Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Via Afghanistan

From: "Anne - Rep. Gobi (HOU)"
Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2013 5:55:31 PM
Subject: State House update

Good evening
The House passed a comprehensive transportation bill last night the plan includes the following reforms to our transportation system:
  • Moves Employees off of the Capital Budget over 3 years;
  • Provides forward funding for Regional Transit Authorities;
  • Generates Revenue to Cover a Capital Plan;
  • Gives MassDOT and the RTAs a long term plan to rely on;
The plan relies upon the following revenue items to finance the funding gap:
  • A 3 cent increase to the gas tax (indexed with delay ) to help pay for road and bridges
-- $110 million;
  • $1-per-pack increase on the tobacco excise tax -- $165 million;
  • Modernizes the tax code on canned software to include modifications to software and computer system planning and design -- $161 million;
  • Changes to the tax status of utility companies -- $83 million.
The bill now moves to the Senate.
I am well aware that there are a number of people who feel this is too much and many who feel it is too little. I see it as balanced and practical.
The Governor has already said he would the bill even before the Senate has had the opportunity for debate. I thank you for your input and for all you do.


  1. Does this mean that the town will get their Ch 90 money for the coming year?

  2. Depends on when they vote it.
