Thursday, June 6, 2013

public record request - lease

Here is a copy of a public record request for the land lease for the turbine.

Also thought we should all read and reread Chapter 164 of the Mass General Laws look down in sections 50+ and 60+ that talk about Municipal light plants. And read again Chapter 93 of the Acts of 2000


  1. I for one hope Mr. Driscoll gets the same time response he gave me when i asked for only 1 thing. and he could have just emailed it to me. I think people should be treated the way they treat other people,let alone a customer.
    Make him wait 9 days,then mail a request for the money to be paid first to get the first requested documents. 1 thing at a time is a fair response and wait till that happens to give a single thing.Also a reason for the request is not a unfair question.

  2. I have to disagree with Dave on this one. You don't treat public record requests differently because of the person making the request.

    The BOS has nothing to hide so I believe the request will be filled in a timely manner according to LAW.

  3. Yes Julie your so right and this shows your on the towns side and that you care about what happens in Templeton and to Templeton. It also shows the others are not and couldn't care less about Templetons future.Thank you for your insight and also your unwavering service to the Templeton people!

    1. It is really something when we can look at the same situation, and come out thinking one thing, and Julie will present another way to look at the same situation, and I'll be darned, most of the time she is right. This has happened more than once to me. I guess that is why I value her friendship, and intelligence. The ability to discuss problems and situations, to get another opinion, is the most valuable freedom we have. We can think what we want, and have the ability to change our mind. All it takes is, the willingness to listen, and to be open to changing your mind! It is sad, when a mind is made up, with out looking at all the options. You shut off the ability to learn something new. More people need to read the blog. Aside from some of the really filthy stuff that a very few people posted during the election, this is a super way to get information, you will not find any place else. A big thank you to the people who give us the FACTS, that help us make good decisions. Bev.
