Saturday, June 8, 2013

Gladys Salame

Today has been hard for me. Ten years ago today I lost my friend Gladys Salame. I wrote something for her, and I want to share it with you.
My friend, you are not gone.
You live in the essence of the Common, your play ground as a child.
A tribute to you in stone, warmed by the sun, and colored by the flowers I plant for you.
Your friend forever, Bev. 


  1. We all miss her Bev. As a selectmen she kept this town in check.

  2. I feel fortunate that I was able to work with Gladys when I was on School Committee.

    The Arts and Crafts Festival she started has funded many scholarships for students over the years.

    We didn't always agree, but I respected her commitment to the Town! She ALWAYS looked out for the best interest of the Town.

    She is missed.

  3. Very nice tribute to your friend, Bev. She was a true friend of Templeton, as well!!
