Thursday, June 20, 2013

Pre-Town Meeting …Advisory Board Meeting

Pre-Town Meeting …Advisory Board Meeting

First the good news – FREE CASH has been finally certified!!

For the General Fund (Town), certified Free Cash is EXACTLY $100,000. Interesting and curious that Free Cash is such an even number.

For the Sewer Enterprise Fund certified Free Cash is $909,241.

Votes and recommendations by the Advisory Board for the STM to be held June 27th at 7:00 p.m.

Article 1- Reduce Conservation Commission from 7 members to 5 members….
FOR unanimous 7-0

Article 2 – Transfer funds for Snow & Ice ($46,000)
FOR unanimous 7-0

Article 3 – Veterans benefits ($35,000)
FOR unanimous 7-0

Article 4 – Stabilization Fund – won’t know the exact figure until STM
FOR unanimous 7-0

Article 5 – East Templeton Performance contracting – to pursue performance contracting for East Templeton elementary school to stabilize the building  …approximately $5,000
For 6 votes   Against 1 vote

Article 6 – bylaw LV – Municipal Water Department C. 44 53F1/2
For 6 votes   Against 1 vote

Article 7 – Water Dept. budget for FY 14
FOR unanimous 7-0

Article 8 – Act authorizing the Board of selectmen in the Town of Templeton to Act as Light and Water Commissioners
No Recommendation

Article 9 – Unpaid prior year bill. ($900)
FOR unanimous 7-0

Article 10 – Town Clerk transfer ($600)
FOR unanimous 7-0

Article 11 – Citizens petition for water budget ($1,413,860.17).
FOR unanimous 7-0 to NOT RECOMMEND

There were a few people on hand for the pre-town meeting. The first four articles didn’t generate much discussion.

Article 5- East Templeton did generate a few comments and questions. The hope is that performance contracting will provide needed information about what to do with East Templeton Elementary School. There are costs associated with demolishing, selling and/or rehabbing the building. Approximate cost for performance contracting is $5,000. The case can certainly be made that other committees have spent a lot more money with nothing to show for it but a large bond payment.

Article 6 – Water department By law generated a great deal of discussion. Mr. Driscoll stated that in his opinion article 6 is a “walking contradiction” …that it is in conflict with Ch 93 Acts of 2000. Mr. Driscoll doesn’t understand why the BOS voted unanimously to place this article on the STM warrant.

It was explained to Mr. Driscoll that it is the job of the BOS to present articles to voters at town meeting. When asked AGAIN, what section of Chapter 164 deals with enterprise funds, we were told he will get back to us.

I voted to place this article on STM warrant to try to avoid a protracted lawsuit by the TMLWP Commissioners against the Town of Templeton. This is a bylaw. The Attorney General reviews all bylaws for legality BEFORE they can be enacted. This bylaw does NOT change Chapter 93 Acts of 2000; it should bring clarity to Chapter 93 Acts of 2000 and the water “enterprise fund”. The only way to alter Chapter 93 Acts of 2000 is by special legislation. This article is NOT special legislation.

Article 7 – Water department budget. There was discussion by the Advisory Board about other water departments of similar size, customers, water supply, personnel, and salaries. The chairman distributed a spreadsheet for informational purposes.

Mr. Driscoll pointed out the amount of debt carried by the water department could skew the results. The chairman of the Advisory board stated that had been taken into account with the other towns. The result is that Templeton has the highest water rate among those communities list BY FAR.

One member of the Advisory Board stated that he had received his water bill. The charge for the water was $40.00 the customer service charge was $56.00. There is something wrong with that equation. Mr. Driscoll stated that the water rates had not increased since 2006. Mr. Driscoll handed out the recently approved water budget with a bottom line of $1,413,860.17
Mr. Driscoll feels his department is very transparent.

It was pointed out in discussion of the water budget that sales/revenues have been going down for more than a few years. At the TMLWP meeting on June 18th, water superintendent Ron Davan stated that the TDC once used over a million gallons a year. Now water use at TDC has been reduced to 200,000/year. This fact coupled with a lack of new homes and more homes being foreclosed upon has had a direct, negative impact on water revenues. These factors have contributed to the $60,000 shortfall and the increase in service charge….as well as excessive legal fees.

Article 8 – During this discussion, it was stated that one member of the BOS will vote to take no action if articles 6 and 7 pass. Mr. Driscoll was asked if article passed, if he would be uncomfortable working for the BOS. Mr. Driscoll stated yes, he would be uncomfortable. The vote to place this on the STM warrant was not unanimous by the BOS.

In light of actions and votes taken at the Advisory Board meeting (after pretown) there will probably be no action taken on Article 9.  Because the actual prior year bill has been paid, the Adv. Board voted to transfer money to pay interest and penalties. The interest and penalties are a FY 13 charge and can be paid in this manner.

At the Advisory Board meeting votes were taken to:

Transfer $900 from highway expense account to mechanics salary account.

To fund a BOS request for a server $3,399.95

To fund the Town clerk’s request for $5,000 to cover the cost of election expenses.

To fund the treasurer’s request for $850 to pay interest and penalties on prior year bill.

To fund the Fire chief’s request for $7,400 for costs associated to repair the pumper truck.
Hope to see you at the STM next Thursday 7:00 p.m.

Don’t forget to vote on Tuesday June 25th 
for both the State election and the Override !

BOS meeting on Monday June 24th.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. I hope the good old boy put ENOUGH overtime money where he can find it. Looks like they may need it, if the water main breaks are starting already. I hope Cross Roads had water. It is hard to cook with out it. His department is so transparent, JD had to do his budget over, and over. You know, it is hard to cover your butt, and write at the same time. It is like a game, one time you do not have any money under leases, the next time you do! Humm, what is with the lease deal? Maybe a place to hide money, just incase?? JD, you have to know by now, people do pay attention to what you write!! Just saying, my opinion. Bev.

    1. I spoke to one of the Sewer Commissioners last night. A big chunk of the money in free cash, that they have, is money they get when you pay your betterment fees. The fee a person is charged when sewer goes by their property. This money can not be used by the Commissioners for anything but paying off the bond. So it may look like they have a good sum of money to blow, but in reality, they don't. Another interesting thing was brought up. The lagoon that the EPA has been on their back about, IS NOT ON TOWN LAND. Only a really small bit, the rest belongs to American Tissue. That means, our Sewer Commissioners will not pay one more penny to clean AT's mess. Good job guys! They have informed the EPA, and we can sit back and watch them straighten things out, on their dime. It would be nice if we could recover what we have spent already. Time will tell. Bev.
