Sunday, June 9, 2013

Power outage

Power outages in Otter River, East Templeton. We're out at the junkyard. Uuugg no coffee!
Anyone know what happened.


  1. Probably a taste of whats to come.

  2. Back on 8am at junkyard. is the rest of the town back up?

  3. I think it was a warning from the state to pay the sales tax the light dept is behind on. Only 15 months late.

    1. Don't tell me the new and improved office manager has not got her act together! Maybe they are spending so much time trying to screw the town, they have not taken care of business. No excuse for them to be late on anything. Electricity out? No thunder storms,no strong winds, (from nature, that is), can't say the same for JD. Why a power failure?? It better not be anyone playing games. No power could mean the difference between life and death for anyone on a respirator! Bev

  4. what??? Dave could you expain?

  5. I think what Dave is referring to is an unpaid bill for sales and use well as associated fees and penalties.

    This unpaid bill stems from the all the turnover in the treasurer's office not from the Light department. It is a FY 12 bill that will be brought up tomorrow. I have submitted an article to pay this bill for consideration at the STM on June 27th. It will require a 9/10ths vote.

    My power stayed on so I was not aware of the widespread outage. Thank you for bringing this my attention. I don't think anyone is "playing games" . Come to the BOS meeting tomorrow night in the Kiva and ask the manager what happened.

    Hope to see you tomorrow night.

    Julie Farrell

  6. I used to come to this blog for information and facts. However, lately it has just become a be a L & W bashing fest. Thank you Julie for being the voice of reason in the above comments. Both Dave and BevBart appear to love to make incendiary remarks not based on fact. I think this blog is creating a hostile town environment. To insinuate that the electricity went out as part of some game playing and to state it could actually kill someone clearly shows the distorted thought processes of some of the regular bloggers!

    1. Voice of reason23, Well you should have been to the meetings at the Light at Water Department Meetings! You talk of a hostile environment, that was one. You are free to think whatever you want. Just wait until all the facts come out, then you will understand why I feel the way I do. I do think the people in this town are being treated badly, by the people who run the business. Now I know why they owe the government money. I am glad it is not their fault, because it would not be ok. There is nothing that will surprise me, seeing JD said that he would shut off the water. My dear, I did not say that he did! So, you may not like what I say, but I sign my name. And by the way, it is my opinion. Bev.

  7. Thank you Voice of reason 23 for your opinion. Like mine yours are welcome here. I hope you enjoy the meeting at the kiva tonight where you will see the L+W show as never seen before.
    No opioion there its a fact,or will be. I'm not sure the language the chairman of the L+W commission use would be to your likeing,maybe it would. Possibilities are a expression of opinion/pre fact if you will and i see the glass half full of them at L+W. Please don't fault us for that, I've see the actions at l+w show for the last year i have been at the meetings and haven't missed one yet. Have you been to any of them? Call me the voice of frustration, I just speak from experience. As to a hostile environment,well lets just say where have you been the last 5+ years? Theres alot of sand out there,alot have there heads stuck in it and couldn't care less about Templeton and the people in it.
    I'm proud to say I'm not one of them. See you tonight at the kiva,or your head may be in the wrong place! Be inspired to partiscipate!Opinions do matter!

  8. Wow did i call that one or what? The L+W 3 were at the lowest i've seen. The lawyer is as they are ------ --!
    You fill in the blanks in Dana terms. It was a show of look at what we bought with your money and with no buyers remorse. The commissioners and our Mr. arrogant must be shown the road out the door for the betterment of the town. It's the only way out of the ways they put us in.Templeton needs to step up and fix this mess now to get the town back on a level track. This commission will only hurt our town more every day that goes by. The special town meeting will have another chance to remove the commission and this time there is a Board of Selectmen worthy of the job. Just as worthy as the commission now thats going to sue it's owners.
