Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Shedding some Light…NOT!

okay links are fixed now!

Shedding some Light…NOT!

Well, the good news first! The Town Coordinator received a letter yesterday from the manager of TMLWP, John Driscoll. In his letter Mr. Driscoll states:

 “The purpose of this letter is to inform the Templeton BOS that the Templeton Light and Water Commission Chairman, General Manager and COUNSEL (emphasis mine) will be able to attend the Selectmen’s meeting to be held on June 10, 2013.”

This is a step in the right direction. Nothing like a friendly chat with a high paid lawyer in attendance! At this time TMLWP is not prepared to discuss a PILOT payment. “This particular Selectmen’s Meeting should focus on the critical public safety issues of providing water to Templeton’s businesses and residents and layoffs of Templeton Water employees”

According to Mr. Driscoll : “Finally, any legal opinion sent to me concerning “town governance” is an attorney-client protected document, and not subject to disclosure.”

Very considerate of the General Manager to set the agenda for the BOS meeting!

June 10th! Get there early to save a seat!

But WAIT! That’s not ALL!!

An additional LETTER from the TMLWP Manager, John Driscoll, was hand delivered to the BOS yesterday. Never have I seen so much communication between the BOS and TMLWP! This looks auspicious …until you read this letter!

The letter is a “Public Records Request pursuant to G.L. c. 66, § 10”.

It appears the manager would like minutes and e-mails about TMLWP invoices. All correspondence.

Looks like TMLWP is gearing up for a lawsuit!


Please keep in mind the TMLWP Commissioners voted to increase YOUR water rates. If the minutes of TMLWP are to be believed, they are currently running a $60,000- $65,000 DEFICIT - THIS FISCAL YEAR !

So let me get this straight. TMLWP are RAISING the water rates, the rates you and I pay; are incurring increasing legal costs while running a deficit; in order to prepare to SUE the Town?

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. There is so much wrong with this picture!! Way back, like last winter, I wrote on this blog, "These guys have no limits to the arrogance they show, to the people of this town", and now the Board of Selectman. Ok, so they have been doing their own thing, for so long, they are willing to fight to keep the rest of the town government out of what they think is their business! That is fine and wonderful, the only problem is they are doing all of this on your dime!! These questions, 1. Who does the Light and Water Dept answer to? 2. Does the Advisory Board have any say about their budget? 3. Did Town Meeting vote mean anything? All these things need to be answered, and the Atty. General would do it for nothing! NOTHING!!! Mr. Driscoll, you guys are broke, on the water side anyway, so why spend spend, spend? It is because he does not have to pay, you do. Lets have some support on Monday night. I knew this was coming. Lets get it over with, and find a General Manager who knows how to run a business!! Sounds good to me. My opinion, Bev.

  2. I am curious if this meeting will be held at town offices or at KIVA as I suspect there will be a lot of people interested in being in the audience for this joint meeting. I wouldn't want to see an over capacity issue on such an important meeting that needs to take place before STM deadline.

    I find it strange that L&W would come to this meeting with a lawyer in tow. If the issue is as simple as requesting a line item budget for the water dept., why would a lawyer need to be involved? It clearly states in the special act Ch 93 Acts of 2000 that L&W will provide said budget as well as meet with BOS when requested. If there is nothing to "hide", then why all the fuss and fighting? It makes the accusations against L&W seem more realistic. I highly doubt the Princeton Light Mgr. would have an issue providing budget information. And if our L&W dept had nothing to hide, they'd be just as willing to provide any info requested by anyone. The resistance is quite concerning and unprofessional.

  3. Down hear on the lower forty we smell lawsuit. As a taxpayer and electric user I get to pay for both side of this stupidity should it go off on skedule. Couldn't we use are money for something a little more productive?

  4. Would someone please advise Mr Driscoll (and also Mr Blais, Mr Stewart and Mr Edwards that they work for the ratepayers of the of the town of Templeton.

