Paul working for you.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


ATM is done!
But is it over?
Last might completed the outstanding warrant articles.
Article 51 was not reconsidered. The town and TMLWP will continue to be at odds on the water enterprise until this issue is resolved. I did find a few interesting FACTS in the Financial statements on the TMLWP website.
On page 9 of the financial statements:
1. Organization
The Town of Templeton, Massachusetts, Municipal Water Department (“the Department”) is an enterprise fund of the Town of Templeton, Massachusetts. The Department provides water related services to consumers within the Town of Templeton.
2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Basis of accounting
The Department is considered an enterprise fund of the Town of Templeton, Massachusetts.
I believe the only MGL that relates to Enterprise Funds is MGL Chapter 44 53F1/2.
Probably will see this article again!
Article 52 – PILOT payment negotiation was defeated. This will be brought up for discussion by the BOS. It is possible the BOS may ask the TMLWP manager to follow the LAW, specifically MGL Chapter 164A section 8 and MGL chapter 164 sec. 56
Article 53 – Forensic Audit was defeated. This article was non- binding which mean the BOS has in its powers the ability to execute the article. MGL Chapter 164 section 56C and Chapter 93 Acts of 2000 (read section 2).
It would be a step in the right direction if all contracts over $5,000 were made available to the TOWN auditor/accountant. It is up to the BOS to enforce Chapter 93 Acts of 2000:
Said manager shall render to the board of selectmen, as often as they may require, a full report of all operations under his control during the period reported upon, and annually, and from time to time as required by said board of selectmen, shall make a synopsis of such reports for publication and shall keep said board of selectmen advised as to the needs of the town within the scope of his duties; and shall annually, not less than 120 days prior to the expiration of the fiscal year of said town, furnish to said board of selectmen a detailed estimate in writing of the appropriations required during the next succeeding fiscal year for the proper exercise and performance of all said rights and duties.”
Should get interesting!
Articles 54, 55 and 56 were defeated. Article 57 and 58 no action taken.
Article 59 – Personnel By-law was passed.
Article 60 – Government study was defeated.
Article 61 – Sex Offender residency by law passed, but there are questions whether the Attorney general will approve it.
Article 62 – sewer by-law amendment or the Dana Blais Sewer Relief Act of 2013 was defeated.
And the meeting was adjourned.
The town will need to meet again for a special town meeting in June. Stay tuned.
My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !
Julie Farrell


  1. I posted a blog on this subject prior to the STM back in March and I also obtained a legal opinion from town counsel concerning MGL 164 section 56C so eally the BOS have the authority to request financial information including an audit so the selectmen knows where the light dept stands money wise. The BOS need to send the acts of 2000 and the financial statement of the water dept to the AG office and request a ruling on what is what so that issue can be put to bed. Another issue to ask the AG about would be does the water superintendent and or water commissioners have the authority to accept anything on behalf of the town. Does the Light superintendent have the authority to sign any land leases on behalf of the town. These questions to the AG would cost the taxpayers nothing. With some procedural changes coming, the business of Templeton should become more transparent than ever. As for the change in title of town coordinator and adoption of 23A, the selectmen already have the authority to delegate as much responsibility and authority to the town coordinator as they wish while still maintaining oversite. It is a vote of the selectmen that can make that happen, title aside.

  2. In my opinion someone is lying to the voters of Templeton concerning fluoridation. Fluoride can not be both good for you and bad for you. Please take the time to see who is lying to you, if not for you, then for the next generation.

    1. For those of you who did not attend the last night of our ATM, it is too bad you missed the childish games that a few people decided to play. Mr. Dennis, Bumpsey's son, has had fun playing "move the question." This stops any discussion of any article, as long as the rest of the people vote in agreement. It is sad, that many of the players were left over E.H. people, also I assume Lions Club members. Their failure to filter what is in the interest of the town, from the grudges they hold, will present a challenge for a while. This is hardly the end of the world. One of the reasons for our friends behavior, is because a relative was let go, from a job with the town. Now it is payback time, as he has decided to focus on Julie and Mr. Ritter as the reason for this person, loosing a job. The fact that the job did not get done, even after help was offered, from the rest of the other workers, has not seemed to register. This is a convenient way to justify his poor behavior, and his way to get even. One other person was fairly active in the game. I think he was Ms. Wilder's brother in law. It is legal to do what they did, but it is a loss to people who really want to take part in a discussion. Rob Hubbard was vocal about one of the Citizen petitions. He did not think it should be on the ATM Warrant. I understand the reason it was on the warrant, as when the articles are submitted, there is no way to know how the election is going to go. Having this article on the warrant guarantees a discussion, and is a way to educate the public. If one of the citizen petitions is voted in, that is a good thing. It was interesting that a number of people in the crowd, started to be irritated by the games, because they did have interest in what goes on. Some people do care what happens to our town. We can be thankful for that. I hope the new behavior for ATM, is not going to include the bad behavior we saw during this past one. It is important for new people, some of who have never gone to a meeting before, to have a positive experience. This is my opinion, Bev.

  3. The facts are that some people got up in front of the voters and lied. I can tell you as i have said before i don't make up what i tell people,others have and still will. The lady that said we don't own the wind turbine was one of the light department plants. She was 1/2 right and 1/2 lie.
    We will own it when its paid off,if ever. It's like the title on your car you don't get it till the loan is paid.The TMLWP shield the town from it with the coop and purchase/sell the power thru it.
    It is true the state is involved in more ways then one and the money loan is a investment for the rich to get richer tax free. No tax is paid on the dividends paid for the investers. The state owns MMWEC and borrows the money and lends it out for the projects they do and have us municipals get in with others like princeton coop. It funny the treasure of MMWEC is also the TREASURE of our coop with princeton, I've met him and also scoobo the lawyer for all. Did i mention the treasure is also the CEO of MMWEC. What a tangled web they weave. Plain and simple we had our chance Templeton and for now we blew it. Was it because we were lied to again?
    Some truth will come out of the cost audit and i for one will have my numbers ready to check out the results!
    It wouldn't surprise me if Julie has some also!
    People who speak the truth don't give up.

    1. When the truth comes out in the wash, people will say, why didn't someone tell us! The thing is, you have to be smart enough to listen. ENOUGH!! Why does that keep coming up?? Do we think our Light Commissioners are smart ENOUGH, to dream up a plan like this?? I don't. It is the Old Boys Club, watching out for each other. On top of it, these guys get paid. The other board members in town do not!! In the end, Chris will wish he never got involves with this bunch. My opinion, Bev.
