Friday, April 12, 2013

thought this comment should be posted as a blog

After meeting the candidates, I feel as if I could approach Mr. Robinson, Mr. Morrison, and Mr. Cosentino with any individual issues I was concerned about like roads problems, McLean property concerns, Michaels Lane concerns, etc. I did not, however, get that same feeling from Mr. Skelton. He did not come off as a friendly or approachable man. To me, a good selectman is someone that makes themselves available to the average Joe and treats their concerns with importance, no matter how small it is. I also do not care for Mr. Skelton's use of the term "girls" when speaking of administrative assistants working for the town. There are no children working for the town, so why use that term? Its demeaning, degrading, disrespectful. And, as a woman, I feel as if I went to him with a concern he would simply treat me as a "girl" and not his equal. I also learned he has had harassment complaints filed against him for his treatment of women when he was a selectman in the past. Did he learn to change his behavior since these incidents? Has he undergone any counseling or attended any workplace conduct courses? I just don't see how a polarizing personality that is going to put town employees on edge is going to benefit the town at this crucial time. I will be voting for new people to fill the two selectman seats this election. This town needs new perspective on old issues in order to evolve.


  1. i couldn't agree more with this comment. Awhile back someone posted about the "girls" who work at the light/water department, and i also commented how degrading that term is. the woman work in the positions they are referring to as "girls" are not kids, they are grown woman. It does speak that the person/people who can refer to these hard working woman as "girls" have no respect for the adult working woman.

    this town needs to entice new businesses to open, like the mini mall that was going to be constructed and now has stopped due to sewer issues... if you can bring in new tax dollars, jobs, more electricity, more water usage, etc. why would you not do anything possible to help the business come to town.

  2. Replies
    1. The Mall at Templeton, Exit 19. Big sign on the property there. It would be great if the candidates would give their opinion on how to get this project back in action. We need retail business ASAP. Not the promise of more subdivisions with crappy construction of overpriced McMansions to sit vacant for years.

    2. good question for the candidates... how or what would they do to get this back in action - this is what the town needs, businesses... not more housing.

    3. The proposed mall at exit 19 is not a mini mall . This 300,000 sf proposed mall is ready to go when the economy turns around .It is to bad that there was some delays due to a couple of abutters on Brandin drive that appealed the project ,however thats what happens when you try to do some good [not everybody agrees]. The sewer issue that you speak of was not a show stopper ,the project has a on site sewer system already designed that will handle the malls needs .

    4. thank you Kirk for the update. i was calling it a mini mall, but i guess i should've just said mall. is it the developer that is waiting for "the economy to turn around". it is too bad that the abutters appealed it-did they win the appeal? or because they are waiting for the economy to turn around, am i safe to assume that they did not win the appeal. unfortunately, i do not see the economy turning around anytime soon.

      i also heard, and please let me know if this is correct or not, that the developers gave up on that site because of the Town issues and not assisting with the sewer system, the original permit fees, etc. and the same developer then moved to the site to the one that is currently being developed on rt 2A in Athol. is that correct or is it a different developer?

      i guess it is one of those things that everyone feels is a good idea but not in their back yard - just like the McLean hospital treatment center.

    5. J. The abutters appealed the wetland order of conditions to the state ,which is there right .Its just to bad it was because there not in my back yard mentality really hurt the hole town . Keep in mind the property was zoned for this type of use prior to them buying there house in the first place . Second , the developers and investers are NOT the same people that are developing in Athol . Third . The sewer grant was a shot in the dark paid for by the developers on behalf of the town . Yes it would have helped them directly ,however the town would have also gained a few miles of sewer main with the potential of huge financial gain from all the users along the way .Including the mall .

    6. again, thank you Kirk. i knew you would have the correct answers to my questions. i'm glad to hear that the developer and investor in Athol is not the same one, than maybe, just maybe someday the mall will become a reality. can't give up hoping..

    7. For reference, Timpany Plaza is listed at right around 183,000 square feet of rental space with stop n shop at59,947 sq ft and biglots as 28,000 sq ft and this sits on 15.5 acres of land.

  3. Kenn mentioned he would hold office hours once a week. Pauly clearly has stated time and time again if someone wanted to talk to him, to stop by. Plus, his contact info is right here on the blog. Doug always attends BOS meetings, Advisory Board meetings and numerous town events and is very easy to talk to. I would feel very pleased with any of these three as new selectmen. I have not seen Gerry at a meeting in a year and a half. So, it appears to be difficult to approach him. I know that these days, a private company's HR Dept would consider calling a woman in a workplace a "girl" is a huge no no. I know this is how men 50 years ago referred to women in the workplace without really meaning any harm. But it isn't 50 years ago. Its 2013. Time for Templeton and its mindset to update. Time for all of us to break old habits and treat each other with mutual respect.