  5. Mr. JD needs to back to climbing poles. He is clearly in way over his head as a manager.

    1. Why not keep to the middle of the road, and just see what the AG's office says? If JD was smart, that is what he should have done. I guess he may manage numbers, but there is much to be learned, on the dealing with people side of the business. Talking about shooting himself in the foot!! He just about crapped on the very people who may be his bosses! Nice going, just leave the hybrid in the parking lot, on the way to sign up for unemployment benefits. He has treated the people who went for help, very poorly. When this is over, I know I have had ENOUGH of him. We do not need a lawsuit, no way! The only one to gain will be the lawyer he has hired with our money!! Well, we were on our way to having some sanity in this town, but this has been brewing for a while, so let's get this over with, for once and for all. Bev.

  6. Templetonian -

    The BOS meeting will be held in the KIVA and should be recorded. I hope there is a five second delay. There are rumors of the TMLWP Chairman using foul language.

  7. Mr. Driscoll should read the MGL and realize he is to report to the BOS as often as they wish and he can check with his attorney on this. Mr. Driscoll should also be aware that just because he brings an attorney does not mean the attorney will be allowed to speak or give opinions. If there is not a qurum of the light & water comm present at a "joint meeting" of the BOS & Light & Water commissioners. But we shall see who shows up on Monday. I find it odd that now Mr. Driscoll wishes to state his concern for town safety. If he was really concerned, he would ensure a detailed line item budget was available at least by March 1. Mr. Driscoll can be sure that as a citizen of Templeton, I will be contacting the Attorney Generals office ( as a private citizen and not as a selectmen) and ask her to give an opinion on the water dept and the special acts of 2000 because of this safety issue and for concern of fire insurance costs related to possible shutoff of town water.

  8. Mr. Driscoll should read the MGL and realize he is to report to the BOS as often as they wish and he can check with his attorney on this. Mr. Driscoll should also be aware that just because he brings an attorney does not mean the attorney will be allowed to speak or give opinions. If there is not a qurum of the light & water comm present at a "joint meeting" of the BOS & Light & Water commissioners. But we shall see who shows up on Monday. I find it odd that now Mr. Driscoll wishes to state his concern for town safety. If he was really concerned, he would ensure a detailed line item budget was available at least by March 1. Mr. Driscoll can be sure that as a citizen of Templeton, I will be contacting the Attorney Generals office ( as a private citizen and not as a selectmen) and ask her to give an opinion on the water dept and the special acts of 2000 because of this safety issue and for concern of fire insurance costs related to possible shutoff of town water.

  9. There should be a chain of command at the L&W where the Commissioners state what they want done to Mr. Driscoll. Blaming Mr. Driscoll for doing what his Commissioners want done may not be appropriate. If Mr. Driscoll is running amok he should be dismissed by the chain of command above him as his actions are reckless.

  10. If the letter sent to the BOS signed by Mr. Driscoll is true and correct and only the chair is coming, it appears the elected commissioners do not really care, I mean if is such a safety worry for Mr. Driscoll, why then are not all three commissioners coming. If there is no quorum of the Light comm, there is no joint meeting and nothing much to be gained at this meeting. If the commissioners are not going to participate, why do we have them? Just so they can collect thier annual stipend? Perhaps it is not Mr. Driscoll who needs to be fired?

  11. Down hear on the lower forty we think the meeting should be moved to the Red Barn on Baldwinville Road. It would be a great time to sell some yard sale items.

    1. I have a sneaky feeling Mr.Driscoll thinks he is going to the meeting to straighten out the selectmen!! Who is pulling his strings? I gave it some thought and I think we may be giving JD too much credit. Think about it, who wants to destroy the town? Who sits in the back ground and has others do their dirty work? Who got us in the hole we are in, and violated Our trust? ENOUGH, Do you think these guys have ENOUGH brains to understand what a long drawn law suit would do to this town? Do you think they care? We have been existing on a shoe string for a couple of years. There is not a dime extra to blow on the things we need, but have done with out. When I say we, I am referring to the town departments, and the good people who work for us. Jeff get a hold of the AG's office. We can not get suckered into a big expensive fight, just to prove a point, and to make their lawyer rich. Our Light and Water Commissioners should be ashamed of them selves. This is a disagreement about policy. The town needs a answer to the questions about the relationship between town and L&W. We need the AG to answer a question, we do not need a civil war, as much as ENOUGH would like us to get into one. Monday night should be a agreement between the boards, to get answers. JD leave the lawyer home!! Nothing will be accomplished that night, and you will only be wasting money, ours. My opinion, Bev.

