Tuesday, May 14, 2013

from TGN 5/14/13

5/14/2013 5:55:00 AM
Wilder resigns from Templeton board
Says she has been 'bullied,' 'driven' from seat; Bennett elected new chairman

‘(The board) appears to be going in directions that I do not wish to be a part of.’

— Virginia Wilder
Kerry O'Brien
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON — Virginia Wilder has resigned from the Board of Selectmen, asserting in a statement that she has been “bullied” and is at odds with the board as currently constituted.

“The Board of Selectmen appears to be going in directions that I do not wish to be a part of,” the statement reads. “It is with great consideration and a heavy heart that I submit this as my resignation from the Board ... There will be those of you that will revel in the fact that you have driven me away. There are also many good people in this town that have supported me and thanked me for my contribution.”

In the statement — addressed to the other selectmen and Town Coordinator Jeffrey Ritter and delivered Monday afternoon — Ms. Wilder writes that it was her “intention to be part of a board that would be helping to heal the town and allow it to move on.”

“Since I have been here I have been spit at, cursed at, had chairs thrown at me and been the subject of lies and ridicule,” the statement continues. “I have been threatened, and my family is now becoming the topic of conversation.”

Ms. Wilder in her statement goes on to specifically assert that the actions of Selectman Jeffrey Bennett “pushed” her to leave the board.

“Bennett has pushed this over the edge,” Ms. Wilder’s statement reads.

Mr. Bennett, who is currently serving with the National Guard in Afghanistan and participated in the meeting remotely via phone, was the sole vote against accepting Ms. Wilder’s resignation.

“I wish Virginia would reconsider,” he said.

Ms. Wilder, who was first elected to the board in the recall vote of February 2012 that removed Selectman Julie Farrell and former board member Robert Mitchell from office, was not present for Monday’s meeting. Reached after the meeting, she did not elaborate on the statement other than to say she is also considering leaving the other committees and boards in town on which she serves.

The selectmen indicated they will determine a course of action regarding filling Ms. Wilder’s seat during their next meeting on May 28.

In other business, following the election of Kenn Robinson and Doug Morrison to the board on April 30, the selectmen Monday voted on reorganizing the board. Ms. Farrell made a motion to appoint Mr. Bennett as chairman, which was unanimously approved. Mr. Bennett subsequently made a motion to appoint Mr. Robinson as vice chairman, which was also unanimously approved.

The selectmen indicated they expect Mr. Bennett to return to town sometime this summer. He is serving a three-year term on the board that expires in 2014, and has been serving in Afghanistan since September.

Massachusetts General Law allows selectmen to utilize remote participation in meetings, but does not permit full participation. As a result, Mr. Robinson will serve as chairman until Mr. Bennett’s return.

In other business, the selectmen voted to appoint Holly Young of Athol as administrative assistant to the board.

Mr. Ritter said 23 applications were received for the position which was vacated in December.

“(Ms. Young) comes with an extraordinary background in legal support services, a paralegal degree and many years of paralegal work in local attorney’s offices,” he said.

“She’s also experienced in office management. The icing on the cake for me is that she is a notary public.”


  1. Well,I guess the only thing I can say, is if the BOD is going "in a direction Virginia does not want to be a part of", what does she want, to have the town deeper in debt? I do not think she was fair in her blaming the blog, or anyone else for her problems. If she had worked on her own, she would have been a good selectman. It is too bad her dear friends, had such so much control over her decision making. Well, I think we can finally say, enough, is enough! Bev.

    1. You know I was supposed to write BOS..Oh well, I hope I see every one tonight. Bev.

  2. If Ms Wilder has been threatened and had things throw at her, why hasn't she file a complaint with the Chief. He said she had not. and as far as bullying goes, she is an expert on bullying town employees, second only to Bubba and Mr Skelton.

  3. At least Ms. Wilder was honest when she said "The board appears to be going in directions that I do not wish to be a part of." I'm not sure how honest the rest of her statements were, however. On that note, I applaud the reorganization of the new BOS and welcome Mr. Robinson and Mr. Morrison. Their new voices will be a breath of fresh air in that smelly, bug infested boardroom. I was thrilled to read that Mr. Bennett was on the phone during the meeting and look forward to his safe return. He will make a fair and effective Chairman. Once we all get through the ATM this week, I look forward to the new direction the BOS will move the town, even if Ms. Wilder will not be a part of it.

  4. Hopefully Ms. Wilder will find the time to come out and vote yes on artlicles 54,55 and 56. Templeton was the first community to fluoridate their water supply and we can all make history by voting this enzymatic poison out of our water supply. When in doubt,get it out!!

  5. Mondays selectmen meeting was surprising and interesting. Ms. Wilder made a few claims about me and perhaps it was in the heat of the moment, perhaps not, but it is over and my hope now is the BOS can continue doing what was started in 2011 when I was first elected. Transparent, legal, factual governance for the Town of Templeton. With that in mind, I did respond to Ms. Wilders claim that remote participation by email was not allowed in a vigorous fashion. If she considers pointing out what the law and rules say as bullying, well I suppose we can add that to the list of things that she and I disagree on. On the direction that the BOS is heading or appears to be heading in, I do not think the direction is one in which town counsel will be fired in the middle of the month, the town coodrinator fired so we can hire a dear friend nor will there be "toss out the whole section over there" I see the direction of the BOS as it sits right now, as one working together and for the same things, facts, law, and transparency. I forsee this as a very productive year for Templeton and the BOS. Once past the ATM, I forsee some good things happening in Templeton. With the help of Kenn Robinson, we hopefuly can as a board, begin a dialog with the school district committee and come to terms concerning the schools needs/wants and the ability of Templeton to support them. In closing, if Virginia Wilder wishes to place all the reasons, pressure, feelings etc. for her need to resign from the BOS on my shoulders, well, okay. Now we can check our compass and continue moving in the direction which will benefit the town and the taxpayers.
