Friday, June 21, 2013

Chapter 26 Acts of 2013

The Land for the School

The TDC land for an elementary school on Crow Hill has just been signed into LAW.  This is great news for the Town of Templeton as well as the students and families in our aging elementary schools. Thank YOU, Senator Brewer!


  1. A huge THANK YOU to Mr. Ritter and Kirk Moschetti, for getting this done. You need to remember that $200,000. was spent by a group, to find land for a school, and they came up empty handed. The school may not get built this year, or the next, but we have the land. That will not change. Thanks again, Jeff and Kirk for doing a job for the people of this town, with out spending a fortune. BEV

  2. Yes i would also like to personally thank them and also Senator Brewer for the push and QUICK turn around.
    I must also say this to Dennis duh Obrien. This was not a stupid idea was it? We the tax payers in Templeton are not stupid. The old saying is 1 LEAD 2 FOLLOW OR 3 GET OUT OF THE WAY. #1+#2 Didn't work out so well for you maybe its time you and #3 met.It would do Templeton alot of "good". Please take Bubba with you.My opinions and please opine some more!