  12. it is obvious the Mr. Driscoll does not want to follow the rules and law.....he should be FIRED immediately and replaced with someone who actually cares....and I bet there are many qualified people who could fill that position.

    Fire him.

  13. Mr Chucklbunny, The only way to fire him is action by the Light and water commission. Psrt of my citizens petition was so the control to hire and fire would force Driscoll to own his doings and the board would not be in the way as they are now!
    I think you would now agree i was correct to want them gone.
    They will back this man no matter what!
    The idea to sell it has become an option again in my mind.

    1. Chucklbunny, No luck firing him, besides he is not the only problem. I do not believe the Templeton Municipal Light was set up to benefit the people in this town. Now it is being run to benefit a chosen few. I have no axe to grind with the people who work there. I do have a problem with some of the decisions that have been made by the commissioners, and the very limited access to the information we as rate payers have gotten, even as we have asked. Julie had been put off for trying to do her job. I have a idea of the abuse she took from these people, because she was trying to protect the town. This problem we have should not be taken lightly, in more ways than one. Things need to change and the more people understand, I really think they will agree. Every board or group should work for the benefit of the town. I do not care who they are. We as rate payers, have the right to know how things are run, and what we are responsible for. In the end we pay the bills. What doesn't the Light and Water Commissioners understand about that??? The Commissioners do not want a PILOT, and I know why. In the past, the town received the left overs, after every one else was paid, and the toys were bought. To agree to a PILOT, would mean that we would be paid, just like any bill, and it would be a predetermined figure. Oh my, that would mean that they may have to refigure their pay schedule, or buy less toys. Too bad, that is the way a business is run. Things will come out in the wash. My opinion, Bev

  14. Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup........

  15. Nowhere in the chapter 164 laws does it reference anything about water. The only mention is to the hydro power production and it has noting to do with this bowl of crap were dealing with. The part of chapter 93 are only a managemnet part to be used as 164 only for the management and not the accounting side and budget side, If this is false then why did the light and water only change it in 2006/2007. It shows they thought nobody would speak up till they had us step up for Templeton.
    Citizens 4 Templeton take to heart a problem that can harm our town and with people helping us out that will not happen. Stop the power grab going on at the Light and Water and better Templeton for all in the future. I still believe the people in Templeton can see the problems the light and water commission are causing and can put pressure on them to do the right things in the future. The Attorney General has been working on this and will be the one to listen to in the end as the lawyer hired by the general manager makes another payment on the mercedes on our dime. Driscolls days are numbered. The laws have been broken and this will be pointed out very soon, The Dragon slayer is on our side,Its called justice! Justice for Templeton!
    Death to the Dragon's ways!
    This is our towns Business!

  16. so what your saying is that no matter what...he cannot be fired ?? the commission has to take action ?? and they are in his pocket ??

    who set up this scam ?? how do I get in on it ?? I would love to have a job with no checks and balances !! about a snipe basically we are screwed and he knows it.....

    awesome....I feel like someone sold me a bridge to nowhere.

    1. Chucklebunny, The General Manager is here to stay. The Commissioners are here to stay, as long as the light and water remain the way they are. This was not a scam when it was set up. We had good people doing their job, with the town's people in mind. No checks and balances ended up being the problem. All was going good, until the management decided to make decisions that In my opinion, should have involved the town. Money that they made could have increased the payment to the town, but they chose to pay their people more, than anyone who works for the town make. Other problems have been pointed out, they have been blogged about. More information can be found on past blogs. Changes can be made with the support of the people in town. Maybe when they get their next water bill, they will pay closer attention. The charge to be a customer, is supposed to go up to 56.00. That should wake everyone up! This is to pay for the lawyer, they paid to answer questions, they could have answered by reading MGL's or calling the Town Clerk. We are only screwed if we sit back and do nothing! People in town, need to understand, this is not their fathers light department. Changes have been made, that are not in their best interest. They need to stand up and fight to make things better. My opinion, Bev.

