Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Shedding Some Light...on water issues

Shedding Some Light …on water issues

Dear Concerned Citizen,

Included below are some links to information for your consideration regarding water issues in Templeton.

Baldwinville Rd/ Maple St. improvement request

First, let’s discuss the letter to the BOS Chairman, Jeffrey Bennett. In this letter from TMLWP, General Manager John Driscoll makes a request of the BOS through its chairman to enter into an agreement for water improvements with Mass DOT (aka Mass highway). “The nature of it being a town project necessitates the actual request to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation to come from a town official rather than a water department one.” 

Say what? Say that again. “The nature of it being a town project necessitates the actual request to the Massachusetts Department of transportation to come from a town official rather than a water department one.”  But…but…but…what about Chapter 164? But…but…but…how can this be true?

Didn’t Chapter 93 Acts of 2000 incorporate the water department into the Light department so that it is run under Chapter 164 and the town has no authority over light and water? Isn’t the town’s only involvement with the water department “advisory”? “non-binding”? “irrelevant”? “meaningless”? Well this is very odd – that Mass DOT wants the TOWN to enter into an agreement on behalf of the water department. Is it even legal?

The proposed project – to install new 12” ductile iron water distribution main section and a 4-way gate valve at the intersection of Baldwinville Rd and Maple St. is a much needed project which will address many of the issues around our aging water infrastructure in this part of town.

The Water Department Debt Report contains information about debt related to many of the improvements made to water distribution system.

If you want the best for Templeton, and We believe that you do also (anyone see these words somewhere else?), please attend the Special Town Meeting on June 27th.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. Down hear on the lowerforty its good to see the military base out on Military Drive is finally due some help from us taxpayers. It is surprising to see the price at only $57,000. Its good to see the town supporting those in the Military. Interesting to see when this project was started.

  2. Unless I am mistaken and that happens often isn't Paul Q's house out on Military Drive? This I believe is Mr. Stewarts father in-law who happens to be a L&W Commissioner. As far as I know there is no military base in that area and to my knowledge none are planned in the immediate future.

  3. Mr. Driscoll want the Selectmen to something for them?
    It only took him from may 17,2013 till June 21,2013 to get the letter to the BOS? There is a time lapse for sure, One could only wonder what the department was doing for that time? Checking the governencs of Templeton ruling the lawyers gave him for 5k+.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I wrote some things that were not kind, and it bothered me. I deleted it, because it would not help anyone. Everyone is due their opinion, wether I like it or not! Do I want to be in this conflict? Hell no, I am too old for this stuff, but I can not, in good faith, watch people get hurt by people who in my opinion, are not watching out for their best interest. I do not stand alone, and there is no way I would bail on them. Mr. Spring and the rest of the Advisory Board, have been belittled for doing their job. They are the first in many years, who has taken this hard job, seriously. I know for a fact, that Mr. Spring has worked hundreds of hours, for free, to help this town. These people deserve your support, please be there for them. This is the best thing you can do for the town and yourselves. We need to get this conflict over, for every ones mental health. Let the Attorney General do her job, free of charge. We do not to need to make any lawyer rich, to prove a point. Bev

  5. Did anyone else receive a letter adressed to Concerned Citizen?

    Was it postmarked from Boston? Who paid for this? What is this crap?

    1. Gee, I did not get one. Most of what was said was not true. There is some thinking the Lawyers in Boston had a hand in it, but no proof! Bringing back the School in E.T., is necessary. For the good of the town, rent has jumped on Athol,Rd. from 49 to 78. The guy thinks we are painted into a corner. The place is a pit. I have no idea, when the rugs were cleaned last, and the highlite of Selectmen's meetings in the winter is to watch the bugs, fly around the room, and camp out in the lights. The opposition is from the 252 Bald Rd people/aka Echo Hill. They are using it as payback. With luck, people will be smarter than that. The people in E.T. deserve something good. My opinion, Bev.
