Thursday, June 13, 2013







  1. Gee, I found the list of voters interesting. They must have money to give away by the hand fulls. Guess most of them don't know the whole story, and I don't think Bubba is going to tell them. That is ok, someone better save some money for the fines the Ethics Bd. will hand out. Thats what you get for being STUPID. Hee Hee. Myself I am going to buy crying towels, to hand out when the AG, tells the "good old boys" at Light and Water, their lawyer has led them astray. I hope they were listening to Mr. DeRensis, when he told them, if they took this to court, they would loose. Now, what kind of a Department do we have, that would sew their own town?? Oh yes, Some think that is the way to go, and have gone there before. All it is going to do is cost all of us money. More money than we owe already!!! Good grief, if you want to throw your money away, give it to a charity, or the food pantry, where it will do some good. We will get results, that will cost the people in this town NOTHING, from the Attorney Generals Office. The world will not stop spinning, everyone will get paid until the decision is handed down. The only person who will not be happy is the lawyer for L&W. As for me, we do not owe him anything. I do not think he is half as smart as he thinks he is. It should be as clear as glass, that none of the Commissioners seem to care about the citizens in this town. If they did, they would not be talking about a law suit, and JD, would not have threatened to shut the water off (talk about stupid ideas). This is my opinion, and if I were you I'd be pretty pissed that these people worry about them selves, instead of the people in town. Bev.

  2. 2 Cosentinos on the list, a lot of expected names but there are also a lot of names who have been fighting for the town, You do have to wonder what they were told in order to get them to sign.

  3. They were probably told that as of July 1 no one in town would have water. Pretty scary if you run a business or if have a garden or if you like to shower and do laundry

    1. If these people read the Gsnoos, they will think "the poor light manager", was being picked on. Others, it is sour grapes for them about "the dump", stuck in the past, and unable to see the truth. The truth will hit them square in the face, when they get their electric bills, if we go to court. Bev.

  4. As i look over this list it shows close to zero the amount of people that signed the petition i went around with.Did they know better than to trust what they were being told? My thought is they were smarter than the people that did sign or had an open mind to the last stand we took at the meeting when we voted no!Just the thought the bubba bag had to go beg [whatever way he did]to get these people on the list is a fuzzy feeling in my ass. What did he tell vw , Dave is driving around in a town truck on the town time delivering door to door propaganda,LIE LIE LIE. This time the gloves will come off and the list grows for the lies they will tell.The gardner news articles are the only way they can save face, even though the mud is on their faces.Don't believe what you read go to the meeting and see with your own eyes why the town is in the mess they put us in.The truth is the light and water has spent our money in ways they shouldn't the investigations we voted in on the chapter 93 acts of 2000 will show it and their lawyer that is fighting so hard can't cover those tracks. Municipal funds were used and is not legal. The office help at the light dept were involved as well and i would bet are now when this town tries to get answers about the past.The light department commissioners and manager can't even get a sticker on the town vehicle,WHY! General Manager not proud to display a insignia of where he works? Simple solution to most of our problems is "QUIT". MARK OUR TRUCK!Be proud or be gone please!Owe i almost forgot to tell everyone your water rate study will be a increase to keep up the spending habit they have. The electric rates will be going up when the rate study is done on that also. Did bubba tell you that? No he said it would be going down again most likely?
    My opinion but you can take it to the bank if you want, when you go to get the money out for the increases you will soon be getting.

  5. The voters in Templeton have a right to vote as they wish at the STM. I can understand people having major concerns that the water department will shut of water to the Town (The water department is the only one who can do that)

    I don't understand the resistance to having the Attorney General review Chapter 93 Acts of 2000 and render a NO COST to the TOWN or TMLWP.

    In the meantime, if Article 7 passes the water department will have an appropriation with which to operate. The water in town should not be shut off.

    This is called a compromise.

    If the TMLWP Commissioners had posted a joint meeting for June 10th, meaningful discussion about a compromise could have occurred. The BOS requested a joint meeting in their letter to the commissioners.

    Instead, we were treated to an awesome acting display by Attorney Jack Ferriter, threatening to sue the town. Neither the TMLWP Chairman nor the manager spoke during this meeting...except out in the hallway after the meeting.

    So now we have a citizen petition proposal calling for an water department appropriation of $1,413,860.17. ...Still no line item details for this budget, as proposed by Edward R. McClure and 172 others.