  17. We got a saying down here on the lower forty, "electric power corrupts, absolute electric power corrupts absolutely". Looks like we got one of them runaway trains.

  18. There is one way out that will work for us and Templeton . Its called a citizens petition and i would gladly try to put it on the annual town meeting warrant again. Its like fishing in a way let them take it then set the hook,line and sinker. The line is out there and the hook may get swallowed at the next selectmans meeting if they keep up the bull--it.After the people get to hear the chairman of the L+W show,general manager and their lawyer go on about the law as they read it,if they are allowed too.Then the people may want a change and i will have my speech ready to go and rebuttal for the old manager also.The town may need to wake up soon and step up to help out on this problem.

  19. Who made this empire? why Jerry Skelton of course. Get in as general Manager (Jerry Skelton)then get commissioners that are your buddies, back then it was Dana, Sean Hamilton, Gregg Edwards. Take over water so you can increase your pay and retirement. Retire and then make your good buddy and commission member Sean Hamilton the General Manager, and you (Jerry S) get on the Commission. Then when Sean leaves promote Mr Driscoll to GM. Thus you have created and empire! Unfortunately one Commission member can not change things, as Julie found out when she infiltrated the "Boys Club". It takes the the power of two. and seeing as there isn't a meeting posted for the Water Dept to meet with the Selectmen on Monday night, one can only assume that it will be Mr Driscoll and Dana only. So where will the other two commissioners be? do they care? Have they met and voted to have Mr D and Dana handle it?

    1. Seems to me, if you are a Light and Water Commissioner, you should be at that meeting! Maybe some are feeling pressure, now that they may be required to explain some of the decisions, that have been made. What is the old saying? You play, you pay!! Why worry if everything is on the up and up?? Just where is the cost study for the wind mill?? How much is it going to cost us?? Who is paying for the lawyer to go to the meeting Monday night?? Why not give a line item budget to the Advisory Board?? Every other board in town did!! So many questions, so little time! How much did the pays go up, for people working for the Water Department?? How deep is that department in the hole?? Do you think people may get upset with those figures??(You think!!) It will come out in the wash, it always does. My opinion, Bev

    2. As i read with my Driver/operator eyes,uneducated brain tells me there is another angle we may have some luck with.
      Chapter 93 Section 2,paragraph 2 = During his tenure,said manager shall hold no other elective or appointive office nor engage in any other business or occupation . "Period"! Would an "Inmate" status qualify? Come clean JD it could be your last chance!
      I'm sure the Chapter 164 book wouldn't cover him either! Just my opinion!

  20. The law is very clear on the issue of over spending in a department. The penalties are not as in the 164 punishments of 5.00 and 10.00. The amounts and time in jail are more to the deterent stage 1,000.00 / 1 year and may have a role to play in Templeton soon.In the past the people that would violate the laws are still in play and if the meddling keeps up will be the first to find out,as they should. Fact.

  21. Please read chapter 164 section 57 the last 7 sentences are about what the surplus amout afte rthe year end are used for.Pay special note to the "nuclear decommissioning costs"!
    Does anyone thing the amount will be small and how would it be if the nukes were in on fail or have a meltdown. The MMWEC crew will have Templeton for lunch in a flash.I think the TMLWP has our little town backed into corner and the lawyers are the ones running the show or should i say shows. I think a copy of the contract between TMLWP and MMWEC and what the costs in the future could be for Templeton should be a clear document for us all to form an opinion on. My opinion is it must be clearly written.
    Templeton is on the hook for more than we even know about.Is our purchase of power from Millstone #3 /Seabrook #1 /Seabrook #3#4#5#6 nuclear plants part of the section 57 of the chapter 164 law to decommission them in the end our liability? If so were cooked/nuked!
