Sunday, June 2, 2013


You name it. Information released points to a concern for the sewer department commission by our Obtuse General Manager of the L+W show. The thought that he would be is mind boggling ,Quick call the 300.00 per hour lawyer and get a opinion from him, he thinks there could be a violation of the open meeting law if 2 or more sewer commissioners go to a L+W meeting to discuss something. Please just send the chairman give him your questions and have him ask for you. Did you smell that brain fart? Did we just not have a vote to reject the water budget and he’s worried about the sewer commissioners having a problem. The problem is the perception the water department management can do what the town doesn’t want them to, operate under a law not of our vote. To long gone unchecked has us at the point we find we are now. How does a general manager and commissioners out of control of normal thinking and threats to the town to shut the water off. Instead of doing the itemized budget and
working to rectify the problems he has created this with his obtuse realm of thinking or perhaps, not thinking. There are a few items in his budget I would be looking to find out about the legality of and proper charges to lawyer fees. As a percentage of the amount of the dollars of the departments to charges are out of line and should not be a ½ share as he does now. The lack of markings on the town vehicle he uses to get home and to work in show me a lack of pride for the department he works for and should be changed, not a large task for the pay scale he gets. The stickers are in his desk and not a far walk to the parking lot. Mark the town property correctly Mr. Driscoll, please tell him to mark the vehicle commissioners.
This is not the first time this has been requested. Simple things are a big problem for the commission to take part in or follow through on. Many requests are put to the side and not even brought up at the next meetings. If invited to a selectman meeting they are required to have the general manager show up, they know where they are and need to come and explain their doings. Will they go or will they put even more fuel on the fire under, you know where. When asked about a certification on the wind turbine I was told the thought it was not certified was quite an accusation to have been made. Turns out they do not have a certification on our prize piece of 3.8 million or as close as they can get the numbers to be wind turbine. The people we purchased it from never had it done after they modified it and why would anyone else do it now. That leaves it a shorter value for damage insurance and production loss reimbursements. Great deal boys another we do things right over here “Dana blanket lie”. Cost certification would need to show as close to the 3.8 million as we need it to, quoted from Driscoll, after he meets with audit company to make sure it does. Is that what an audit does for the money spent to make it show what someone want it too? My opinion is something stinks at the Light and Water.

Dave Smart  


  1. Maybe JD"s neighbors think that vehicle is his?? He thinks it is his, as he said at the last meeting, "no one else drives his car", ok JD, shut off the water and see how long it is your car!! You may need a ride home to Westminster! The Light and Water Commissioners may work for that business, but the "business belongs to the people of this town! Some place along the line, that reality got lost! Keep telling yourselves you can do what you want, sooner or later you may actually believe it! The people supported the Light and Water Commissioners earlier this year. Don't be foolish enough to think they will, once they figure out that you have no concern for their wallet! This has nothing to do with the line men, or the people in the office, so don't go there. The truth will come out in the wash, better late than never. My opinion, Bev.

  2. People may be interested in checking out the minutes for the water department meetings that are posted on the TMLWP website -

    At the top of the page mouse over the word "Water" which is a drop down to the Water minutes. The March 12th minutes state:

    "New Business:
    The Manager presented to the Board for approval a water budget for FY14 in the amount of $1,407,432. The Manager noted an approximate savings of $10K due to the lower bond payments and also an increase in the maintenance accounts, 620 and 624, due to the multiple water main breaks in Q1 of the fiscal year 2013. He had further eliminated several budget items that had in previous budget years borne no expense."

    So the question is, did the Commissioners have a line item budget to approve at the March meeting? In the past , there was a line item budget to approve.

    Better question, did the commissioners approve a $1.4 million dollar budget without any budget detail?

    I am encouraged that there is a website up and running for TMLWP and the fee has been reduced for the honor and privilege of being a light customer. I am grateful the gift to the town was increased to $150,000 from $100,000. I would be more appreciative if we had a formal PILOT payment negotiated by both parties. Maybe some day that will happen.

    I am greatly disturbed by the proposed doubling of the water "service fee". I am also disturbed by the continuing trend of relying on legal counsel to answer simple questions like how to conduct and post a joint meeting.

    Mr. Driscoll, if you have a question about how to post a joint meeting properly CALL the Attorney general's Office :

    Phone: (617) 727-2200

    Ask for the attorney of the day! The AGO will provide the assistance you need FREE OF CHARGE!!!

    Imagine that!

  3. I think when the town started up the Light Department back in 1907 or 1908 when I was in my teens they were under the impression we could get some answers if need be. Lets work with as a team and get this thing straightened out.

  4. It all went south when the chapter 164 laws were created to serve and protect the privilged few the department is working out for, not the ratepayers,not the town or the people that were to be benefitting from the Monopoly. Our power would be cheaper from someone else.Unfunded Liabilities and other high costs for Municipals are trending to a higher unfunded liability cost. Also as Templeton is learning it's a out of control situation with the lawyers the ones that are making the rules as we go throuh this process. The more tangled this gets the better it sounds to "just Sell It"

  5. In my opinion the man who still pulls the strings at L&W lives at Echo Hill. It is believed that his words of wisdom were " I'll make this town pay for what they did to my wife, if it is the last thing I do". The quote could be off a little as it has been retold over the years. Stay tuned for more.