    Please attend the Light and Water meeting on Tuesday June 18th

  6. I think some of you are overreacting regarding “JD’s” statement about shutting off the water. I believe he was being facetious. I understood the comment to be “how am I supposed to run a department with no funds? What am I supposed to do – shut off the water?” It is clear that the purpose of the regular bloggers on this site is to incite and inflame readers. Some bloggers are really stretching common sense and getting out there in what they are stating. I don’t even know what “a fuzzy feeling in my *ss” is supposed to mean and I have a two graduate degrees. When reading this blog I think of the Salem witch trials….not opinions based on fact.

  7. In this case, there are documents to back up most of what is posted here, unlike the Salem witch hunts and this could have been avoided byt the L&W commissioners following the law and providing a detailed budget at least 120 days before the end of FY (March 1 at the latest) this was not done. That is a fact. Mr. Driscoll said the water would be shut off, that is on paper and if he meant it as a question, it should have been stated that way. Now after the annual town meeting, two things could have happened, the L&W comm could have agreed to a joint meeting with the selectmen, that did not happen, 2nd thing would be for the L&W comm to welcome and request an opinion from the AG office so this enterprise fund question could be answered once and for all, that did not happen. L&W comm attorney instead threatened lawsuit, that is a fact, not conjecture. I do not think people are over-reacting to the idea of town water being shut off, they are voicing thier concern and that is not a witch hunt. Towns people and the selectmen have questions and concerns and requested answers and information, the L&W comm and Mr. Driscoll showed up with lawyer and talked lawsuit and that is a fact, it is in the minutes. The L&W comm obtained 2 legal opinions but chose to release only one, why is that? The amount spent on legal so far equals more than a third of the budget shortfall at water so my question is who or what is the L&W comm and Mr. Driscoll trying to protect, the citizens of Templeton or someone/something else? One last thing is regardless if we have an appropriation by June 30, 2013, the question of the water dept and enterprise fund still has to be answered and that question along with a few more will certainly be going to the AG office to be answered.

    1. Ocelot Animalcat, I sincerely hope you have read Jeff Bennett's comments. Just for good measure read them again! I know what I am talking about, I have attended just about every meeting of the Light and Water Department, (may have missed one, way back) and have attended most of the selectmen's meetings. I am a regular on this site, and my one aim is to give the people of this town, the facts, and also try to let them know we have problems that we can not ignore. If there is a Salem Witch Hunt going on in Templeton, we are not the hunters. Nothing would make me happier than having a Light and Water Department that worked for the people in this town. Give me that, and I would be a very happy lady. Until that happens, I am here to stay, and I know I am not alone. Our Light and Water people could do the right thing, and let the Attorney General make a decision. If they choose to go to court, the cost is going to be paid, by every household and business in Templeton, who have town water. I listened to the lawyer for L&W, try to make Mr.Spring and the rest of the Advisory Board Members, sound like they were asking too much of Mr. Driscoll. Oh my, what do they think, this board should do? Rubber stamp any budget that comes in front of them? Guess things were much easier, when they had a Mount Wachusett student running the show! The people on that Advisory Board, try as they might, had no clue of what they were doing. Money could be transferred with out question. That was part of the problem in setting the tax rate this year. It took forever and a day for the Department of Revenue and our new Accountant, to try to figure out how the money was played with. Down the road, won't this kid realize how he had been used! What the Advisory Board asked for, is no different, than what they asked for and received many years before. This time Mr.Driscoll decided to not provide the Advisory Board with a complete budget. He drew the line in the sand, a very foolish thing to do, considering he is paid by the people in this town. This is the same man who submitted the same report in the Town Report, two years in a row! How is that for doing a good job? This problem will all come out in the wash, and how bad people will be hurt, depends on the Light and Water Commissioners. Now if you were really smart, the question you should ask yourself is, Why didn't Mr. Driscoll want to give the Advisory Board a complete budget, this year?? That answer is one, the good old boys are fighting to keep under wraps. Why?? My opinion, Bev.

  8. Very well put & to the point, Bev & Jeff, as usual. Thank you for your continued efforts for everyone in this town. Even though some don't know anything about it (as evident in the comment above), they are being benefited by your unwavering commitment to save Templeton from the blunders of the past & those who are still trying to continue to do the same "bad business" that got us into near bankruptcy in the first place!! Thanks for keeping that washer going, Bev!! I think the whys, whos & wherefores will shock people one day when the washing finishes. My opinion, as well.
