Tuesday, June 25, 2013

BOS Meeting ...June 24, 2013

BOS Meeting…June 24, 2013

Another well-run BOS Meeting! Good job, Kenn!

Minutes from the June 10, 2013 BOS meeting were approved.

Alan Mayo came in to discuss the playground equipment from the state bid list for the Gilman Waite playground. The state has voted the playground equipment, but has not finalized the paperwork. The issue is with scheduling the work so the playground can be installed this summer. The holdup is on the state’s side. We’re in a holding pattern until the state finalizes the bid list.

The notification of the $50,000 matching grant from Mass Historical arrived yesterday. The matching grant for Tomb restoration was approved!

The Highway bids were awarded last night. Also discussed and voted were full time temporary help for the highway department.

Informational items discussed before Dwelly Farm-
 PILOT payment from the state in the amount of $2008.00 for state forest and other lands

Mass DOT (hwy) has met and supports including reconfiguration of the intersection at Templeton Center. Their support will improve our chances of this project being funded via TIP list (like Bald. Rd project)

Announced the land legislation for the elementary school project at Crow Hill.

MIIA (Town insurance) has issued two credits to the Town $5,576 for property insurance and $1,493 worker’s comp. Also, the BOS voted to participate in an audit of our health insurance.

The BOS received a letter of thanks from Phillipston regarding the grant for the upgrade to radio network and radios.

The new website hosted by virtual town Hall will be up and functioning by June 30th. It will be a beta version until all the information is finally uploaded in a few months.

Due to the tireless efforts of the town coordinator, the Animal control shelter has been rented to Ahimsa shelter. The first 6 months of rent ($200/month) has been paid. Ahimsa will be responsible for all maintenance and utilities.

Dwelly Farm-
Janet Morrison from North County Land Trust was on hand to describe the conservation restriction on the Dwelly farm property. The conservation restriction has been signed and will be filed. The land for a possible agricultural swap with the state for the elementary school has been set aside. There is more land that meets the criteria for prime agricultural soils than previously believed, which is a good thing for the land swap. This project is a win-win for the town.

Fire Chief Contract-
The BOS agreed to continue the Fire Chief’s rate of pay until Sept. 30 or a new contract can be negotiated. The new contract should be negotiated well before September 30, 2013.

690 Patriots Rd lease-
The town coordinator, Jeff Ritter, informed the BOS about the lease proposal for 690 Patriots Rd. The bid came in significantly higher with a 2 year agreement at $78,900 /year. This drastic increase cannot be met with our current budget amount of $50,000 for rent of office space. The BOS voted to reject the bid and directed the town coordinator to seek alternatives for office space.

One alternative to be considered is using East Templeton elementary school as temporary office space.

Audit Firms and Accounting –
After discussion, the BOS voted to rehire Melanson & Heath to perform our audits. The Town has used Melanson & Heath for a number of years. The auditors have been instrumental in unraveling the accounts left behind by the former accountant.

Under the former accountant, the town’s books had been kept using GAAP – generally accepted accounting practices. Most municipal entities use GASB- government accounting standards board. The transition from GAAP to GASB has been arduous at best.

The BOS also decided to retain the services of forensic accountant Matt Angel to help the transition to GASB.

Under New Business-

The BOS voted unanimously to send a letter to the TMWLP requesting a copy all contracts over $5,000 in accordance with Chapter 164 section 56C.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. Thank you Board of Selectmen for the new business item. I'm sure the commission and the General manager will have no problem after their lawyer tells them this is required ASAP. It will be nice to finally know what the Light and water have got us into over the years /10 or 15 anyway. This will allow anyone,as it should be to look at the contracts and not have the L+W people know who looks at what. Unintimidated i might add. It will bring the department up to the standards of the chapter 164 laws we have complained about. Previous BOS requests were always blocked by the votes that protected the L+W agendas and people in the placed of power by former Selectmen. The thought of only a discusion would be a reason to not second the motions made. None of our business is what they said. Now i guess one could say "it is our business"
    Vote to end the L+W commission and restore the rest of our rights we had taken away.

  2. How is the highway department paying for this full-time temporary help?

  3. Out of the budgeted amount. There is money in the salary account to pay for this unexpected loss of workers.
