Thursday, June 27, 2013

June 24th BOS Meeting...the movie

June 24th BOS Meeting…the movie





  1. Down hear on the lower forty getting a good look at what is going on using this new tech stuff has made for great conversation. Thanks to all at my old friend Pauly's establishment for keeping us informed.

    1. Lowerfourty40, by reading the blog, you receive information you would not get any other way. For the people that read the "Paper", most of the articles are one sided, still! Why would anyone print a remark that they should by now, by the meetings they have attended, to be false. This does not help the rate payers or the taxpayers, read what is untrue, with no counter opinion. Beats the hell out of me. I was hoping for better. See you tonight, Bev.

  2. Bev I attend most meetings and see the corrupted views! There are changes coming and people are sick of the Skeltons and the Farrels fighting, or as they say Hatfield and McCoy drama! There is a new voice wich we heard tonight who wishes to do what is legal and right for this town! Now if we could only move in the right direction...... FORWARD!!!!! Change is coming, and with the help from Phillipston we can push forward for the schools and with the help from the true forward thinkers we can push this town forward! Some of your opinions are no more fact then the simple gossip over tea and crumpets! You want to be FOR THE PEOPLE start talking to more people instead of believing everything one specific person says! I'm all about facts and what's right, you may not like what I have to say but like YOU I'm going to say it! But my spirit is in it! I'm saddend that this town is so self destructive and two of the three sides aren't willing to put their differences aside to become ONE! Moving forward is so important! I know I get heated with you Bev but it doesn't mean I will or won't agree or disagree with you! Hopefully we can have a new start and at least try to hear one another! Sometimes we can agree to disagree.

  3. Dear For The People -
    We need your help to bring the town together. Please stay tuned to emerging developments.

    1. For the people, You are so wrong about a lot of things. First of all, this is not about the "Skeltons and the Farrells." This is about RIGHT AND WRONG! This is about a corrupt group of people, bent on doing what they want, with no thought for the people of this town. Payback for 252 Baldwinville Rd. O"Brien should be fined for a Ethics Violation, Mr. Enough should go to jail. Together they have driven the town into a hole, we will not get out of for many years. Your School project will not get off the ground, until people feel secure. Those people voted no, not because of me, because they have no work. Contractors with equipment standing in the yard, truckers barely making ends meet, because of fuel costs. Our taxes are paying for 252, the school committee spent 200,000, looking for land, FOR NOTHING. Because of Skelton and Company, we are paying taxes for his mistakes, oh, yes, those forty year loans, he kept taking out! Can't forget about that. We have no money in our town budget! Our town budget is as small as it can get. What you did not hear last night is this, most water departments have about four people on the payroll. Bare with me. Everyone needs to look at this!
      $302.00 per. family per year. Ayer has a staff of 4 wages are $204,468. About 51,117 ea.worker.
      $562.oo per. family per. year. Lancaster has a staff
      has a staff of ?, total wages are $200,510.
      $503.00 per. family per year. Sterling has a staff of 5 people. [I misplaced the figure, but I will get it.]
      Most all of these towns have a Superintendent/Foreman, a Meter Reader& a Water Tec. Specialist.
      $801.00 Per. family Templeton has a total staff of 8. 1 Superintendent/Foreman, 1 Meter Reader, 1 Water Tec. Spec.1 General Manager @14,210.00, 1 Business Manager @7,883, 1 Staff Accountant@ 7,746.oo. THAT IS $4,404.90, THAT NO OTHER TOWN CHARGES THEIR CUSTOMERS. OUR TOTAL STAFF, COST PER. YEAR ARE $323,016.14. THESE FIGURES ARE FROM THE 2012 Water Study by Tighe and Bond. The figures for Templeton do not include the latest increase Water Customers just received, because the Water Department, could not make their Bond Payment, due to the high cost of over time. This bunch is watching out for themselves, not you and I. The increases, will continue, and the people who are struggling, will be in worse shape. Not one of the people who spoke for the Light and water has a problem making ends meet. Those are the people who voted no for the school budget. As I said before, "You can not take from those who have nothing to give. Bev.

  4. I will be there Mrs. Farrell. As a towns person I look forward to working with the BOS and other boards to try and bring this town together. After last nights meeting I can see it will be far from easy.

  5. For The People-
    Thank you! We will every willing person to try to move this town forward.

    Thank you again !

  6. Bev as I do appreciate you taking the time to post all of those numbers, and I could'nt agree with you more about Enough after him and his family's ridiculous episode last night not sure if people saw him and his daughter acting a fool! But you have to love Ms. I going to resign yet still continue to spread lies and venom at every meeting! I understand people can't afford the over ride but what I will say is we can't afford to not have this over ride! I know in years to come the town will be in better sorts but there are jobs out there. People may have to travel, but the exists! I work 50 hours a week and meet many people who are struggling and have to make tough choices! But I also see them survive and come out on top if that's truly where they want to be! Life is a struggle, that will never change. I know you say you speak for those who can't, I guess it's time everyone speaks up, clears the air and moves on. I will continue my fight as you will continue yours! But at the very least I respect that you have the voice in you. Have a wonderful weekend, Take care!
