Tuesday, April 9, 2013

e-mail threads from Jeff B

The following e-mail thread shows Templeton Light employees going to the Templeton town treasurer with questions about their retirement accounts, legitimate concerns and it also shows they are Templeton town employees. It also shows Virginia Wilder stating she will try to help these employees, so my question is this; when is Virginia Wilder going to start working for and helping Templeton towns people? Selectmen sign the weekly warrant which essentially pays the bills for the town, including the light department. Within the warrant are the invoices from all departments so if a selectman wishes, one can go through and look at them. One would think that a bill for almost 10 grand is something you would like to look at. but once again, Virginia Wilder and Patrick Mullins show who they work for and it sure as hell is not the Templeton residents / taxpayers. I sure hope Mr. Stewart did not partake in that vote! So, I wonder where Dana Blais is on this, I recall he said "we do things right over there", well if you make people pay for something, you should show them what they paid for!! But refusing to turn this over to those who pay for it does not fall under what Dana Blais sees as the right thing! Mr. Stewart shows again why it is a good thing he decided to not run for selectmen again, not doing the job! As chairman, he could have spoke in favor of this and urged the board to act, he can also put this on the agenda for the next meeting for another discussion on it if he chose to.
I apologize that I am in Afghanistan, unable to do much for you for now, but you can do something very soon, you can VOTE SMART and bring accountability to Templeton Light & Water one commissioner at a time! You also have 3 good candidates for selectmen, unfortunately only 2 seats are available, so pick 2 and get a BOS that will work for you!..............This is an unfiltered comment by Jeff Bennett

From: "jbelliveau jbelliveau"
To: gwvwtemple@aol.com, treasurer@templeton1.org, kmyers@templeton1.org, stewy5@comcast.net, jpb01468@comcast.net, "j farrell" , "patrick mullins 2012"
Cc: towncoordinator@templeton1.org
Sent: Monday, April 8, 2013 10:15:48 AM
Subject: RE: 457b contributions

Thank you and I will pass on the information to our employees who contribute.
From: gwvwtemple@aol.com [mailto:gwvwtemple@aol.com]
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013 10:11 AM
To: treasurer@templeton1.org; jbelliveau jbelliveau; kmyers@templeton1.org; stewy5@comcast.net; jpb01468@comcast.net; j_farrell@hotmail.com; patrick.mullins.2012@gmail.com
Cc: towncoordinator@templeton1.org
Subject: Re: 457b contributions
Jen, Just so you know, as soon as I found out about this last Thursday, I proposed to the Coordinator and to Dan that at tonight's meeting I will request the Board Of Selectmen to sign a notice so that this will not be held up again. I am very sorry that this was not addressed prior to now. This was the first I knew of it. Virginia
-----Original Message-----
From: treasurer <treasurer@templeton1.org>
To: 'jbelliveau jbelliveau' <jbelliveau@templetonlight.com>; 'Kate Myers' <kmyers@templeton1.org>; 'Christopher Stewart' <stewy5@comcast.net>; 'Jeffrey Bennett' <jpb01468@comcast.net>; 'Julie Farrell' <j_farrell@hotmail.com>; 'Patrick Mullins' <patrick.mullins.2012@gmail.com>; 'Virginia Wilder' <gwvwtemple@aol.com>
Cc: towncoordinator <towncoordinator@templeton1.org>
Sent: Mon, Apr 8, 2013 7:51 am
Subject: 457b contributions
Nick Houston and John White were in here last week inquiring into the reason for withholdings to their 457b plans have not been on time. I explained to them that it has been the Select Board holding things up. It looks like the issue has not yet been resolved! Just a heads up to your guys I am aware of it. I talked with some of the Board and there will be a vote at Monday night’s meeting to pre-authorize certain warrant items, including the 457b contributions, which should fix the issue moving forward. I am disappointed it had to happen again this week with so much attention being paid to the problem. I will make every effort to get the withholdings in the mail today, Monday.


  1. Our friend Virginia, OOPS, did I say "our friend", I guess that is a mistake, I will not make again. Virginia's ties to the Echo Hill bunch, has been consistent since day one. The go to girl for these people, has not been working for the tax payers in this town. Go back to the selectmen's meeting in the cafeteria at NRHS, when Virginia ordered the police there to move half the people in the room, out the door. This woman can not deal with authority, because she misuses it. Enough is enough for sure. We will replace her next time she is up for election. If I have to run against her, I will. The guys who work for the Light and Water, should not be caught up in the mess the commissioners make. None of this is their doing. May the election in April work out for us, and the people in Templeton. The town can use some sanity. Jeff, don't take a slow boat home!! We need you here, and a huge THANK YOU For devoting your time to the blog. My opinion, Bev.

  2. vw works for "my best friend",carol, mrs gs!!!!!! that's it !!!! the tax payers of the town can go to Hell !!!!!!
