Saturday, June 22, 2013

Response to Voice of Reason


Paulys Templeton Watch: Can Templeton water department budget stalemate be broken?

Voiceofreason? Blog from comment! Exactly this.Yes you are again! I helped repair the first main break on sawyer street with Mr Brown and others. It was an allnighter,much work for all and no fun!I've helped with 7 total .. This another is another Sawyer street another. Play words any way you want, within reason please!

There is very little I would think our Town employees could or would do to cause it. The pipe in Gardner was patched but wouldn't hold, Could it be because the line repair people turned the water on to fast and didn't bleed the air properly? Our help know the ropes and take the time to introduce the flow properly. If that part isn't done correctly it stands to reason it pops again. No repairs the crews 
I've worked with have had to redig after a repair.

As for the more overtime,After 8 hours you are paid a rate of 1 1/2 per hour and that stands to reason why I wrote more O.T. Good for them. They work in a bug infested hole breathing in asbestos dust 
till 8:45pm and wonder after the end of the month will they get a layoff.

Will the general manager/commission/lawyer keep up the crap that started the mess? Play the commissions games they have for over a year. Lie to the public at BOS meetings and at ATM in writing. You should pick up a paper and read about the rest of the area too. 
Fitchburg,Ashburnham and also Gardner have all had major main breaks. Gardners is a private main line on the mall property. I would think the complete line will need replacment and will keep all stores closed till water is restored.I don't think its their colleagues.

I have never dissed the water department,light department workers. I 
do have a issue with the general managers answers and the attitude that I and others were met with by the thoughtless commission. The reasons for that is not only mine but many that would like answers and the laws followed without our rights being removed,as they were informed of the last L+W show. The contracts of 5k or more need 
to be at the selectman's office for all public to view during normal business hours.

The turbine cost audit study still not done,next month after a dusting off. Why would anyone believe after all this proof of the lies we hear from them? For the first time Driscoll wanted to record audio of his own meeting. Will he believe himself after a playback? When will the amount spent be what they said it was or would be? Voices are silent when anonymous is what you hide behind.

The lack of insight you have about the big picture is the voice I hear. Burp or fart it's all fuzzy.The Stupid and Bubba team are whats wrong with Templeton. Or is that the reason for you to opine, Are you also a stupid taxpayer( ie quote D.Obrien + muted person at a BOS meeting by chairman Columbus) then if you are you have no voice to 
reason with. I'm feel sorry for anyone that follows people like them. The town needs people to see the real problems and help the BOS now to fix Templeton problems.Like the Vice chairman told the L+W lawyer as do i feel and many others alike I would think the fire and rescue work fine under their watch and so would the L+W departments and then we would have a say or at least it wouldn't be a Bubba show!

Driscoll said he wouldn't work well under them and has a bit of,I don't work for Templeton history. Ask another fine Selectman Sgt. Bennett,he fights for our rights as you go about your lives bashing those that care enough to try to change things for the better.Things about the water dept were made to look worse so this chapter 93 mess could be pushed. Talk to the people like I have and you'll know the 
truths from the people who knew what was going on. It was all about the money, was then and still is now!

The Select team that was is no more, Better days are soon to be here, Please join us,vote to abolish the problems and fix Templeton,Without a L+W commission,Or the gigantic L+W lawyer bills. Please come to the STM and vote. Show them their lies didn't hold water and clear heads will prevail. Many told me the reason they would not support my petition was due to the select board we had. Those people need to have faith in who we have for Select board people now.

Be a Shareholder and help Templeton!

Dave Smart



  1. The Selectmen in office now, will prove to be the best group in charge, for many years. We have Echo Hill's loyal followers Bubba and Stupid, trying to stop progress. The people in this town, need to stand up and tell people like this to get lost. They do not have your interest in mind. You can not afford to have their interference, spoil any progress that can be made. Bev.

  2. I am glad hear that you were not dissing the workers...because that was not clear in your initial statement. I am disappointed in your "people like them" statement and also I am not a "stupid tax payer". I will be there to vote!

    1. Not one of us have a problem with the workers!! We have said that again and again! When you go to vote, please bring someone else with you. People need to understand this is not the Light Department they remember. That light Department was run for the people in the Town of Templeton, by the people who live in Templeton. Our present Manager does not live in town, and does not appear to care one iota about you and me! Our Commissioners are watching out for the business, and how it effects the people who pay the bills, comes after the money is distributed among the inner circle. Why do you think the Chairman told myself and the others with me, that they did not care about the financial problems the town has! Stupid me, thought that because we, as in the town, owned the business, we could go to them for help!! Guess what?? Their lawyer seems to think we gave away, any say in how the water Department is run, when it went to the Light Department. That would mean that, they have no one to to question how they do business, how much people are paid, and how much they charge us!! Nope, we have no say !! How does that sit with you?? Does anyone really think the Water Department is doing any better? It looks like a big slush fund, to inflate pays. Doesn't it make you wonder why our friend was having a hard time, coming up with a budget, you and the Advisory Board would find acceptable?? This will all come out in the wash. Again I do not have a bad thing to say about the people who work in the ice, snow and rain, or the people who work in the office. Our friends from Echo Hill, would love to drum up support, by telling lies, like the one used already. We were going to fire them all!! No one is that stupid, and why would anyone do that when we have loyal people who have worked hard for so many years. I'll bet, all this time they thought they worked for the town!! This is my opinion, Bev.

  3. "lucky you",you don't pay taxes in templeton.People like them? Directly was for Bubba and D.O the two who are the issue i was pointing out for the people who didn't go or see the videos. Factual and on utube or this blog. Their words just being quoted. Some would and will follow them off the cliff.Go for it , or go for Templeton with us.People need to listen, our message has been the same and the facts are here and are more now than ever.
    Be a Shareholder and support the work moving forward for a better Templeton. Better Schools,Fire ,and Roads. Templeton need to get our business in order! "It is our Business"
    Vote to abolish the commission and fire their lawyers that lead the circle of wagons.
