Sunday, June 2, 2013

and from Saturday's Gardner News

6/1/2013 6:16:00 AM
Selectmen to seek meeting with light and water board
Kerry O'Brien
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON — In an effort to address the lack of an approved budget for the Water Department, the Board of Selectmen earlier this week unanimously agreed to seek a meeting with the Municipal Light and Water Commission.

“My hope is that by holding a meeting with the light and water commission, they will provide a line item budget that we can present at the Special Town Meeting and the select board can say this is a budget we can all speak in favor of,” said commission member Gregg Edwards.

While Mr. Edwards said the commission will likely meet with the selectmen, he reinforced Chairman Dana Blais’ previous statements that Annual Town Meeting voters’ lack of approval for the department’s fiscal year 2014 budget will not prevent operations from continuing.

“I think there is a concern primarily because of the administrative tasks associated with trying to get the non-binding vote at town meeting,” he said. “I think there will be a way around it. I think the selectmen will work with us.”

At the May 14 town meeting, voters did not approve of the water department budget.

The budget was not recommended by the Advisory Board, which indicated the light and water commission failed to provide a line-by-line fiscal plan as is done by other departments in town.

“The water department budget wasn’t presented to the advisory board, at least not in a timely fashion (ahead of the town meeting),” Mr. Robinson said. “I believe that is the primary reason for the meeting.”

During town meeting, Mr. Blais said he understood the vote on the water department’s budget to be non-binding because of the fact that the department was created under a special act through state legislation.

Mr. Edwards said the department’s current concern is whether it will have to spend money consulting legal counsel regarding the issue.

“That’s something that could be detrimental to the town as a whole if we have to dig into legal costs,” he said.

The selectmen voted Monday to send a letter to the light and water commission requesting a meeting. The next selectmen’s meeting is set for June 10.

The light and water board’s next meeting is June 18, and Mr. Edwards said they may put the selectmen on their agenda.

“I don’t see why we wouldn’t want to have a meeting with them,” he said. “I won’t know (if we’ll definitely have a meeting) until (the light and water commission) has a formal meeting, But it’s a public meeting ... It doesn’t have to be a formal request. I think it’s up to (Municipal Light and Water Department) Manager (John Driscoll)


  1. I really hope that quote in the article is incorrect...

    "My hope is that by holding a meeting with the light and water commission, they will provide a line item budget that we can present at the Special Town Meeting and the select board can say this is a budget we can all speak in favor of,” said commission member Gregg Edwards. "

    It is the job of the water commissioners to present a line item budget...not the BOS. People had the opportunity to make the water budget the BOS' responsibility back in March...anyone recall that?

    “I think there is a concern primarily because of the administrative tasks associated with trying to get the non-binding vote at town meeting,” he said. “I think there will be a way around it. I think the selectmen will work with us.”

    The only "way around it" is town meeting approval of a budget for the water department.

    Time line -- STM warrant has to be open for 14 days (it closes on June 12th at high noon). Then the STM has to be posted for 14 days.

    A June 18th meeting isn't going to meet the restrictions of the time frame for posting a STM in this fiscal year which ends June 30th!

    It is what it is. As far as I know the BOS do NOT have a time machine.

  2. I hope the JD and the L&W dept will know how to post a joint meeting without having to call legal council, see Jeff's blog above

  3. Quote; Dana says we do things right over here?
    Dana you may want to talk to your general manager he's telling the treasurer the waters going to be shut off july 1st. Maybe you didn't get that memo either.The rest of the few of us did. When your meeting on the 18th takes place, the results will be in from the meeting on the 10 at the BOS,Correct?
    In many ways that meeting will be a cornerstone for your commission to build a relationship with Templeton and not just your lawyer. He can't vote in Templeton and i'm sure won't be moving here either.

    1. It makes me wonder why the Light and Water Commissioners are afraid to give Mr.Spring a line item budget? What could they be hiding?? I know they think they have no responsibility to the town. They told us so when we asked if they could help the town, because we were in a financial bind. In my eyes this is so wrong! We are a town! How can one group turn their back on everyone else? I guess they feel that they are entitled!! Who said so?? I think the people that established the Light Company, way back, did it because that was how light companies were handled back then. Read the history of Ashburnham's Light Co. The Light and Water Company needs a good review to see how the business is run, where money is spent, and who else we are doing business with? Facts most of us are not even aware of. I found my notes from a meeting at the Light and Water Department in April. At that meeting, there was a June 30 date for the cost certification for the wind mill! I guess that date has gone by, or has been buried so we can not see it. Hey Kirk, In my notes, the co operative is in charge of the windmill and is owned by them until it is paid for. I wonder if that means we can say we don't want it if it dies before it is paid for!!! Ha Ha! Seeing the windmill had a two year warranty that started even it was off the ground, I wonder who pays when it dies?/ Good move Mr.Driscoll, threaten the people who pay your way with shutting off their water!! Not a good move in my eyes!! Just a hint, for future dealings with the people in this town, I do not think you will get a lot of support from the people who pay your way, if they think you are trying to hide something from them. It would be smart of you to get a attitude adjustment, or that nice Town of Templeton Vehicle just may end up staying in Templeton. Just my opinion, but I think you should consider it. Again, this is my opinion, Bev. Bev.

  4. It's funny Bev, the thought we don't own it. When the loans are paid off it will be ours? No other costs come out of the coop account but for only wind turbine related costs. Really will it,so when and if it is we are on the hot seat for the fern drive people that will have health issues,damaged property and a multitude of other complaints. Just the facts and measurements of the electromagnetic field strength can be a problem. People have issues with it now,i can't wait till we own it. I wonder how we made out on the solar panels at bridge street? Kind of a quiet part of the mix. It may be where the loans and cost of the coop are funneled.Lump it all together and refinance it then it will all show as one,audit will cover it up. Shuffle the numbers and call it something else,wait long enough and the few will go away! Nice try Driscoll times on our side and we have plenty of
    it, June 30 2013 is the date and I'm sure you meant 2013!
    I've got my notes ready for Peter Chatellier,CPA from Bravergroup, If we thought the town meeting was fun this is the big tent time.This is of my opinion!

  5. another "memo" is the special acts of 2000 clearly state an enterprise fund and there is a section of the general laws of Massachusetts thats says those budgets in detail shall be presented 120 days out so when the advisory board was looking for a line item budget back in December, January etc, the advisory board was right on point. I also believe the light & water commissioners should check the rules again, whether the light comm has a joint open public meeting is not up to John Driscoll, it is up to the public body to vote and decide. One would think with two former selectmen on the light comm, there would be no question on how to run or have a public meeting, joint or otherwise. I thought the light & Water commission hired Mr. Driscoll, not the other way around. Usually when you hire someone, they work for you.

    1. Jeff, I think the Commissioners are trying to "back their man". The only problem with that is, if the bunch of them have not been on the up and up, we may see some finger pointing. Things are great if you think you do not have to answer to anyone. That worked for a long time. Guess the good old boys, should have been half decent to the citizens who went for help, for the town. What is that called? Oh. I think it is greed!! See where that got you boys!! Now about the PILOT, get it done. The Light and Water, has not pulled your weight for many years. The income that is earned, does not belong to you. Adjust the schedule for new trucks, and things will work out very well. Chris, I do not think this is a group you want to get involved with, if you thought being on the BOS was bad!! This is my opinion, Bev.
