Wednesday, June 26, 2013

todays lte

Vote at the Special Town Meeting to make things better in Templeton
To the Editor: 6/26/2013
David Smart

Templeton has had to endure a lot in the past and with no doubt will in the future. The one thing for sure is it will learn from mistakes made and with the help of the voters can protect it in the future.

The Advisory Board and also the Board of Selectmen are to be commended for the ability to stand up and point out problems not popular with the majority of voters at town meeting. I, for one, know firsthand the position of going up against the Light and Water machine. They have endless resources to fight with and your money. But the mistake they have made is to take away our rights.

When the American people lose the right to vote and the rule of law, it’s time to change the people you think were doing right by you. In my opinion, the people in charge at Templeton Light and Water are anything but doing right by us. The rates are too high for electric and now the highest water rates are a wakeup call for the people that follow their misguided path. The selectmen article to remove the light and water commissioners should get a second look. After the last time I put it on as a citizen’s petition, they have seen the mistruths play out. I was not prepared and blindsided by the light and water machine as people told me they didn’t trust the select board to handle the important things going on over there at light and water.

The selectmen now can and will do a great job, just as the police, fire, and rescue. The most important things know in town do just fine, while keeping our rights intact. The thought that one man led by a lawyer could be so arrogant to take mine and your rights away is a reason for the commission to step up and they don’t. The light and water commissioners are no longer working for the rate payer’s commission like it use to be, and this one never will. This commission has roots in the questionable past and will be a problem no matter what. To cover for the general manager is not why they are commissioners.

The previous select board chairman is a commissioner now and has proven in my last attempt will say anything to help their cause, twist the truth, spread rumors of selling and people losing jobs. Draining all money from them was one scare tactic “proven” after the meeting to all be false, raised peoples eyebrows and would now know better than to believe those stories again. The laws are clear and would be followed by the selectmen and on tape could be questioned and be open about the inner workings at the light and water departments.

The commission would go away, our rights will come back and the light and water will still be on, minus the lawyer bills turned in without any detail for what it was for. The budget and other things now under the scrutiny of voters won’t be like that now with a commission without any regards for town issues and/or policy for requirements always following the rule will create more trust and bring the business of Templeton back to Templeton and away from Boston.

We can get the “Templeton” back in Templeton Municipal Lighting and Water Plant. We need to have the rights the laws say we have put back and left alone and fire anyone that feels differently. I can think of four that I would start with. It’s up to the voters who show up at the Special Town Meeting on June 27, 2013. Please attend this short meeting and vote to help the best boards make things better in Templeton. They need our help to do this and as always, I appreciate all who care enough to contribute to our town process. Thank you for all your efforts. Please vote.

David Smart


  1. You know the drill, and it is the truth. There is no respect for the people of Templeton. This behavior of their manager, to withhold information from the Advisory Board, and then turn things around, to make it look like Mr.Spring is wrong for doing his job, is just so wrong. The magnificent piece in the Gardner News, WHO WROTE THAT?? Better yet, HOW MUCH DID THAT COST--US?? Because a budget, with hidden costs, and the lies they tell, only tell me one thing. The L&W Commissioners have not and will not do their job. Our Town Council, Mr. DesRensis, has told them straight to their face they are wrong, and if this goes to court, they will loose. All that will do is cost you and I, because we will pay for their lawyer, and there is no end to what they will spend, because Manager and Commissioners have no one to say STOP. THE BALL IS IN YOUR COURT-- WILL IT BE A BALL, OR A STRIKE? BETTER YET, THROW THEM OUT OF THE GAME FOR UNSPORTSMENLIKE BEHAVIOR. This is your call. Please come to the Special Town Meeting, Thursday night, June 27,2013 Stand up for yourself, and get their hands out of your pocket. My opinion, Bev.

    1. Love the baseball reference ;) I was at the last town meeting listening to the lawyers. The light and water certainly aren't making friends! What's that saying you catch more flies with honey then vinegar? Someone should have taught them that lesson!

  2. I would like to thank TGN once again,they have shown the balance a good paper should. I don't think the old TGN would have had the same balance as they have now. After talking with their reporters and being present at the meetings it shows me they are puting out the story and report the information they are given. I might add to that, it is not ever what the Light and Water machine says it is. After they were lied to the last time by the General manager it must make them think twice about what they say beforethey print it .The commission will say or do anything to keep the table the same for them. Why would they have to lie,lie ,lie? They don't follow the laws and the lawyers don't even put on the bills what the charges are for!They charge us more for Water than others pay,all others.
    Try that when you pick up your car the next time you have work done. Hell just leave a blank check for your mechanic.
    I meant to say "dealership"you trust them too? The commission is in this deaper than they want us to know!
    Just my opinion,I'm sure many others as well!

  3. Well at least our hightest price water is as the General manager says "drinkable". Do we have independent testing done or do we believe what they tell us?

  4. In my opinion the only thing our municipal water is good for is flushing the toilet. Because the water is fluoridated it helps to kill the micro-organisms that would normally become unruly. When I was gathering signatures for yet another try at ending the moronic practice of fluoridating the municipal water supply over 90% of the people I talked with Do Not Drink Templeton's Water. Fluoride is more toxic than lead and just slightly less toxic than arsenic. When you look around at your fellow town's people see if you can pick up the condition called "poker back". "Poker back" is a bone condition associated with high levels of fluoride. Fluoride bio-accumulates over a lifetime and weakens not strengthens bones. William Marcus the head toxicologist at EPA said fluoride is both a carcinogenic and a mutagenic. Don't let anyone tell you Templeton's water is drinkable.

    1. Sounds like anyone with a brain, would not let their kids drink it, especially little babies. I will bet there was a lot of people who did not even know, there is fluoride in the water., before the fact was made known by good people like Baldwin Templeton. It is strange that new mothers have not stood up to protest. Most of these people are educated enough, to understand what is good and what is bad! Educating people is a hard thing to do. I hope most have learned that you can not believe all that you read, and most of what you hear. At least what is read here is based on facts, like it or not. My opinion, Bev.

  5. Down hear on the lower forty my artesian and shallow well support this old fella just fine. Still got a bag of rat poison with the f word in it should things get out of hand

    1. You can thank your lucky stars, you have your own water! I hope you can make the meeting tonight. We need all the support we can get. Please bring other people with you. Bev.
