Monday, June 24, 2013

Advisory Board Special Town Meeting Recommendations

Advisory Board Special Town Meeting Recommendations




Advisory Board Recommendation

Article 1

BY-LAW Change

Advisory Board unanimously recommends a  YES vote.

Article 2

Free cash

Advisory Board unanimously recommends a  YES vote.

Article 3

Free cash

Advisory Board unanimously recommends a  YES vote.

Article 4

Free cash

Advisory Board unanimously recommends a  YES vote.

Article 5

Free cash

Advisory Board  recommends a YES vote.

Article 6

New BY-Law

Advisory Board  recommends a YES vote.

Article 7

Water Revenues

Advisory Board unanimously recommends a  YES vote.

Article 8

Special Legislation

Advisory Board has no recommendation for this article

Article 9

Free cash

Advisory Board unanimously recommends a  YES vote.

Article 10

ASS. Town Clerk Salary

Advisory Board unanimously recommends a  YES vote.

Article 11

Water Revenues

Advisory Board unanimously recommends a vote of NO.

Water Rate Study of other similar size towns and water systems


  1. Please review the information in the water rate study.There is a lot of good information there.

    Templeton's Water department budget is 1.4 million. That's about $600,000 more than the next highest water department.

    We've been informed that the increase in the water budget is very small, but they neglect to mention that the water department is $65,000 over budget for this fiscal year.

    Water sales are down..the TDC closing has effected sales with a loss of about 800,000 gallons / year. Foreclosed and abondoned homes have had an adverse impact on water department sales as well. Hiring a consultant to try to attract business to town as was done when Devens closed Wil be difficult. It is difficult to attract business to town with high electric and water rates.

    The debt burden on the water department is significant and won't be paid off until 2045. So what to do? What to do?

    Did the TMLWP Commissioners look at or consider cutting costs? NO! THEY voted to double the service fee!

    Possible cost cutting measures - hire part time people to cover weekend call outs. Other departments do this quite successfully. OT pay is quite expensive. Look at online bill pay through may help with cash flow.

    I'm sure there are more ideas out there to help trim the water department budget. Please share your ideas to help cut costs at the water department.

    1. I do not have town water and never will. The cost is not something to worry about, if you have a means to pay that will not alter your standard of living. The reasons I am bothered by what is taking place at Light and Water, are simple. Not everyone can pay bills that are over inflated, and I can not see where a change for the better will happen any time soon. I also know that the reason for the Water Department change was to bring the department up to a higher standard, something that has, and will not happen. Ok, the voters made a big mistake! It is time to go to the drawing board, and make a change that will make sense. You would not allow the Select Board to allow a department to run like this! Why allow the Light and Water Commissioners to keep this up?? You had faith in the people who ran these departments in the past. Why, because they earned your trust. This is NOT YOUR MOTHER AND FATHER'S DEPARTMENT. No Board of Directors, or business owner would let their business run like this. They cannot blame the debt for the reason our bills are high! Other departments have debt also. Poor management, and a top heavy administration are the cause for the high rates you pay. Protect the people in this town, many of them are the elderly who are trying to live in their own homes. Protect yourself! I am truly afraid, things will only get worse. This is time for you to make right, a bad decision. Bev.

  2. I don't want TEMPLETON to be #1 , But it now is. Just pay your water bills and shut up OR COME VOTE OUT THOSE THAT HAVE ALLOWED THIS TO HAPPEN. The commission must go and will not be missed one bit! RESTORE OUR RIGHTS TO VOTE.

  3. I have a question on act 9, when the current treas. got the bill of interest and penelties did he or the light dept call the DOR to try to get then waived? The Dor forgave alot of penelties back in 2005 when the town had previous treasurer trouble. Why should we (the town) pay a bill that the current treasurer couldn't even pick up the phone or write the DOR and didn't the L&W check each month to be sure that the bills they submit for payment are paid? seams a lot of people dropped the ball here and here we come the tax payers footing the bill again.