    1. Gerry has earned the respect of the girls work in the office once again another example of personal feelings smearing the truth...go away little children with a score to settle on the playground julie pauly bev isteach and the rest of the that was not a typo muppets

    2. I guess old habits are hard to break, huh? Thanks for supplying an example of the kind of mindset that needs to change.

    3. Post j you know nothing about the opinions of the office workers at tmlw...soooo don't comment on something you know nothing about .....or simply put.....shut it!!!! Jk

    4. you are right, i know nothing about the opinions of the office workers at templeton light and water,if they don't mind being called "girls", that is their business. I was just stating that i do not like that administrative assists are referred to as girls, they are working woman and should be referenced as such. i was only simply stating my opinion on the term. the older post i referenced was months ago, when someone on the blog said "the girls in the office", i again, stated my opinion on that term. i really don't care if the woman that work at the light and water company care what they are called, but i have my opinion and the right to state it. it is 2013 and politically correct terminology should be used. just curious, when they are introducing themselves or are being introduced by the manager, do they say "i am an office girl" or do they say "i'm the administrative assistant"? "she is the office girl" or "she is the administrative assistant".

    5. I believe when he used the term the other night he was referring to the selectman's office, not light and water. This is not a jab at light and water, so stop trying to frame it as such, Anon 12:27pm. The term is outdated and no longer appropriate to use in the workplace. It doesn't matter if the person it is referring to is ok with it or not. When one uses that term in public it can offend anyone that hears it. As a woman who has worked in a male dominated corporate world, it is still very hard to break through the old school view of women not being treated as equals and to be respected for their intellect. It has been witnessed here in Templeton that some women are labeled as troublemakers or b*tch*s when using their minds and not retreating when challenged. Clearly, the old school mindset still exists and its time for it to end. As more and more new residents call Templeton home, you run the risk of offending some of these women by using that term "girl" when used in public. A good politician chooses their words very carefully as to not offend any potential voter/supporter. A good politician makes themselves available to the citizens to listen to their concerns. A good politician promises to represent all the citizens equally. A good politician also knows how to admit their mistakes and apologizes with sincerity. I think there are 3 out of 4 candidates who have shown they possess these qualities. You may not share the same opinions as I do about the use of the term "girl" or what I feel makes a good selectman. But that is no reason to hurl insults and call names.

    6. well written anon 2:09... couldn't agree with you more.

    7. Anon 10:34 Thank you soooo much!

      I love the muppets! Especially the Muppet Christmas Carol.

      Bev and I call the grumpy old men - Statler and Waldorf. ahhh hahahaha! Oh hohohoho!

      More on this later

    8. To Anon 10:34 ...I don't believe he earned the respect of the office "girls" but more likely bought some obligatory "owed" loyalty (different then respect) with the townspeople's money. It seems quite clear that you do not know the truth but are deflecting. And believe me this is not child' play!! This is very serious stuff that hopefully someday will all come out in, fellow muppet, Bev's wash!! Thanks for honoring me as a one of these muppets. I would rather be one of those than one of the puppets that have helped ruin this town's financial solvency. All my opinions from years of observation & experience! Oh & the big difference between muppets & puppets is that we have No strings attached forcing our actions!! Love the muppets, too, Julie!!

    9. once again fruad farrell and the muppetts have been smoking too much of bobby mitchell's homegrown...watchout for the bong water and can really can handle that thou your all full of it....lets support cannabis smoking politcians!! if so vote for the muppetts. isteach i do know the out for fraud farrell she's as big as a moose and husband trashes her on dart night but she is a tricky one who can pull the wool over anyone's eyes...the red onion gang is really what ! MY OPINION SUPPORTED BY FACTS!!!!!

    10. I do appreciate the warning but, here again, it seems the truth is deflected to a substance that I have never used or even tried in my life & have no desire to because of the stink. Now, even if what you say were true, it does not alter the fact that all the "muppets" have been working for the entire town & not their own personal agendas. Many of us took quite a few hits through the years trying to get certain people to be accountable for their inappropriate actions that have severely affected the taxpayers / rate payers of this town. As Bev, said, years ago, the light board was looking out for the town & not just there to increase rates & pays. They are not in line with the rest of the town salaries except possibly the school administration (so, I don't get blasted, not the average teacher but the admin.) These overrides are always touted as for the kids but doesn't seem like that is where it goes either. Where does everyone, who is supposed to be so intelligent, think the taxpayers are going to come up with any more cash for their luxuries? The DOR report that was done stated the average yearly salary in Templeton was only $23,000. Now, you want these people to foot the bill for those who are already getting over the top pays & benefits? Anyway, there is so much that has happened here that it is impossible to address in one blog comment. I really do hope there is an investigation into the inner workings of this town for the past decade. Let's see what turns up. If there is no problem we can put it to rest. However, I don't think this will be the case unless a certain law group gets involved & can suppress evidence. No outright accusations, just questions that need to be answered. All my opinions from what I have witnessed. Seeing you used Julie's famous saying, I would like to hear more of your opinion supported by facts because you sure don't have me right. Have a Happy Sunday.

