Sunday, June 2, 2013

more on L&W

Here is a letter from John Driscoll to Kent Songer (sewer Dept). This shows a clear lack of understanding of the open meeting law and its intent. And to have to spend more money on legal fees to have a joint meeting shows lack of knowledge or lack of care on how funds are spent. Not sure about joint open meetings, call the AG office and they will help or read the open meeting law guide, joint meetings are in there. It is actually quite simple. Now why would Mr. Driscoll be opposed to a joint open meeting "here" at the light dept.? He is correct in one thing, joint meeting is the realm of the chair, Mr. Blais. Now if Mr. Driscoll does contact legal, does he plan on splitting that bill too with water dept.? You know, the dept. without a budget or any money available for expenses in the coming year. I wonder if anyone would wish to reconsider that vote at STM back in March of 2013. Templeton, please take care.

Jeffrey Bennett


  1. news flash Mr Driscoll, here's how it works. you the Light & Water dept post your meeting agenda on it it can read (example) 7:15 Sewer commissioners re; sewer shutoffs or whatever. Now the Sewer commission will post a meeting example - "the sewer commissioner will be meeting with the L&W commissioner on "date" "time" at the L&w building etc. I know the sewer dept knows how to do this.
    for Mr Discoll to insist that only Chairman Moschetti attend is inappropriate. Mr Discoll's answer should have been "ok put them on the agenda" and Linda at the sewer dept would have then posted the meeting to cover the sewer dept and the open meeting law (she has done this many times for joint meetings with the selectmen). please tell me why we pay JD the big bucks?

  2. You use the word inappropriate,i call it obtuse. Like the uncertified wind turbine did they call a lawyer for the paperwork to be sure they were not getting Templeton screwed. Is the lack of certification a reason for not having any production insurance?
    So many questions and very little answers. If and when they shut off the water as threatened what should Templeton"s response be? Time is now to get the suggestions out! What up Dana? Blog up bout it.Your not going to let your loss at town meeting cloud your judgement"s? Your in the front row now. My opinion!!!

  3. So i see a post for the sewer commissioners to be put on the agenda for the 6-4-2013 water meeting. Will this be the commissioners last meeting or will they resolve the budget information that started the problem? will the L+W manager follow the rules and bylaws to have the meeting posted on the town website? Well now another small thing and big task for the overpaid. My opinion!!!

  4. Dave,

    Where did you see a posting for the Light and Water meeting on June 4th? I've checked the Town Clerk's office on my way by that office and it wasn't posted. That is the Official Posting place.

    Posting meetings to the Town's website won't go into effect until it is reviewed by the Attorney General. That article was one of the bylaw changes and all by laws and changes to by laws are reviewed by the Attorney General.

  5. Mr. Driscoll, if you have a question about how to post a joint meeting properly CALL the Attorney general's Office :

    Phone: (617) 727-2200

    Ask for the attorney of the day! The AGO will provide the assistance you need FREE OF CHARGE!!!

    Imagine that!

    I need to look up the legal definition of "Excessive"

    Have a great day!

  6. Mrs. Farrell,
    It was a reference to the posting by the sewer commissioners to be put on the water agenda and i thought it was a joint meeting of water and sewer?That was on the town web site .
    I was assuming the W+L show would be as usual on tuesday the 4th! must be their up to something again!
