Monday, June 24, 2013


this was send to my email 

Hi Paul,
I heard about your blog and was told it would be the place to put something about override so, if you want to share on your blog, I put this information on FB just so folks would understand what the override really means in the years to come for them.
Templeton Override Vote coming up next Tuesday June 25th states "Shall the town of Templeton be allowed to assess an additional $691,086 in real estate and personal property taxes for the purpose of funding the Narragansett Regional School District for the fiscal year beginning July first, two thousand thirteen?" PLEASE KNOW WHAT YOU ARE VOTING FOR BEFORE YOU CAST YOUR BALLOT. If you vote yes, then you will pay more real estate taxes this year, next year, the year after that, and so on... Once you vote for a proposition 2-1/2 override, it continues every year. The first year NRSD will get the $691,086 BUT next year they may not, nor the year after that. Is this a bandage you want to pay for every year? YOU need to talk to your town officials and folks who are knowledgeable about the school budget to get both sides of the story before you vote.
Chris Symonds


  1. I want to thank you for your interest in the Templeton watch my uncle paul started. Your words will be viewed here and also get comments on, heres mine. For Tempelton to vote in favor of this override would not be normal for Templeton to do. Templeton almost always says no to higher taxes.Very few times have they voted for the overides and only if a must.Our departments go without it, you name it. Unless of course its the Light and Water departments. They get it all, Via our wallets/purses. With high electric rates and the "hightest" water rates we are in a pay more via lights and water now without any votes to be had. Time is now to restore our votes and be able to help the schools without the override. Light and Water need to get a grip on the overhead they have and not spend every dime they take from us.The budgets in business shrink when business drops but our light and water seem to grow the budgets as their bottom line shrinks.The problem is with the commission and we will have the option to change this thursday at the STM. I encourage the gansett greatness movement to help pack the special town meeting and vote to abollish the money spending machine commission out of office and restore normal votes and rights we have had taken away. Support the work of the Advisory board and Board of Selectmen and Abolish the arrogance they call the Commission of light and water. The town would have the money you need for schools if the L+W didn't charge the town what they do for ELECTRIC + WATER Tempelton is Being drained by them and you are too.
    Support this to get the funding you want and need. The L+W commission must go.

    1. I am glad to see a new person on the blog. I know many of you read it, but most of you don't feel a need to contribute. The only thing I will say about the school issue is, How can this be for the kids? If it is for them, why do the parents allow the school administration to hold the kids as hostages? I just can not understand how that can be! If the override fails, they have said, a long list of things the kids enjoy, will be gone! If it fails, what about the number of officials, all in one building, why can't the Administration look at making changes, to cut the budget?? The Gansett Greatness cry is all good and wonderful, but the reason Gansett is great is because of the kids, not because of anything else. The town is living on very little, but the town workers have managed. A thing the blogger missed is, if the override passes, there will be huge cuts to town services. Things like our police department, and fire department. What little we have will be gone, so it is important to think about that. It is important that you vote, and remind every one else to vote also. Bev.

  2. I think the kids are Great! I think the Staff and Administration are amazing and help promote the children's greatness! Cheapen the quality and you dumb down the children! There are many reasons this town fails and Selfishness is probably the largest reason! Just because a few voices are loud doesn't mean they are the ones that should be heard! When the 1/12 is filed and the state head of education steps in I'm sure the budget will be passed. People forget the person coming to view all this is in support of education! The school will get their money. Oh and not only that, because they voted down the over ride the town will have to slash its already bankrupt like budget to fund it! Awesome choices all around!

  3. Was that the third time we shot the override down or just the second? How did it get back on the ballot so fast? Who put it back on? At what point does it not get back on?