    11. Oh yes, since you so blatantly slandered her with the reference of fraud Farrell, what is your reasoning for that? I have seen her do more work for the people of Templeton in the past 2 years than almost anyone in any capacity has ever. Now, would you like to add some facts? I don't think you'll find any. I don't know a more honorable person than her. I am grateful we have her integrity, strength & willingness to plow through all this "garbage" that she landed in, to try to keep us from going into bankruptcy! Again, thank you Julie!!

    12. Ahh muppetts do have strings you just cant see them..isteach muppets are not real..thought you should know that before you sound really stupid ....ooops too opinion supported by facts

    13. Ahh Anon 247, you are so wicked smaht. You will not be persuaded, and your comments will not persuade.

    14. Okay Anon 2:47PM , now I get what you are trying to do. Thought possibly you could understand that my comment was not to be taken literally but as a metaphor of what you see & don't see about what is going on around you, yet should've realized that from the first statement you made that this was where your dialogue was going to go. I am sure this is not the first time I have been called stupid & it won't be the last. I probably am stupid right now replying to this but wish you well in your pursuits, whatever they may be, to taint a murky picture of people you do not even know. As Bev says, it will all come out in the wash. End of discussion on this.

    15. Ohhhh isteach feelings are hurt....julie may send you to the nurse or even may call ur mommma to leave school early hahahha fraud lover

    16. Ohhh A1118 you are still sooo wicked smahht! Being a bully seems to fit you well, learn that at home, or at Gansett?

    17. Love will always overpower hate.

  4. Ha!! Unions and administration collectively bargain raises.....soooo once again leave the playground or you might have to stay in for recess..

  5. Do you people know that one former "girl" in the selectmens office tried to take her sandwich into the conference room to eat (wanting a few quite minutes) and Carol S told her she couldn't do that because if Gerry came it he would be mad. he was a selectmen at the time. fact not fiction and I don't live in town.

  6. Raises= Higher Rates

    All the girls know that

  7. The Dictionary says GIRL can refer to a female employee.

  8. Must be a DICKtionary

  9. GERALD P SKELTON backers are bed wetters who are still seeking the approval of their fathers.

    1. This comment is a little over the edge, don't you think?
      This battle can be won without hurling insults. Use your brain, and come up with valid reasons why we, as a town, should vote or not vote, one way or another. Continuing this childish name calling benefits no one, except maybe you, the writer, and your need to show your frustration. If Gansett is So great, then use the words, you were taught to win an argument. Being a bully is reacting just like them. Time for that learned behavior to skip town.

    2. As someone who has had problems with incontinence I certainly object being associated with someone of the likes of Gerald Skelton. I certainly will not be voting for this man and can only hope others with my problem do the same.

  10. In Websters dictionary, it reads under the term girl; the use of girl to refer to an adult woman is often considered offensive, especially when it is used this way by a man. One would think that a person with 27 years managerial experience would see it would be in every ones interest to offer up an apology for a poor choice of words and that would probably be that. History shows it is not usually the deed that does people in, usually it is the coverup, denial and lies that people absolutely refuse to forgive on. Everyone makes mistakes but it is how you handle the mistakes that people tend to watch. I think most people are simply looking for an honest, sincere, open person who will listen to them, as in hear what they have to say and when a mistake is made, simply acknowledgee it and discuss how to avoid repeating it over and over.

    1. Jeff, most people would think a man like Mr. Echo Hill would manage people, but not him. He manipulates, and uses people, the worst part is he seems to have no conscience. He sees things one way, his way. All that has been accomplished in the past year, is in jeopardy, unless people see the truth. Lets hope the people have a understanding of what has gone on in this town, and make good decisions. When they call your name to get on that plane to come home, don't look back, we need you here, safe and sound. Bev.

  11. Websters also says what anon 10:09 said !

    1. C'mon, you know that women today do not like to be reffered to as girls. And a man with a harrassment claim against would also have been made aware of how his language effects others. You know somewhere in the bible it says that women are property and should be treated as such. You want to say that is the way to treat people as well? Gimme a break, stop trying to defend the sexist candidate. Let him defend himself, he's a big BOY and he can take it.

    2. So, Anon 4:15pm, are you defending past selectmen using a term that others find offensive? Does that justify their actions in some way? Does "your side" win this battle? Do you feel better proving that your leader is right? The point is one could switch that word out for multiple other words and yet the intension behind the words remain. The man has a documented history of harassment of women. FACT. By using the term "girl" at Candidate's Night proves he still possess the same mindset that he did when he was brought up on harassment charges. That was the point of this blog. People are offended by him and his attitude. So, how can we all help move forward? Answer that for me please. I doubt you will engage in a rational conversation and will instead hurl more insults at me. Try something new, why don't you? Think outside the box for once in your life.

