager and superintendents of the light and water depts. I will work to get answers for  all questions needed to be asked. Clear Answers are the truest form of transparency. Accountability for the ratepayers is also necessary in any municipal Department. Pay raises and raising rates go hand in hand.
I will push for the highest safety standards in working conditions for all Employees and the general public alike.
 Thank you all for coming to this forum and with that I will take your questions.


  1. Good job, Dave. Its clear that we need a fresh set of eyes on this commission.

  2. Yes, thank you for taking the time to explain your position & also for your efforts to have people be accountable for their actions. Something those in management at the muni depts. have not had to do for years!! Hopefully, you will have your signs well distributed all over the 4 precincts of town, especially rignt before the election!! Best of Luck in your bid for office.

  3. Good job last night! You have my vote.

    1. I know the work you have done, to understand the workings of the Templeton Municipal Light and Water. A fresh set of eyes are needed to help make decisions, that will help find our way through the problems I see down the road. The town's people should have been included in decision making with regard to the wind turbine, because it is us that will end up paying the bill, if it ever sees the light of day. I have said before that this information will not surface until the election is over. I don't think this news is going to be good, and for that reason, I think the selectmen should have some say, about wether we fix it or not. Decisions that cost a lot of money need to be looked at closely. Just increasing rates, when something needs to be repaired, is a easy out, if you do not care about your customers. I could feel the wind get sucked out of the room when a figure of 600,000 was mentioned, to replace the gear box. Most people have no idea of how this project has progressed. It is time for them to get the facts. Like some say, better late than never. Keep up the good work, you will make a good commissioner. Bev.

  4. wow did you remember to bring this or did it get misplaced just a joke got to laugh now and then in life

  5. Hope you get it out now cause you won't be laughing when you open your next water bill. Thats if your on The TMLWP water system of course.I don't think most will find the humor in that one. Maybe if you don't live in Templeton,I can see why you would laugh.
    Vote "SMART"
