Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Fighting for Your Rights

Letter to the Editor:
           Fighting for your rights
  Templeton has had to endure a lot in the past and with no doubt will in the future. The one thing for sure is it will learn from mistakes made and with the help of the voters can protect it in the future. The Advisory Board and also the Board of Selectmen are to be commended for the ability to stand up and point out problems not popular with the majority of voters at town meeting. I for one know firsthand the position of going up against the Light and Water machine. They have endless resources to fight with and with your money. But the mistake they have made is to take away our rights. When the American people lose the right to vote and the rule of law its time to change the people you think were doing right by you.

 In my opinion the people in charge at Templeton Light and Water are anything but doing right by us, the rates are too high for electric and now the highest water rates are a wakeup call for the people that follow their misguided path. The Selectmen article to remove the Light and Water commissioners should get a second look. After the last time I put it on as a citizen’s petition they have seen the mistruths play out. I was not prepared and was blindsided by the Light and Water machine as people told me they didn’t trust the select board to handle the important things going on over there at Light and Water. The Selectmen now can and will do a great job, just as the police, fire, and rescue. The most important things now in town do just fine, while keeping our rights intact.
The thought that one man lead by a lawyer could be so arrogant to take mine and your rights away is a reason for the commission to step up and they don’t. The L+W commissioners are no longer a working for the ratepayer’s commission like it use to be and this one never will. This commission has roots in the questionable past and will be a problem no matter what. To cover for the General Manager is not why they are commissioners.
The previous Select board Chairman is a commissioner now and has proven in my last attempt will say anything to help their cause, twist the truth, spread rumors of selling and people losing jobs. Draining all money from them was one scare tactic “Proven” after the meeting to all be false, raised peoples eyebrows and would now know better than to believe those stories again. The laws are clear and would be followed by the Selectmen and on tape could be questioned and be open about the inner workings at Light and Water  Departments. The commission would go away, our rights will come back and the Light and water will still be on, minus the lawyer bills turned in without any detail for what it was for.
The budget and other things now under the the scrutiny of voters won’t be like now with a commission without any reguards for town issues and or policy for requirements always following the rule will create more thrust and bring the business of Templeton back to Templeton away from Boston. We can get the “Templeton” back in Templeton Municipal Lighting and Water Plant, We need to have the rights the laws say we have put back and left alone and Fire anyone that feels differently. I can think of 4 that I would start with!
It’s up to the voters who show up at the special town meeting on JUNE 27-2013.  Please attend this short meeting and Vote to help the best Boards make things better in Templeton. They need our help to do this and as always I appreciate all who care enough to contribute to our town process. Thank you for all your efforts. Please Vote!
David Smart


  1. Concerned citizens would sign a letter of propaganda but they didn't. I would think you and i paid the postage and printing costs and the help to do it and also didn't have any say about its content. This has all the markings of the L+W machine and the lies they tell. Think for a minute did you give up your rights and when. Did you vote to allow unlimited rates for lights and water, vote to better Templeton now and stop the greed they are hooked on. We can always put back a commission that works for us and not the General manager we now have!
    The Board of selectmen and Advisory have this right and we need to change to better Templeton business. Please vote today and come and hear the truth at the STM. The letter you may have recieved is a step into the L+W agenda and is not the way for Templeton to fix the problems we have. Your Light and Water bills are going up even further after the rate study comes in. My opinion is we need this and the change will help Templeton survive the trouble we are in!

    1. What Letter?? Gee, did they forget me?? I don't even have to see it to know what it says. They will tell you the history of Light and Water, and claim the glory others have earned. They will tell you the evil doers, me, Will Spring and others are wrong. That no one else can run these departments. Don't believe this for one second. Is that letter big enough to cover the behinds of the manager,Commissioners, and their blow heart lawyer?? It had better be!! The legal fees they pay, have been do to ignorance. They do not follow the open meeting laws, and then get angry because this is pointed out. Merging the Water Department with Light, gave the Administration a excuse to pad their pockets, and add income to other staff. When their losses keep mounting in the Water Department, the Manager does not make changes, he will just charge you more. Time for you people to take a stand. We can only do so much, the rest is up to you! My opinion, and the truth. Bev.

  2. Down hear on the lower forty it looks like the L&W are the popular kids because they have town assets to distribute to their friends like high paying jobs with good benefits. Nothing wrong with that so long as the rules are being followed. It looks to me like Mr. Smart is on the right track trying to show the L&W are not following the rules but counting on favors to keep the wool pulled over the rate payers eyes. Thanks Mr. Smart for taking a stand.

  3. Can anybody help me in regards to finding where in Ch164 Enterprise Accounts are located. If Enterprise Accounts do not exist in this section of the law then is it possible Ch44 Section 531/2 is in effect? To me it makes sense to let the Attorney General look at this and decide. Voting yes on article six makes lots of sense to me.

  4. I think you can find it in the top right hand draw of the Genegal managers desk. I'm sure the lawyers in BOSTON are hard at work to write some more legislation via the muni network people are blind too.The whole chapter 164 law was a hide behind this set of laws, Might i add without any penalties for breaking them. The only way to get the laws to work for our town is without the commission that hides behind it. The part about the budget is clear and to my eyes identical to ch44 53f1/2."Duck boys here comes another vote"

  5. So far, the Management of Water and Light has not rocked the boat enough to bother most people. Those days are gone! The budget has gotten so big, that "taking care of their own" is cutting into the money they have historically used with no complaint from the rate payers. All of a sudden this Manager along with the Commissioners, need to pass along the bills to be paid to you, and your neighbors. Any money that they should have had, has been sucked up, by overhead and poor management. Brace yourself, there is more to come. I heard J.D. say he was asked about leaving the discount, or getting rid of it, when they talked about the Rate Study. He had not decided yet!! Oh yes, he also mentioned giving the elderly a discount, sometime in the future. Maybe that is how he will pay for this, by taking the discount from everyone else. NEVER,NEVER, will they look at their own departments, to find the money there. They were clear about that, when we asked about the PILOT. Fine bunch we have there! This is the truth, take it to the Special Town Meeting with you. Bev.
