Tuesday, May 14, 2013

BOS Meeting May 13, 2013


It was an interesting BOS meeting last night. The agenda was changed to reorganize the BOS as the first order of business. While we were about to start the meeting, the phone rang and it was Selectman Jeff Bennett on the line from Afghanistan (3 AM !!) Remote participation works!!

The Board has been reorganized with Jeff Bennett as Chairman in abstentia, Kenn Robinson as Vice Chairman and Doug Morrison as Clerk.

Virginia Wilder submitted a letter of resignation on May 13, 2013. The letter was read into the record. The BOS will most likely discuss the vacancy on the board at its next meeting on May 28, 2013. We need to focus on the annual town meeting this week.

Bob Whalen and Dennis Rich presented an update on the Templeton Common Improvement Plan. The plans for the traffic re-design are not available electronically. The master plan for the common is available electronically. It may take a few years to accomplish, but it looks like a better and safer use of the space up at the Common.

A few items were discussed before the Otter River Sportsman Club Hearing :

The town will soon have a signed contract with Virtual Town Hall to re-design the town website. The fee of $4,600 will pay for the design, installation and maintenance (this fiscal year). A $2,400 license fee will provide support for the site on a yearly basis( budgeted for next year). Hopefully, the site will be up and running soon. Please say “Thank you!” to Kathy Mattson for her service to the town maintaining the town website.

The Arts & Crafts Fair needs volunteers in order to keep the Fair going! More information in a separate blog!

The BOS voted to appoint Holly Young as BOS administrative assistant. Welcome Holly!

It is with regret that the BOS accepts the resignation of COA Director Eileen Clarkson. We wish her well in her new position in Gardner.

Discussion on the Charlie’s Angels tollbooth will be continued at the next BOS meeting. This tollbooth fundraiser is for the Relay for Life.

The public Hearing for the Otter River Sportsman Club (ORSC) was held to discuss altering the license for the premise. This is to increase the areas where alcohol can be served on the property. It is process that can be done by the ABCC.

The BOS took action on the one-day liquor licenses for the ORSC as well as the entertainment licenses. It was a long list of events. Good to see the ORSC up and running again!

The BOS voted a number of police department appointments. Doug Morrison and Kenn Robinson will be on the highway/sewer negotiating subcommittee. Kenn Robinson and Julie Farrell will be on the Police and dispatch negotiating subcommittee.

Under New Business:
Town coordinator informed the BOS that cemetery superintendent Alan May was certified as a playground safety inspector. This certification will save the town a lot of money. Congratulations to Al Mayo!

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. Front page of the Gardner News, poor Virginia now claims to be bullied and is the sole selectman to want to better the town. Looks to me like she is out numbered in her quest to bury the town deeper and ran away like a baby when the going got just a ween bit tough. SEE YA

    1. I remember the times my friend Gladys Saleme was given a hard time. She was the first woman selectmen, and the men did not appreciate her, doing what was then "a man's job.". This was long before the blog. She never backed down, she stood for what she believed in, no matter how tough things got. Gladys earned the respect of the other board members, and the people in this town. Now is time for the town to heal. I think this board can do that. Bev.

  2. I thank Virginia Wilder for her service. I appreciate any who dare enter the arena of town government. I may add as a donation of their time for most. I only hoped the time i had spent with her(hours)were able to sink in and find that things are not as are presented to her by people influencing her. L+W is a big part of the problems she faced and not going to be able to hide interests any longer. I can tell you this, Templeton has a quality Board of Selectman and our best chance to recover from the problems we have now. Templeton has started to heal.
    Please attend tonights town meeting if you can be inspired to participate as i have.

  3. i find it interesting that VW resigns after her good friend didn't win the election - either she is thinking he will run again and win her seat and/or... i see a law suit of harassment coming again just like her dear friend did twice! the BOS should really think about how many seats they really need on the board - perhaps her seat shouldn't be filled.