  12. All these comments just go to show there is still a big bullying problem in Templeton. Some think its ok to call the entire citizens of Templeton "stupid" on camera. Some think its ok to refer to women as "girls". Some think its ok to call people "frauds". Some thing its ok to make false claims about people's drug use. Some people think its ok to call people numerous other derogatory remarks in a way to make their point. Until everyone agrees that this behavior is not productive or in the best interest of the town, we will never achieve any progress in Templeton. If you cannot make your point with respect and facts, then your point is worthless. No one wins when we (adults) treat each other in such a manner.

  13. Anon 10:11,All I said was FACT from Webesters Dict. All the other crapp YOU said about me is an INSULT ! So while you are getting a LIFE why don/t YOU look up boy ?

    1. What is your solution to improve the level of respect for one another in town? Are you capable at making a point without being rude? Possibly offer a solution instead of fueling the fire?

    2. Anon 135, while you have the dictionary out, look up buffoon. Just like the person that you want elected, you try oh so hard to be so wicked smahhhht and twist what you have said into something innocent. I do believe you were trying to prove a point looking into your 1950 copy of the Webster's dictionary. Too bad times have changed and you have not.

    3. Ha! Anon 1:35pm "boy" is also considered inappropriate when used with a negative intension. Ask an African American male if he would like to be called that. It seems like this town needs some ethics training to update some outdated, old school mindsets. Look at what hatred has done to humanity. Its time for ALL of us to think twice about our words and actions. The next time someone asks how we can stop these acts of violence from happening, maybe you'll remember this conversation. Stop spreading hate and try to express love. All of humanity will benefit.

  14. Was it Bev who said something like The Ol/ Boys refering to L+W Commissioners ?

    1. Yes, it was Bev who said that and her point in using that term is exactly the same point as above--pointing out the same old school mindset. Plus, she is not running for office and she does not have documented harassment charges against her. The point of shedding light on using the term "girl" by the good ole "boys" is that I do not think that mindset is what Templeton needs right now. We need people that are not as polarizing a figure and will promote cooperation and objectivity and respect between town employees, officials and the public. So, what is your solution to getting ALL of us to treat each other with more respect? Everyone is at fault. How can we all heal?

    2. It is hard to heal when some keep ripping off the band-aid and picking at the scab. To heal old wounds the body needs to create new blood. The wounds of the past will never heal without it. So, a reasonable person would understand this process which can equate to the election ahead of us, new blood to heal old wounds. Band-aids from the past did not heal the wounds, in fact it may have infected some. So the healing process for Templeton, although complex, is possible. We, the voters in Templeton, will soon get to choose our healing process. This blog is a tool for self-diagnosis. We can step back, look at all the shared symptoms, and make an informed decision about which path to recovery is best. So let’s heal our wounds with new blood now.

  15. Maybe they should be refered to as the fourteen percenters?
    I hope eeryone enjoys the water and electric rates going up again! It's gona happen! New commissioners are needed.
    Dave Smart

  16. Again not so smart, I looked at my water bills and the last time water went up was 6 years ago. All you do is try and bye votes by spreading lies. That is a tactic you must have learned from the Muppet Queen. Must really upset you seeing the turbine running after all the lies you said about it not running again.

    1. Is someone upset that their wife or themselves were let go from a town job that they were unqualified to do? Must really upset you. How do you feel about VW's petition?

  17. so let's see the bill for fixing the wind turbine or are you just letting it run with out repairing it - please inform us rate payers. letting something run when it is not fixed properly could be dangerous I would think if not please let us know. this is the point GIVE US THE INFORMATION. we are residents, ratepayers and taxpayers. Let us know what is happening. and spare us the insults. Our children are near the turbine.

  18. There is no way light management would run turbine without ok from manufacturer. They are very diligent about maintenance no matter what part of there operation it involves. I bet you information on turbine is on the way. Before comments start let them do there job . They run their depts like a business should be run.if all depts were run like L+w the town would be better off. Comments from Smart about them are bull he think they will help him get elected. Townspeople told him how they feel about his ideas running L+W at stm they do no need his help.

    1. The lemmings were lied to then showed up and did what they were told to do. There was no thinking, just following orders.

  19. You wish that was the reason the vote went the way it did!

    1. No wishing, just ask some of them. They were given orders to get their unknowing family and friends to show up and vote no. Again no wishing just a fact.

  20. Not so smart must have done the same while getting the 106 signatures for his failed petition. Bye the way, where were they ? He said it was easy getting them, sure it was they could not sign quick enough so he would leave him alone

    1. Thank you agreeing that people were lied to about the Recall and the L&W petition by the echo hill gang.
